GDT: 2023-24 Western Conference Quarter Finals LA Kings vs Edmonton Oilers @7:00pm game 2 Edmonton leads 1-0

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Raccoon Jesus

Todd McLellan is an inside agent
Oct 30, 2008

Roughly a coin toss at even strength overall

Just gotta sort out special teams

even if you can't slow down their PP, ours has to not suck at the very least...right now their PP is 57% and PK is 100%.
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Registered User
Feb 26, 2023
Yeah, defensemen in general were jumping up a lot more to give an option on the breakout, which was nice to see. Mikey joined the rush on the first goal and Drew obviously had his breakaway. (When was the last time you saw Drew in the position to get a breakaway, let alone have one?)

Anze's line was also stretching things out a little on their breakout, going all the way down to the Oilers' blue line, and that seemed to open up ice as well. Should probably pursue that more next game.


Fly at eleven.
Feb 2, 2010
Doughty played 30 mins and said he was tired after the game. Doughty never said that in the previous playoff games.. Father Time comes for everyone huh
He got hit way more than normal as well. In his younger days he was so elusive he could barely be hit. Kane got him good a couple of times last night, those will add up.
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Smartest in the Room
Apr 6, 2006
I think Hiller possibly made an adjustment by asking the defensemen to join the rush more and the implementation of more stretch passes to clear their own zone.

I originally picked the Oilers in 5 games and I still think it is a distinct possibility, but it may go 6 games now with Edmonton having to win both games in LA to close it out in 5.


Registered User
Jul 1, 2004
I thought Doughty’s highs were higher and his lows were far lower.

Spence though, consistently caught my eye in good ways. An assist from the point, solid board work, puck retrieval, handled Oilers forecheck quite well. I was surprised he only played about 15 minutes for all the times I noticed him.
He was rising up to meet the moments, which is what you really want to see in the playoffs. His third period in particular was awesome, we were watching a young player deciding to be a difference maker instead of just trying to be an anonymous safe cog in a team unit.


Jun 30, 2017
I have not seen Doughty play like that in many years. He was leading the attack and was making the jump nonstop. It reminded me of 2012 against the Devils. He needs to absolutely just do stuff like this as often as he can. He might not have a good shot but his ability to find the soft part of the ice and make it dangerous is really good


Registered User
Jan 30, 2012
Calgary, AB
Obviously Grundy isnt ready to go / having issues come back up... I expect that unless he suddenly is, G3 should have Kaliyev back in?

Why dress him unless something flared up I guess. Would rather see Turcotte or Thomas as I doubt Kaliyev would be given much ice.
Looking at Hiller's usage I think it's most likely we will see 11-7


Registered User
Jan 30, 2012
Calgary, AB
he was skating a LOT more than usual, I havent seen him join the rush that often since the 2012 playoffs. the type of minutes are relative !
Oilers Forecheck was really good too. Spence and Drew took a fair numebr of hits. Spence looked really good taking it.
I still think Edmonton had more zone possession than LA (not sure if anyone has stats to back that up) just the way ti felt to me. In the first Edmonton seemed like they were in control, but LA had too good breakouts. Was saying to my wife how good kopitar looked, than he score the game winner!!

Surf Nutz

Hockey Remote Viewer With A Frozen Finger
May 16, 2022
In the tube
I don't want to hear anyone question Kopitar's leadership. How many times is he a key part of a winning or tying goal in big situations? Leads on the ice. Nobody handles big moments better than this guy.

The comments here all year basically strapped him to the underside of a port a potty.


Uvijek Vjerni
Nov 20, 2008
Hamilton, ON
Englund was on an island of his own in separating himself from everyone else in how catastrophically bad and stupid his play was.

You sometimes wonder what the coaching staff is looking at when they decide to send a pylon like that on the ice without any second thoughts.

Obviously all moot now, but I was kind of hoping the Kings would have brought in a guy like Simon Benoit over Englund when the Ducks did not QO him. He's had a really strong season for the Leafs and has brought a physical presence to their defense core. Good bottom pairing guy who you can run out their on the 2nd pk unit and he'll block shots.

Steve Zissou

I'll order you a red cap and a Speedo.
Feb 3, 2006
City of Angels

  • Permission to take a penalty on Moore once they're up 4 or 5.
  • Hoping for another LA beatdown but will probably be a lot closer this game I would think.
  • Oil will come out fast and score three in the first. Team is too motivated and too talented for the Kings this year.
  • 82n2vjgm_400x400-jpg.858734
  • Praise be to the best hockey player on the planet. Amen.
  • Most importantly skinner needs to continue to play well. No 3 goals on 10 shots garbage or .883 save percentage type numbers. Be average and this team will go deep.
  • You know that LA is going to be hungrier and likely dirtier tonight. The boys need to deliver another 60-minute effort and get this series ended fast.
  • Kings hey….
    More like THE STINKS!!!
  • Talbot made one awesome save and maybe a couple other above av ones.
    He sucks.
  • Make it a good Karma day.
    A "Good morning." or good deed, or perhaps even give an LA fan a hug if you can find one. ;)
    Good vibes. :)
  • The Kings will likely take at least one game back in LA. It's important to put your foot further on their throat.
  • winning the 2nd game in a 7 game series is disproportionately important. I recall a stat that said it was about 70% likely that the winner of game 2 wins the series, regardless of game 1. Tonight is an important game
  • Keep your feet moving and hope the refs don't forget to call penalties on LA. Hope the league hasn't sent out their memo to reduce PP's for us yet either.
  • Let's make their entire derriere region hurt!
  • Will be interesting to see if any real coaching is going on with LA. The diamond scheme cannot work against our PP. That should have been obvious all along. With Drai on one side being a threat and Hyman typically being threat on the other how was a diamond going to work? Really, against the best passing players in the league that can also just move in and slot one home from all the room that a One D back diamond affords?
  • After 2 years of Doughty and Kopi’s leadership, speeches in the room, etc etc. It probably falls on deaf ears at this point. Especially since Doughty can be a bit of a bitch to his teammates constantly calling them out. And neither player can back up their words with their play these days. Can’t imagine belief is high in that room. Kings have no chance. Sweep incoming I think.
  • My fear is the oilers were too good on the powerplay so the refs will swallow their whistles
  • In Doughty's case he gets too jacked at times and trying to do too much. When you see him chasing plays around the net you know he's off. I think Foegele nailing him with a hit early also contributed to get his juices running too much. Doughty can still play a game when he contains himself better. But when he starts thinking he's still some D monster he attempts stuff beyond his current ability. Overplays. Kopitar has struggled this season to contain best top lines. Not sure what Kings are thinking throwing Laferriere up on top line. He's GA waiting to happen.
  • I think Doughty is overcompensating when he does that. He makes tons of mistakes against us regular season and playoffs. And yet he’s the one calling out his teammates constantly. McD made Doughty look like a joke with that behind the net spin and pass to Hyman. Watch Doughty almost take himself out trying to jump past the net to keep up with McD lol.
  • My sense of the Kings is that losing to us is still personal for Doughty, but I don't get as much of that sense of that anymore from the rest of their team.
  • Sad thing for Doughty is in prime he could probably do a much better job. Aging and realizing limitations is a really tough thing. Especially with the compete mentality of a Doughty. Mind willing, body unable. Losing steps and footspeed means Doughty can't contain elite skaters like McD anymore.
  • He had his time. Now it's time to move over. Wonder if his Bronze Statue will look as goofy as Dustin Brown's.
  • Doughty is a cup winning HoF player. He should have the room no? I would say if there is a chaotic room it’s probably due to players like PLD and Fiala rather than the vets. You yourself said Fiala was an issue earlier this season.
  • Lastly it Was Doughty, Kopitar and others that locked a coach out of the dressingroom. It was also Doughty that laid over on Jarett Stoll resulting in the latter getting Cocaine charges. Doughty is a prick, established, to his own players. I lost respect for Doughty after what went down with Stoll. You can read up on it. Stoll bought Cocaine for the team to celebrate. They told him to be the mule. they then laid down on him so that he would get the charges. Kopitar maintains he wasn't involved. Damn straight that Doughty and others were.
  • I mean seems like this whole drug thing is just pure speculation by you. Stoll got charged because he literally got caught smuggling drugs. Welcome to the consequences of being an adult. Blaming Doughty or anyone else is silly.
  • I'm thinking of boycotting Boston Pizza for their ridiculous "let's cheer together" campaign. Hell no I won't cheer for Vancouver or Toronto
  • Thankfully we have Nurse or we'd be screwed
    Trust me, i know hockey cuz i played it
  • If the Oilers lose tonight, and they very well might, the PGT will be 40 pages long breaking down all the different reasons the team is a bunch of frauds.
  • The funny part is the Kings cause an asterisk because we "own" them. Not because the Kings are shit, or injured, or whatever, it's only an asterisk in this specific case because we are a better team than them.
  • I’ve already boycotted Uber Eats for the Matthews commercial. I got no issue boycotting Bps for first their “Auston Pizza” promo and now this veiled attempt to get Canadians not to clown on the Leafs.
  • Feels neat knowing that opposing fans think we are so good we'll just waltz straight on to the cup. I'll take the compliment.
  • If we lose I'm blaming this video, that was awful.
  • All the other Canadian teams lost in the last 24 hrs, let’s rise above and leave them in the dust
  • If I was a King I’d be sick and tired of regressed Doughtys constant bitchin n moanin
  • I do think the Kings will be better tonight. They were horrible in game 1.
  • Doughty the serpent
  • Kings starting Talbot tonight? I really thought they’d go with “c’mon Dave, make a save” Rittich tonight.
  • f*** not this prick. He is bad luck (National Anthem singer)
  • Why in the f*** do they keep inviting that moron to sing the US anthem?!?
  • Talbot mental breakdown incoming.

  • f***. Knew LA was gonna bounce back. Come on boys, push back now.
  • f*** offffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  • Kempe...oof
  • Kempe owns the Oilers
  • Yep. Kempe always kills us
  • 1-3-1 is going to be deployed in full force now.
  • Jesus Christ. They have us where they want us. Trap time.
  • Oilers think they have it won already or something? Hopefully this was a wake up call.
  • f***ing Kempe.
  • Bad turnover and in the net. Kings less disjointed to start capitalize on a mistake.
  • Plays like that will Keep us from winning a cup
  • Was just gonna say we should boo Kempe instead of Doughty.
  • What an absolute dive
  • Quite a dive by Arvidsson.
  • Maybe went down a little easy. Maybe
  • What an embarrassing dive
  • LA queens activity
  • I hope the refs are aware that Arvidsson is one of the worst divers in the league.
  • Arvidsson flopping again
  • Nice dive. Good lord what a soft fake tough guy team.
  • Gutless diver but it’s expected, seen this before with this loser
  • Triple Sowcow by the Flopking
  • Diverdsson
  • Ardivesson is dead... get the coffin.
  • Remember when they used to give embellishment penalties? The only time they’re called these days is to even things up
  • NHL ever going to use that embellishment rule or what?
  • Talbot is leaky. Keep shooting and fight for the Pez Candy popping up in the blue paint.
  • Jeez I wonder why Janmark was on the ground. Couldn’t have possibly been cross checked with out the puck could
  • Why is it always Mikey Anderson? Why not just Anderson??

  • Big early PP. Looked like a soft call.
  • Soft call. Tie this game
  • I mean it's a trip. You put your stick in a guy's feet and they fall, usually a trip.
  • From the angle on tv it looked like he hit the shin pads and then he fell after. I shouldn’t complain about Oilers getting calls though lol. And then of course they don’t call the trip on Hyman
  • We are 18-18-0 when allowing the first goals this year. LA is 32-7-8 when scoring first.
  • Bouchard should be just teeing off and busting Kings ankles.
  • They’ve scored the last three goals, need to get on the board to quell their momentum.
  • Feels like one of those games where Talbot has a horseshoe firmly lodged up his ass and we can't finish. Need to get one soon.
  • 1-3-1 trap
  • Kempe attempted dive on that PK chance
  • It's LA, it's tradition
  • ok, lets just give up then and call the game now. No point in playing right? LA won when they scored first in the 1st period.
  • Someone needs to lay a big hit. Preferably on Dubois
  • meh, he is down the list. Kempe, Denault, Arvidsson, Doughty, Anderson, Fiala, etc They can all get a nice hit.
  • The Kings look better defensively so-far tonight.
  • It’s cause LA scored first. It’s the 1-3-1 nothing more.
  • LA is a big team. I think they are actually bigger and more physical than the oIlers. Though this team is no small or soft.
  • Mikey "Monkey" Anderson.
  • Obvious hold along the boards.
  • Screw off with the Mikey Anderson...he is the only one playing singh
  • So much holding
  • Holding right in front of the ref...
  • "We've got whistles on the play". Just say what the f***ing call is
  • f*** Kempe
  • Woof
  • Oh f*** off
  • 2 goals on 4 shots
  • Skinner make a f***ing save.
    Thats us getting outscored on 6-4 in 4 periods 5v5 so far.
  • They may be the luckiest team on earth
  • Kings continue to get the crazy fluky bounces. Geez. The hockey gods.
  • Lol. Never gonna be easy with this team
  • Now it's probably over. 1-3-1 to a win
    f*** Blake and his dead puck era dogshit hockey
  • f***ing Kempe again. Just trade for the bastard in the offseason.
  • Thanks for the bad luck, Brett Kissell. You loser bitch.
  • Kempe line is caving us. Maybe match the McDavid line against them
  • Not worried yet. Happy the kings don't have Iaffalo and Vilardi though
  • That was insane by Kempe
  • Gotta admit Kempe is a player
  • Wtf ref
  • Neither of those goals are skinner fault
  • Be nice if we had a NHL goalie back there
  • If it's not a goal, it could be a penalty shot as a king placed their hand on the puck in the crease.
  • Kings just fill the net with there way to score like that
  • Disallow it and you'll unlock McDavid invincibility mode.
  • Can't see shit because Mikey is laying on it.
  • Someone take Kempe out Oilers kryptonite
  • I liked game 1 better. This is hideous hockey. Somebody needs to run Kempe into next week.
  • good tactic, just block the camera....
  • Danault had his hand on that puck. Put it into Talbots pad.
  • Both Moore and Danault put their hand over the puck in the crease right in front of the official. No penalty shot though. Shocker
  • Talbot has a few to go by him at some point
  • Can't watch tonight. Oilers comeback W 5-2. LEt it be known
  • ref standing right there watching kings players cover it with their glove.
    No penalty shot.
  • Wtf is Doubty doing touching Mcdavid when they're talking to the reffs? He's just a genuine piece of trash and I can't wait until he retires
  • not sure if I'm watching the same game as some people tonight. Oilers have been running this game but got burned on two bad turnovers. Kempe is hot tonight.
  • I’ve had a weird feeling Campbell is the one who would lead us to the ultimate goal
  • lafierere(sp) is pretty damned fast lol
  • Kempe is the kings best player. Should get in his face.
  • LA knows Talbot can’t stop a beach ball. They’re plugging that slot up and blocking everything.
  • f*** yes!!! Right back in it
  • Playoff Kulak is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Nice Kulak goal. Game is far from over.
  • Kully!!! 97 mph holy shit buddy !!
  • Need more kulak less bouchard
  • Playoff Kulak is back!
  • Oilers can win this kings are not a great team
  • f*** yah!!! Playoff Kulaks has arrived boys!!!
    And that’s why Broberg will NOT play ahead of him.
  • Kulak starts an LA downfall.
  • Get in Talbots head fans. Need it the entire game.
  • Why the f*** are they taunting Talbot. Its SO typical this happens. Idiots
  • Make a f***ing save Stu, FFS
  • You can just run into the goalie to score?????????
  • That was awful by Skinner. Just falling on his back reason?
  • Skinner sucks in the playoffs
  • People mad at skinner when doughty has a breakaway.
  • Talbot by FAR the better goalie now
  • Skinjob is back
  • Doughty is a clown
  • 3 goals on 7 shots. Woof. Woof.
  • Season over I guess guys, see you at the draft?
  • How does Doughty get a breakaway? f***ing garbage!!!
  • This one is over with this current goaltending unfortunately.
  • Typical game against the Kings. They barely have anything remotely resembling a scoring chance, yet it seems like they constantly get these strange bounces.
  • f***ING STOP THAT SHIT, Jesus Christ, every god damn time we are behind and get within one they do that shit.
  • Giveaway to wide open slot shot.
    Batted out of mid air.
    And a breakaway goal.
    That’s on our D not Skins.
  • Im sorry, Doughty didnt even shoot the puck and skinner just fell over.
  • Campbell most likely declined to coming back to the Oilers
  • How is that not a too many men penalty?
  • How is L.A. not getting any penalties for this trash.
  • Oh wait they're going to ignore the too many men, for f*** sakes
  • Lol. When too many men isn't too many men, when the Oilers need a powerplay
  • There were 7 kings on the ice when they touched telhe puck. Ok I guess that's fine then.
  • 4 refs and none of them have a clue whats going on
  • Clearly too many men. 5 guys in the frame there just by the bench alone. Another near centre ice. So that’s a penalty shot missed and an easy too many men. Skinner and the refs will be our demise tonight
  • shit refs are shit.. more news at 11...
  • f***ing complete joke that isnt a penalty
  • how is that not a penalty? That’s one of the calls we can depend on because there’s no debating it, like delay of game.
    f***ing garbage. Anyway just down 2, plenty of time to come back if they buckle down
  • Id buy out both Campbell and Skinner this offseason.
  • I'm blaming Kissel for that first period
  • Everything the Kings got we just gave to them. Too easy.
  • the series is over with our current goaltending
  • Lots of time left, lots of series left. This was always going to be a 6-7 game series.
  • The Kings had about a minute of ozone time. We looked like the better team for most of the game.
    Down 3-1.
    Them's the breaks. Regroup and attack 2nd period. Surely some bounces for us after the last four periods.
  • Oilers are coming back and winning this game in OT 6-5.
    Take my energy!
    Drink beer!!!
    {f*** I love beer)
    Let's GO OILERS!!!!!!
  • I’m sick of this matchup. Always goes 6 or 7 and the boys are physically spent after their annual war with LA
  • Have to stop Kempe. He scores like he has a magic wand.
    Oil can come back from this.
  • Some of you guys are insufferable as soon as adversity hits.
  • Bipolar ass fanbase lol.
  • Skinner has the reaction speed of a sloth. Doughty didn't even even shoot the f***ing puck.
  • Not freaking out yet, I knew the Kings were gonna come out swinging.
  • Not a panic period for me. The Kings had some nice bounces and Kempe is just a stud
  • Anyone that thought the kings would lay over and die were kidding themselves
    They were embarrassed the other night. I expected the push back.
  • This game isn't even over yet. LA doesn't even try to attack when they're winning.
  • LA plays a suffocating 1-3-1 when they are ahead that our team struggles to break without making costly mistakes
  • Maybe this has been addressed already but why is Doughty allowed to steamroll Skinner BEFORE the puck crosses the goal line?
  • Talbot looks really shaky.
    Like I said we're sure not gonna see any Vezina performances in this series. Both goalies getting exploited.
    Oilers very fortunate that Kings essentially don't have goaltending.
  • Alright we let them have fun now time to kick cali ass ...I want to see drew crying in the corner
  • Can we just start a "hate on Skinner here" discussion elsewhere so we can focus in the rest of the game here?


F-ing get up and hunt! Cmon Todd!
Apr 18, 2018
So ask yourself if youre the head coach, what is the one obvious thing that needs a tweak and what can be done about it...answer PP1 is a trashcan. If that cant be tweaked there is no way over the course of the series LAK can hang. They need to try something it cant get any worse than it is.


Smartest in the Room
Apr 6, 2006
Just another thought. I don't think we will see Kopitar AND Doughty have back-to-back games like the one we saw last night. Other players are going to have to step up.

Hopefully, Byfield will do it.
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Jun 30, 2017
So ask yourself if youre the head coach, what is the one obvious thing that needs a tweak and what can be done about it...answer PP1 is a trashcan. If that cant be tweaked there is no way over the course of the series LAK can hang. They need to try something it cant get any worse than it is.
Bottom 6 has to completely become a factor. Lewis, Lizotte and Grundstrom were no where to be seen. I think we need to inject Thomas in the bottom 6 and get some consistency going.


F-ing get up and hunt! Cmon Todd!
Apr 18, 2018
Bottom 6 has to completely become a factor. Lewis, Lizotte and Grundstrom were no where to be seen. I think we need to inject Thomas in the bottom 6 and get some consistency going.
OK..agree.. but each playoff loss to the oil, lak was even or better 5x5.. and lost the special teams by a wide margin. Maybe better bottom 6 gets as an extra goal every other game.. I still dont think thats enough to turn the tide. They need to capitalize on the PP a lot more - since EDM does on theirs.
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Jun 30, 2017
OK..agree.. but each playoff loss to the oil, lak was even or better 5x5.. and lost the special teams by a wide margin. Maybe better bottom 6 gets as an extra goal every other game.. I still dont think thats enough to turn the tide. They need to capitalize on the PP a lot more - since EDM does on theirs.
It’s not about getting goals, it’s about generating some energy realistically. Lizzo and Lewis do nothing to build momentum.

For this atrocity alone the Oilers deserve to be disqualified
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Dec 14, 2011
Anyone follow this account on twitter? It is genius.
Seriously scroll through it. the guy that does it does it all from his knowledge of art and no AI tools.

Is there a trick for making X posts show up here? The media insert wouldn't allow me to do it.

change the url link from to
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Registered User
Mar 12, 2017
Anyone follow this account on twitter? It is genius.
Seriously scroll through it. the guy that does it does it all from his knowledge of art and no AI tools.

Is there a trick for making X posts show up here? The media insert wouldn't allow me to do it.
that's f***in wild

some of those down the timeline are really good
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F-ing get up and hunt! Cmon Todd!
Apr 18, 2018
It’s not about getting goals, it’s about generating some energy realistically. Lizzo and Lewis do nothing to build momentum.
The fact they headed into the playoffs with that 4th line tells you a lot. They dont see a need for heavier play in general and they dont think Lizzo is a liability in the playoffs. To me your 4th line should be a meat tenderizing hammer, that can be deployed to change momentum if that game isnt going well...smash mouth, drop gloves when necessary. Mgt here doesnt think that way. They only find the need for 1 token guy like a Lemieux or Englund.
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