OT: Ian Cole under investigation by the NHL | Suspended by Lightning | 10/15: NHL "finds no evidence to support anonymous allegations"


Finding new ways to cheat
Feb 27, 2002
Tampa Bay
it’s basically a paid vacation. missing a few hockey games isn’t the end of the world

I think it opens the door to worse scenarios. If you treat this accusation like he’s potentially guilty and suspend him, you have to do the same in all cases
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Finding new ways to cheat
Feb 27, 2002
Tampa Bay
It's a bit concerning if someone did it to a star player in the middle of a playoff series though.

If whoever is behind this really didn't want him to get away with it and play any more they probably should've posted that the moment he became a free agent. Then maybe nobody would've signed him in the first place.

Exactly, it’s in a way like swatting, if you let anonymous internet trolls know they have this kind of influence without recourse they will do it. I’m not saying that is what happened in this case, but I think you have to set a precedent that anonymous accusations will be investigated but not suspendable without a victim to validate facts etc


Finding new ways to cheat
Feb 27, 2002
Tampa Bay
You don't let a guilty man play. Not that Cole was. It looks like there's not enough to go on. With that said, you simply make sure he's compensated for the headache and the world will all move on.

I agree it's a shitty move but it's nothing compared to men who actually do what he was accused of

Are you still thinking this way if Vasy is accused right before an elimination game, and there was never proof that a victim ever existed?


Registered User
Jan 31, 2019
I wanted answers too. The good news is, whoever she is, she still has time to come forward to the NHL. But you're right, they can't wait forever. But I'm sure if she finds a way to the front offices of the NHL, they'll absolutely hear everything again and follow up.

I don't want to see this just disappear either. Whoever this person is I hope they follow up
How do you know that the person that wrote the tweet is a female?


Registered User
Jan 31, 2019
he could be guilty he could not be who knows. the amount of men that are walking free in this world after comitting sexual crimes is huge. nothing much the team can do about it though if the accuser doesn’t want to take it further.

i doubt cole gives a shit about missing 3 games of hockey. and he isn’t so famous that this will affect his life in any real way. at most he’ll see some mean comments on twitter.
Cole knows.

Felonious Python

Minor League Degenerate
Aug 20, 2004
I think that part of the perception problem is how the official statements are written. They're made by lawyers and not PR people. They don't explain reasoning.

You could say, 'after consulting with the NHL and the team's legal counsel, the Tampa Bay Lightning have chosen, due to currently unverifiable accusations, not to suspend [player].' You've got to wedge the reason in, so it can't be quoted out of context.

I'm looking at the tweets to the NHLPA's statement, and while you can't satisfy everyone, there's a notable percentage who don't understand that there are no more details to investigate.

No one else came forward, either. What do you do if more accusations followed?

The Lightning chose to do the right thing for their organization, and suspended him with pay. At least now, the NHLPA want to craft a policy with the league.

Master P

Registered User
Mar 31, 2016
he could be guilty he could not be who knows.
I’d be more inclined to agree with this if there was an actual verifiable person behind the accusation. At the very least a police report or something that would lead us to believe that this person is real. Hell, people are saying”she”. For all we know this could have come from some guy who’s got mental issues.

Seeing stuff like this is scary. If all it takes is a random tweet to label someone as a “possible” rapist….

I mean all someone has to do is create a fake twitter account post something about “insert name” and bam, now we get all the “well we don’t know he DIDNT do it”. And if the accuser just disappears forever what then? Are we just supposed to think that the accused might be a rapist for the rest of their life? All off of one anonymous tweet?

I understand that it can be very difficult for victims to come forward but I don’t see how taking this course of action is going to make things any easier. If this is real then they need to go to the police.


Registered User
Dec 9, 2017

Felonious Python

Minor League Degenerate
Aug 20, 2004
In 2013-14, Andrew Copp was in his sophomore year at Michigan. (the Twitter account's description is "Anonymously submit your Michigan crushes and see them right here! GO BLUE")

Cole was 24. They're both from Ann Arbor.

These Are The Days

Oh no! We suck again!!
May 17, 2014
Tampa Bay
How do you know that the person that wrote the tweet is a female?

"Bring other girls which I was not okay with" "bragged about other girls" "misogynistic comments" etc in the linked tweet from someone named Emily Smith. It goes on... if it's a male, he's going waaaaayyyyy out of his way to purposely identity as female for whatever reason they have be it gender identity, anonymity etc.

You'll have to forgive me but after reading the tweet, the "they/them" only further degrades and dehumanizes the potential victim in my mind. Had it been a more general statement without so many allusions to being female , I wouldn't have ruled it out being a male.


Registered User
Jan 31, 2019
"Bring other girls which I was not okay with" "bragged about other girls" "misogynistic comments" etc in the linked tweet from someone named Emily Smith. It goes on... if it's a male, he's going waaaaayyyyy out of his way to purposely identity as female for whatever reason they have be it gender identity, anonymity etc.

You'll have to forgive me but after reading the tweet, the "they/them" only further degrades and dehumanizes the potential victim in my mind. Had it been a more general statement without so many allusions to being female , I wouldn't have ruled it out being a male.
You don't know if the letter was written by a male or a female.

Innocent until proven guilty. Do we know whether law enforcement is even involved?
''Do we know whether law enforcement is even involved?'' Exactly.


Player/Member USA Hockey or affilates 1972-2006
Mar 15, 2017
Seattle, WA
I have to concur with Frankiess about noi knowing it was a guy or gal who wrote the post. A tip off to me was the school uniform thing. I mean isn't that right out of porn movie scripting?


Registered User
Jan 4, 2018
"Bring other girls which I was not okay with" "bragged about other girls" "misogynistic comments" etc in the linked tweet from someone named Emily Smith. It goes on... if it's a male, he's going waaaaayyyyy out of his way to purposely identity as female for whatever reason they have be it gender identity, anonymity etc.

You'll have to forgive me but after reading the tweet, the "they/them" only further degrades and dehumanizes the potential victim in my mind. Had it been a more general statement without so many allusions to being female , I wouldn't have ruled it out being a male.
they mean how do you know its a girl making a serious accusation and not a 60 year old male troll just trying to see if they can do a swatting technique to get a player suspended. There is no evidence that this person even exists.

they claimed another teammate cooroborated their story but the nhl never had any nhl teammate come forward either.

there are trolls that do this kind of stuff.
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