Your worst hockey injury


At least there was 2018.
Feb 18, 2012
District of Champions
My worst hockey injury was actually seemingly the most innocent. A guy was skating by me and accidentally jammed the toe of his stick into the palm of my hand. Freak accident but he broke my trapezium (joint at the bottom of your thumb right at the wrist — think your thumb pad) and I’ve had pain in my carpometacarpal joint ever since. This happened when I was like 14 and a few years later I’d already developed arthritis in the joint. 20+ years later it still affects my grip strength and it’s frequently painful and the swelling never went down. I don’t take slap shots any more because the impact aggravates it and it’ll be sore for days afterwards. The doc said I could maybe get surgery if it gets worse but most likely it’s just something I’ll have to continue living with.

Worst injury I’ve ever seen in hockey was when a dude skating towards the bench for a line change lost an edge and went into the boards feet first. His right ankle shattered and dislocated and his foot was pointing in the wrong direction. After that I never skated directly forwards the bench, always at an angle.

Worst overall sports injury for me was a compound fracture and dislocation of my finger playing another sport. Pretty gnarly seeing your own bone. Every time my heart beat blood would squirt out… made one of my teammates faint. I’ve always had a pretty high tolerance for pain but I was shocked at how little it hurt. I actually played for another minute or two before realizing my finger didn’t feel right and when I took off my glove my bone was staring at me. Didn’t hurt at all until a few hours later when the doctors were f***ing with it and I told them if they touched it again without me being sedated I’d punch them with my good hand. They injected me with a shit ton of Dilaudid (5x the strength of morphine) before surgery and I was on cloud 9 after that.


Registered User
Aug 8, 2010
Got slew footed by a cement head right after a whistle. Regained awareness of where I was at the next afternoon in the hospital. Did t know what hospital, but the curtains around the bed and tv on the wall gave it away!
I apparently went after the ref when no penalty was called and got suspended. Have no memory of it. Bad enough concussion that i stopped playing (I was 19). Weird to have a missing day in my life


Registered User
Jan 2, 2018
My worst injury is rather minor. For some reason I caught a wrist sho with my left hand. My index finger hurt a lot. Five weeks later it was still sore, so I saw a doctor, and she smiled and laughed, as it was so obviousy broken. I thought not as it wasn’t painful. The joint had exploded.

My funniest minor injury was when I skated towards an opponent, who fired the puck at me, hitting my lower leg. I screamed in pain, skating on the good leg only, not fully aware, the puck was still in play, no stoppage, and someone else fired the puck at my chest. I screamed in pain, now gripping chest and leg. I was told off for getting in the way.

The worst was a friend who stopped a slapshot with his blade, and it bounced up into his face, removing four teeth. After that everyone wore a cage. A few years later the person who took that slapshot collapsed on the ice with a heart attack. Another player skated off the ice, ran outside in his skates to the next building to fetch the defibrillator, and saved his life. The rink then bought their own defibrillator. The rink owners are mean so we jokingly say that the defibrillator is coin operated.

Chuck Testa

Registered User
Mar 27, 2017
The worst hockey related injury I ever had was fracturing a growth plate in my ankle when I was 11 (I think?) might have been 12.

I was chasing down a kid that was sprung on a breakaway and our goaltender came out Fleury-style to break up the play. I had my head down and didn't realize this until the last minute and the goalie ended up taking us both out :laugh:.

Anyway I made it to the bench with my ankle feeling like shit and was prepared to take my next shift when our trainer who also happens to be a doctor suggested we go to the dressing room so that he could remove the skate and take a look at the injury.

I went to the dressing room to have this done and as soon as my skate came off my ankle immediately swelled right up. This ended my season since we were toward the latter half of our schedule anyway but man was it ever painful once that skate came off.
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Cup or Bust

Registered User
Oct 17, 2017
Broken collar bone after a hit behind the net when I was a teenager. I continued my shift until I couldn't move one of my arms correctly and it started tinging. I went immediately to the dressing room, I knew something was wrong. The worst part was taking off my equipment. Thankfully that injury heals as good as new with no lingering effects.
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Jul 13, 2010
One time a shot cracked my goalie mask and apparently it sounded like a gun went off in the arena. I wouldn't know because i couldn't hear anything just lots of ringing.

Pretty sure i had a concussion most likely.

All of my hockey injuries are concussions actually. Hmmm...

FU Shoresy

Registered User
Jan 25, 2023
10 years ago tomorrow. I took a slapshot to my temple. Hit the corner of my helmet, but not much there. Spent 10's of thousands of dollars and a parade of Dr's. And still shaking the cob webs out of the nogging! Still would like to make it back on the ice , but with 60 approaching soon. We'll see!


Registered User
Mar 18, 2010
Chicago, IL
10 years ago tomorrow. I took a slapshot to my temple. Hit the corner of my helmet, but not much there. Spent 10's of thousands of dollars and a parade of Dr's. And still shaking the cob webs out of the nogging! Still would like to make it back on the ice , but with 60 approaching soon. We'll see!
So, no face shield I assume?

FU Shoresy

Registered User
Jan 25, 2023
Had a bird cage on. I like my chicklets were they are. Literally caught me in the 1" that the cage overlaps the helmet.


Kraken up.
Apr 11, 2022
Dawson Creek, BC
I’m a goalie. In the mid to late Nineties I played fairly high level roller hockey in the summer, and during a two on none I went to push from my right post to my left. The front wheel of my right skate got caught in the netting while the rest of my body kept going. I badly sprained my MCL, but the real damage lay in the fact that I tore my groin right off the pubic bone.
I had gotten married nine weeks prior.
I didn’t play again for 14 months, but I’m still playing today at age 62.

Yukon Joe

Registered User
Aug 3, 2011
Guy on the opposing team left the game Sunday night in a hurry - they suspected a broken collarbone.

Not a dirty play at all, but you hate to see something like that in a low-level rec league game at 10pm at night.


Registered User
Jul 14, 2012
London, ontario
Took a slapshot from the point on the PK under the ear and down a few inches and broke my jaw. Puck rolled up on the one timer last second and first instinct was turn my face when I saw it immediately pop up. Probably the "worst", but not as painful as breaking your hand, small bone fractures + ligament tears in your ankles or those little bones on the top of your feet when you wear one on the laces, and definitely less awkward and lingering than tearing my hamstring.


Registered User
May 3, 2006
I guess i could do one for when i played goalie

This night was organized shinny with my best buds. 10 pm game like always. Well doesnt some new 6'3 idiot walk in and take a slapper from the the faceoff dot. I stretched to get my head out of the way but that exposed my collar bone and sure enough thats where it hit me. Im down rolling around on the ice and can see a huge skirmish around this guy. Even guys on his own team were giving him jabs

I was bleeding pretty good but my collar bone held steady lol. I did finish the game. Even after the prick didnt have the balls to apologize. Never saw him again...but i still have the scar to remind me


Registered User
Jun 16, 2010
I got in a fight in jr, hit the guy hard right in the nose/orbitabal and cheek bone area. He broke his nose, orbital bone and cheek bone, his airway colapsed and he ended up needing to be rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery.

He used to be my billet brother before he was traded as well.

All good now!


Registered User
May 3, 2006
I got in a fight in jr, hit the guy hard right in the nose/orbitabal and cheek bone area. He broke his nose, orbital bone and cheek bone, his airway colapsed and he ended up needing to be rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery.

He used to be my billet brother before he was traded as well.

All good now!
You fought your billet? Lol thats too funny. Ive only billeted for rugby.

My best friend way back in the day broke his collar bone. While in AAA try outs I decided to break it again for him LMAO


Registered User
Jun 16, 2010
You fought your billet? Lol thats too funny. Ive only billeted for rugby.

My best friend way back in the day broke his collar bone. While in AAA try outs I decided to break it again for him LMAO
You fought your billet? Lol thats too funny. Ive only billeted for rugby.

My best friend way back in the day broke his collar bone. While in AAA try outs I decided to break it again for him LMAO
Ya we both got traded from the team to different teams. He asked me to fight when our teams played eachother and it happened. Felt sorry as it was early in the year and he was out for a while.

FU Shoresy

Registered User
Jan 25, 2023
The amount of times I've taken a puck or stick in that grey zone that wouldn't have done much difference whether I had a cage or my visor on is mind blowing.
Thing is stuff happens pretty quick and it's always where least expected. I've seen too many errant pucks and sticks take out teeth or gash faces. It never happens when you would most likely expect it.
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Registered User
May 3, 2006
Ya we both got traded from the team to different teams. He asked me to fight when our teams played eachother and it happened. Felt sorry as it was early in the year and he was out for a while.
Careful what you wish for eh 🙄

Some 6' + goof was getting kicked out so i was waving goodnight to him and he throws the ref off him and skates all the way from the blue line to the goal crease to fight me. Screaming "are you drunk kid"? Well I tuned this guy up so bad he was in quite the daze after. First time ive actually got my elbow pad off for a fight lol.

Best part was my new gf was sitting inside, right behind the glass to witness my umm ya it was nice getting home if ya get my drift lists me at 5'10 but im only 5'9 😊


Dahlin, it’ll all be fine
Dec 17, 2018
Broken collar bone after a hit behind the net when I was a teenager. I continued my shift until I couldn't move one of my arms correctly and it started tinging. I went immediately to the dressing room, I knew something was wrong. The worst part was taking off my equipment. Thankfully that injury heals as good as new with no lingering effects.

Damn, can’t imagine continuing- pretty sure I knew somethin wasn’t right immediately when I broke mine.

Happened in a scrimmage, their captain came after me (also C), but dude had gone through all of puberty and probably had to shave his palms while I had yet to see 125 pounds on the scale. Completely away from the puck, he got 2 minutes for interference and I broke my collarbone twice more that year. f***in prick, probably an investment banker.

But ya, that jersey and shoulder pad shit sucked. Like it’s just bad enough where you feel pretty sick, but if you get your arm up another inch you don’t gotta cut anything. Did that 3 times in a season, then was a wuss the rest of my career lol.


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