Four on Four Hockey


Registered User
Mar 8, 2012
Is it really necessary anymore. I admit that when they took out the red line I wasn't too crazy about it because I thought it would open up the game too much but I think there is just enough offense and hitting right now that five on five hockey is extremely entertaining. The NHL seems to keep looking for excuses to have four on four play. The embellishment dive on a so so hooking call that probably isn't going to be called if the player doesn't dive. The latest one is for when the linesmen jump in when two players have dropped the gloves but no punches have been thrown they both get coincidental minors instead of majors so we skate four on four.
Without the red line and the losing team getting a point, I would love to see overtime played five on five.


4 on 4 is good. If you're going to remove something, eliminate the shoot-out. Give me 10 min of 4 on 4, then 5 min of 3 on 3. That should finish any hockey game. The shoot-out is a gimmick that cheapens the effort put forth by both teams. It is removed in the play offs, partially for that reason. 4 on 4 should be the standard for deciding a game's outcome.


Registered User
Oct 19, 2014
4 on 4 is good. If you're going to remove something, eliminate the shoot-out. Give me 10 min of 4 on 4, then 5 min of 3 on 3. That should finish any hockey game. The shoot-out is a gimmick that cheapens the effort put forth by both teams. It is removed in the play offs, partially for that reason. 4 on 4 should be the standard for deciding a game's outcome.

I would love to see 10min 4on4 in OT, I think that would settle 90% of all ties, 4on4 hockey is fun


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