Post-Game Talk: Jets 7 - Avs 6, Jets lead series 1-0

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Registered User
Sep 19, 2014
There was a couple of drunk Avs fans a few rows behind us. The guy wearing a MacKinnon jersey wipe out on the aisle steps, HARD. Landed directly on his ass, both elbows too, on the cement. I could feel his pain, his coccyx is going to be in rough shape when he sobers up.
There's way too much time for drinking at the event. Tuesday will be worse.


The Ballad of Ville Bobby
Mar 10, 2010
How do you tell Appleton he did anything wrong on the penalty he got? Victim of score bias and even up bias.

I was so pissed off at Appleton on that play. Right off the faceoff an Avs player did something to him because he was on his hands and knees for a few seconds and was clearly wounded. When he got up he looked really pissed off and in true Flinstones fashion I yelled out “don’t do it Len” when you could see him heading over to exact revenge. I f***ing knew they were going to call him on the retaliation because that is how refs roll, because he lacked discipline and didn’t take a license plate number he cost us a goal and that let the Avs right back in that game.

It was a horseshit play and if he wasn’t on the 3rd line he should have been benched. The rest of the criticism of the refs everyone can have at it but Apples f***ed up.


Registered User
Jun 22, 2011
L4 Kordylewski Cloud
opening night jitters, a really good team with a chip on their shoulder
first time Jets 2.0 have won game 1 at home…

and Avs right now are frustrated, angry, and don’t trust thier goaltending or thier D and its ability to stop the Jets.

meanwhile we played pretty bad, played most of the game the way they wanted to, and still had what it tookto close out a reg time win.

they have yo be asking questions


Registered User
Oct 19, 2014
I think second goal Stan is already there for a quick outlet pass. Instead of passing it to him Samberg tries to go up middle, by time Stan can react puck is already in the net.

What's a bit weird is that Samberg made a bad giveaway similar to this last year, with it being in roughly the same spot, versus Vegas that lead to a goal against. If I remember right, it was after the Jets tied it up after being down a few goals. Killing all the momentum the team had.

I like Samberg and think he's a very good defenceman but he seems to have a bit of a problem with nerves in the playoffs since this is now the second time it's happened. He really needs to get his nerves under control and stop panicking.


jets bromantic
Sep 27, 2009
British Columbia
opening night jitters, a really good team with a chip on their shoulder
first time Jets 2.0 have won game 1 at home…

and Avs right now are frustrated, angry, and don’t trust thier goaltending or thier D and its ability to stop the Jets.

meanwhile we played pretty bad, played most of the game the way they wanted to, and still had what it tookto close out a reg time win.

they have yo be asking questions


(Note: we did beat Minnesota game 1 in 2018, also game 2,4 and 5)

What's a bit weird is that Samberg made a bad giveaway similar to this last year, with it being in roughly the same spot, versus Vegas that lead to a goal against. If I remember right, it was after the Jets tied it up after being down a few goals. Killing all the momentum the team had.

I like Samberg and think he's a very good defenceman but he seems to have a bit of a problem with nerves in the playoffs since this is now the second time it's happened. He really needs to get his nerves under control and stop panicking.

A lot of our boys had nerves tonight

But only way to get over them is playing through them


Kinda Optimistic
Jun 29, 2015
Fraud City MB
There was a couple of drunk Avs fans a few rows behind us. The guy wearing a MacKinnon jersey wipe out on the aisle steps, HARD. Landed directly on his ass, both elbows too, on the cement. I could feel his pain, his coccyx is going to be in rough shape when he sobers up.
Hope he has an Assectomy.


Assectomy – the procedure in which an asshole is separated from an institution, employer or personal relationship because of being an asshole.

Some survive an assectomy by joining AA Assholes Anonymous and participating in a 12-step program to reform their lives. Others just go on to another institution, employer or personal relationship to repeat the cycle in an endless loop of assholiness.


The thrill is gone
Mar 16, 2011
Wasn’t pretty but a win is a win!

Lowsy and Connor money!

Crowd was great both inside and outside!

Outshot badly that can’t happen again!

Not Helly’s best game, thought our D were subpar

Got stuck with a phone to text text on which never works with my sausage fingers!


Registered User
Apr 1, 2012
It's all about collecting wins. That's 1

Probably shouldn't play like that moving forward but I can't see the Avs being able to ride that top line like that for very long before they're ground down
The second line for the Av's also gave the Jets problems but depth won the night as did the top line and the Av's having the weaker goalie.


Registered User
Dec 2, 2011
Well that was fun and terrifying.

Helle in playoff form... please find Helle in vezina form.

Lowry, Vilardi and Morrissey in beast mode - all the other forwards in pretty good mode. 2nd line had some issues...

For every 1 smart play pionk makes, he follows it up with a clown show. Faith in Pionk could be Bones downfall.

Shortening the bench did not work. Not sure Im a fan of Bones all-star line to end the game... the guys were exhausted.

Monahan should take the late game draws - or Lowry - Scheif never wins key draws.

Stan is unfortunately just too slow - team is better if Samberg can play his natural side. Would rather Miller than Schmidt but Stan is going to run out of gas by game 3 at best.

Overall I'd say the bad goals evened out which is scary... and we only won because of a fast whistle - also scary.

MacKinnon can't possibly play 40 minutes a game for 7 games right...?

Anunnen starting next game 100%
What fast whistle?
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