Pre-Game Talk: Round 2 - Canes vs Bolts

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Registered User
May 13, 2007
Outside of the obvious, what exactly is the problem people seem to have with AJ Whatsherface? Like, I don't think she's God's gift to broadcasting or something but she's perfectly fine, considering the occupation of NHL color commentators seems to be populated by halfwits and creepers who vomit nonstop corny-ass hamfisted garbage
On a national broadcast, I’d expect someone better. seems like the color man’s purpose varies. Massive apologist, massive homer, comic relief, playing it straight - it runs the gamut. There’s doesn’t seem to be a mold. AJ seems like the type who’d play it straight and call it pretty much down the line. But there’s no sizzle either. She’s...ok. Nothing special.
I don’t hate Pierre like most people, and I respect his time in the NHL.
I also don’t go actively looking for reasons to criticize...any commentator. I’m there to watch the game, not to psychoanalyze the person who’s breaking down certain plays.


Recovering Future Considerations Truther
Feb 23, 2014
So… regardless how the marketing is done, either way she’s going to get criticized as undeserving of her job because of her gender?

Seems like that puts a finger on the problem. This argument had to happen, no matter what, because at the end of the day there are “some people” just waiting for a woman to show up so they can berate her for not belonging.
Actually what happened it seems I have let myself be kobayashi marued into trying to make a universal argument applying at the same time to a real life hockey commentator and a fictitious captain of a space ship.


Loyal Fan of Jerks
Nov 2, 2016
The only thing I can see (outside of the obvious, as noted) is that she doesn’t have a traditional sportscaster-style delivery. She talks like a normal person having a normal conversation, and we’re used to getting blasted with high volume chatter. It’s the difference between listening to an audiobook and getting harangued by a carny.

Personally I think she brings a lot of legitimate insight to the game. She points out technical details that even committed hockey fans are unlikely to notice, and that’s not common in national broadcasts. I’ve learned from listening to her, which is more than I can say for the majority of color guys. We do not need to be told at 90 decibels that the game is going to hinge on which team wants it more, or that so-and-so is a real heart and soul player. It’s more interesting to know that Aho opened up his hips as he picked up that loose puck, which gave him the stability and heads-up awareness to make the right pass.

The best description I’ve seen of the USA broadcast was when someone said it’s like baseball-style commentary at a hockey pace. In that context, if Mlezcko just chattered and became white noise to ignore, she’d get roasted even harder. As it is, she’s giving us stuff to think about and that’s not working either because people don’t think she sounds “right”. It makes you wonder what people really want, except again for the obvious.
I personally have (and think I've mentioned it here) issues with her knowledge of the teams she has far more insight into the Tampa Bay team then our team. To me similar to Eddie O and when he calls non Chicago / rivals) Both are far more useful when they talk about teams they know. and hell this is the first year in ages we had more then 1 National game. how could anyone "know" us.
I just think announcers don't tend to care as much about their craft as I would like. but in it's own way they are better then they have ever been but still sometimes sound like idiots.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2019
I'd like to see her paired with a guy of Doc or John's capabilities; a more cerebral play-by-play caller would probably give her knowledge of the game and non-standard (lack of macho bullshit) commentary the spotlight it deserves. Pairing her with run of the mill play-by-play guys does her skills an injustice.
I've seen her paired with John and it worked much better. I admit that I have a background in theater and training, so I'm probably more conscious of delivery than most people.


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