ALL Time Draft Bios

Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters
This is a new thread as the last one grew beyond my preperations.
Please do not post here unless you write biosThanks.

If you think the bio thread is coming together slowly let me tell you that I have spent thousands of hours here on this thread and it's two predecessors.(Which have been Deleted by me.)

These are the players selected in the all time hockey drafts 1,2,3,4 4b AND 5
I plan on linking each player to their player bio on the legend of hockey website.
If you know of a better online bio source please let me know. When a bio is scarce with player info I will try and find a better source to bring the memory of the former great back to life. If you have info on a player and would like for me to use it please send me a pm. I'll give you credit for your work if you wish.

If you write and want to do some bios (Some bios on the HHOF website are vague)
I would love to have some help!:)

Thanks to BM67 Murphy2 HockeyOutsider #66 Vanislander Raleh for helping with the bios

This is the Forward into the draft. I'll rewrite it. I have touched on many of the concepts that I want to introduce. I just needs to blend it in a lil more smoothly.

These are the players who have been selected in at leats one draft. Most players are selections are based on 5 prime seasons. There have been a few rare exceptions as generational talents are getting picked in this draft rather early in there careers.We as a league won't stop that as each GM has freedom to select any player who has played in organized hockey over the last 130 yrs.

If you pick a player who is a rookie in Draft #1 because this player has a phenomal Inaugerial season you are making a risky pick that could jeapordize your over all record as a GM by the time we get to 10 or 20 drafts. If the rookie player gets a career ending injury then that will lessen his career status.Though I think most will agree some recent rookie players are too tempting not to select.

Todays players are well conditioned high performace athletes who make millions of dollars during there careers. These players have there lifestyle and trade because of the efforts of every generation who played the game before them. They owe a debt of graditude to the for fathers who started the game. Players from a long past era played for the love of the game. Many were amateurs others made amateur wages had had to have a offseason jobs

If the game we love had a lifetime simular to man. We would firstly characterize the game and the baby steps it took to grow the game as the infancy of our beloved sport. The memories of many of those players from the pre-nhl era are lost in time. The game and the athletes who played the game have evolved far beyond from there origins. It is unfair to compare atheltes from different eras.No one wants to undermind the greatness of players from various eras. No doubt todays players are better conditioned then players from just a generation ago. Great modern players can play 20 years if they don't suffer a career ending injury. The game and the players have evolved from the beginings. Some may argue that players from another time may not be able to compete with the monster players of the modern era. Exceptiontional athlete who played at a high level for nearly twenty or more years would include Howe Horton H Richard and Im sure a few other stud players.

If we can magically select great players from different eras and place them onto teams that would compete today then we could also sumerize that they would use todays modern conditioning and training techniques. The drive and desire to be the best would take over and they would compete like all great players do.

After the lockout the nhl has experinced a re-birth of sorts. They have a new american TV deal with a broadcasting partner that presents the game within a culture that will grow the game and broaden awareness.The game has a multitude of new rules that has allowed the skilled speedy players to break away from the clutching and grabing of the pre lockout nhl.

Truely todays nhl and todays players represent the age of a young adult with a future that will be unparraled. Everything about our game is more advanced in the era of the new millenium. The game has evolved from rovers and 6 men teams to 23 man teams comprised of well conditioned high performance athletes. The games and the rules haveall evolved many for the better and I'm sure next year there will be more rule changes to come.

Equipment is scientificly tested before a profesional player ever see's his skates, stick or hockey gear. The way we share memories of our favorite players have evolved from a oral tradtion to digitally enhanced computer programs which allow online file sharing of clips and games.

We don't tell stories of moments in games like they use to one hundred years ago.We don't listen to the radio broadcasts of Foster Hewitt. We will watch Hockey Night in Canada Live if we livei n Canada or have a dish. Games on TV became a saturday ritual as we watch hockey and listened to the game being described with much character excitement and passion .

We are lucky to have had great play by play men like Danny Gallivan Dan Kelly Bob Cole Jim Hughson Mike Emerick and Gord Murphy. The memories and keepsakes of the players we worshiped has evolved too. We have gone from drawings photos and hockey cards to online shirnes made by the fans for their hockey heroes.

This grandesque brutal ballet with elements of speed skill and excitment is a joyful wonder to watch. We live through these players on the seats of our living room arm chairs and we emulate there moves during a friday night bear league pickup game in our local cold forum. The mutual love of the game ties us all togther into one big extended family.

None of us would have this in our life if it wasnt for those who struggled during the infancy of the game. They lived to play hockey and when the ycouldnt some didn't want to live anymore.We all bow and thank those who played the game before we ever laced up a pair of skates. This draft is in part a time machine to re-visit and thank the great players from the past. I hope you enjoy the bios and the drafts.

Any bio other sources would be appreciated.
Be it player info, write ups, bios, scouting reports or playing clips.

If you can write brief player bio intros I would appreciate your efforts and offcourse you will be thanked. If you help please know that your not just helping me and the other draft managers but your helping intoduce some of the best hockey players ever to all hockey fans that visit this forum thankyou

All Time Draft 1
All Time Draft X1 Part 2
All Time Draft X 2
All Time Draft X3
All Time Draft #4
All Tiime Draft# 4 - Roster Thread
All Time Draft# 4b - Minor League Draft
All Time Draft #5
All Time Draft #5 - Complete Bios
All Time Draft #5 - Roster Thread
A Different All Time Draft
All Time Draft #5B

Related Threads

Award Type Award Name Seasons Description
All Time Draft Bio Page

Top 50 Thread

Finding sweater #'s for ome of the older players was a task. If a hockey great played for the New York Rangers and the Maple Leafs odds are the number listed is a Leafs# or Let say the player played for Ottawa Senators for 9 yrs and leafs for 3 yrs and there is no record of the senator #'s but there is a list of leaf sweater #'s.
Use the Leaf player sweater #.

If two players are selected for the same fantasy draft team and they have the same hockey number we list them with there know sweater #'s.Even if you have two # 9's put them both down as #9 each.We want to be accurate as possible.

If you cannot find a player sweater # make one up e.g #25!
!- will indicate that you made the # up

Recommended sites for Source Info.

Legends of Hockey Site
Maple Leafs Sweater #'s
Sports Ecyclopedia
Pittsburg Pens All time Sweater #'s
TSN Hockey Stats
72 summit series
Couch Potato Hockey Stats
Canadiens Sweater #'s
USSR Player Sweater #s
Hockey Goalies Info
Detroit Sweater #s
Bios on Great Red WingPlayers
Sweater #s St Pats
Sweater# Toronto Arenas
Gives alot of Sweater #'s
Chicago Sweater #'s Sorted by Player
Boston -will give most Sweater #'s
Some NYR Sweater#'s
Hartford Sweater #'s
St Louis Sweater#'s
Panthers Sweater #'s
Redwings fan site info
Vancouver All time Sweater #'s
Dallas/Minn Stars Sweater #'s
Winnipeg Jets Sweater #'s
Flyers Roster/#'s Source
European Profiles weight & height Source.
Internet Hockey Database
Old Stats
Players from 20's&30's
UK Hockey Hall of Fame

Do you got a link you that would help us?
Pm me and I'll add it or e-mail [email protected]

-Participated in 1 All-Time Drafts as a GM
DrMoses Bobby Ryan Getzlaf reckoning murray God Bless Canada raleh jtuzzi pnep
Bluebleeder JDB3939 Oilers94 VO #23

-Participated in 2 All-Time Drafts as a GM
Hockey Outsider Bergeron47 Herby Murphy2 Hedberg Go kimJohnsson AG Dr Love GB VanIlsander Monster_bertuzzi Laperriere22

-Participated in 3 All-Time Drafts as a GM
#66 Kruezer- Monkey_00 John Flyers Fan

-Participated in 4 All-Time Drafts as a GM
Evil Sather - Benton Fraser

-Participated in 5 All-Time Drafts as a GM
Spitfire11 Leaf Lander BM67
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Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters

#12 Sid Abel,C/LW-5"11"170
He was a versatile strong two-way forward in "Old Bootnose"

"Sid Abel excelled in a number of capacities during his extended hockey career. On the ice, he was an accomplished playmaking center and team leader who contributed to three Stanley Cup championships in Detroit." - HHoF Bio

"The Red Wings captain was viewed far and wide as one of those players who possessed the hockey sense that only a few of the greats have and in 1948-49, everyone came to appreciate Abel’s abilities." - Wings of Legend

"Abel was a superb two-way talent. Not only was he a top-notch offensive producer but he was also one of the finest defensive centers of his time. His had keen instincts and he was natural on-ice leader." - Ultimate Hockey

He was as creative a center as he was abrasive. His passes were crisp and accurate and his bodychecks were lusty.

Few centers have been more productive than Sid in the vital areas. He was a dogged and creative playmaker, the cog in the wheel with Howe and Lindsay.
- The All-New Hockey's 100

"Sid will go down in the Red Wings' history as the greatest competitor and inspirational force the Red Wings ever had." - Ed Fitkin, hockey historian
THN 100 Players-85 Era: late 30's mid 50's 14 seasons
Drafted By:
Draft 1-124 Dr. Love
Draft 2-61 U L C2
Draft 3-125-Benton Fraser
Draft 4-158 BM67
Draft 5-91-God Bless Canada
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

#23 Greg Adams,LW-X4B- 6'2"185
Uses his size to his advantage has softhands around the net.He has a great work ethic
Era: mid 80's Seasons: 18
Drafted BY:
Draft 4-B 121- Hedberg
Draft 5-
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

Jack Adams, Coach-X4
Era: late 20's mid 40's Seasons:19
Drafted By:
Draft 4- 324 go kim johnsson
Draft 5-
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

#11 Daniel Alfredsson,C/RW-X4-5'11" 200
A solid scorer with an all-around, two-way game. In his first NHL playoff series in 1997, Alfredsson led the Senators in scoring and scored two game-winning goals, though the Senators bowed to the Buffalo Sabres in a hard fought seven games. Then to prove that was no fluke, he scored seven goals in 11 playoff games in the 1998 post season, including three, first-period goals in a span of 12 minutes as the Senators defeated the Washington Capitals 4-3.

The Senators showed their respect for him when they named him captain of the team for the 1999-2000 season after Alexei Yashin, who wore the "C" the previous year, decided to sit out when the Ottawa club refused to renegotiate his contract.
- HHoF Bio

"He's one of the best all-around, two-way players in the game. He's an excellent skater, a creative puckhandler and an opportunistic scorer. He's nearly as good a finisher as he is a playmaker. Plus, he kills penalties, he'll give up his body to block shots and he's got a lot of grit to him. He's not a huge banger, but he plays through pain and gives you a point a night. He's as honest as the day is long." - Ultimate Sports Hockey 2000-2001

"Assets - Has an impeccable work ethic and never takes a shift off. Is a smooth-skating winger that isn't afraid to get his nose dirty. Possesses creativity with the puck and a wicked wrist shot" - TSN
Era:mid 1990's-mis 2000' Seasons: 10
Drafted By:
Draft 4-295-BM67
Draft 5-B-1 BM67
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

#41 Jason Allison,C-6'3" 205
A go to guy even though his skating is on the uninspiring side.What Jason lacks in the skating ability he more then makes up with a great shot superb passing ability and above average hockey sense. During his prime he was the type of player you could build a team around.
Era:mid 90's-mid 00's Seasons:11
Drafted By:
Draft 1-181 JDB3939
Draft 5-
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

#10 Tony Amonte,RW-X4-6'0" 200
Fast,intense, determined and opportunistic nhl ironman. He has gblazing speed at onetime was the best on-on-one player in the league after Jagr. Has a goal scorers touch. a hard shot and grit and is fearless while driving to the net. Is one of the most durable players in the NHL. First line winger and powerplay trigger man.Has scored 20 or more goals 9 times. 40 goals or more 3 times.GP 1093 G 406 A 464 PTS 870
Era:early 90's Seasons:15
Drafted By:
Draft 4-285-go kim johnsson
Draft 5-B-57 Leaf Lander
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

#9 Glenn Anderson,RW-5.11"175
Era:early 80's -mid 90's Seasons:16
Drafted By:
Draft 1-151 Oilers94
Draft 2-241 monkey_00
Draft 3-201 Murphy2
Draft 4-157 go kim johnsson
Draft 5-161 AG
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-
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Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters
#14 Dave Andreychuk,LW/RW- 6-4 WT 220
Era: Seasons:
Drafted By:
Draft 1-163 Leaf Lander
Draft 2-185 Leaf Lander
Draft 3-192 Bergeron47
Draft 4- 93 go kim johnsson
Draft 5-225 Hedberg
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

#26 Syl Apps JR,C-X4B-6'0" 185 -
He was a good player and made a million dollars in a 5 yr span in the nhl. Born Aug 1 1947 606 points in 727 nhl games.
Era: Seasons:
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B 151-leaf lander
Draft 5-B 195 reckoning
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

#10 Syl Apps Sr, C- 6’0”, 185:
He was the last rookie to finish in top-3 scoring leaders till alexander Ovechkin did it in 2005-06. BM67. Played 10 NHL seasons from 1936 to 1948
"He never drank or smoked, never swore and was as loyal to his boss, Conn Smythe, as to his team, the Toronto Maple Leafs."

A remarkably skilled hockey player, he was big and strong and possessed one of the best shots in the league. He moved with a speed and grace that earned him the nickname “Nijinsky of the Ice”. He was an inspirational leader, who despite delaying his career to compete in the pole vault at the 36 Olympics, losing two ears to service in WWII, and retiring at the age of 33 after finishing 8th in league scoring, captained the Leafs to 3 Stanley Cups. He was the consummate team man who always thought of his teammates first and preferred to avoid any personal glory.

In 41-42 he led the Leafs to the most improbable Stanley Cup win in NHL history, a series against Detroit that he calls his career highlight. The Leafs lost the first three games of the finals to the Red Wings but somehow won the next four in a row to win the Cup, the only time this has happened

Apps played on a line with Gord Drillon and Bob Davidson, and this unit quickly became the team's best line. He teamed with Harry Watson and Bill Ezinicki after the war, once again forming a powerful offensive unit. Watson and Ezinicki were ideal linemates for Apps because they could score goals and take advantage of Apps' ability to draw players to him before passing the puck.
42-43 while in the prime of his career, he left the team to join the Canadian Army. There he stayed for two years until the war was over. When he resumed his career, he put the captain's "C" back on his sweater and promptly picked up where he left off.
He is the only member of all three Hockey Halls of Fame, the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame and the Canadian Amateur Athletics Hall of Fame, and in 1993 his number was honoured at Maple Leaf Gardens, one of only six so designated in franchise history. NHLTotals GP 423 G 201 A 231 Pts 432 PIM 56
Playoff Totals GP 69 G 25 A 29 Pts 54 PIM 8 Calder Trophy 37 Lady Byng 42
1st All-Star Team Centre (39, 42) 2nd All-Star Team Centre (38, 41, 43)
THN 100 Players-33. Era: Seasons:
Drafted By:
Draft 1-79 Oilers94
Draft 2-88 Maxwell Smart /205 BM67 Re-entry Dispersal Draft redrafted
Draft 3-55 BM67
Draft 4-52 Evil Sather
Draft 5-60 BM67
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

Al Arbour, Coach-X2
Era: Seasons:
Drafted by:
Draft 2-226 Leaf Lander
Draft 3-193 #66
Draft 4-262 #66
Draft 5-266 Hockey Outsider
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

#10 George Armstrong,C/RW-X2-6'1"184 lbs
Played 21 NHL seasons from 1949 to 1971 "(Armstrong is) the best captain, as a captain, the Leafs have ever had." -Honoured Member Conn Smythe

George made the leafs in 52-53. Armstrong was never a great skater but was rarely out of position; he knew how to play the angles on the opposing forwards and was a great corner man in the offensive zone. He never attained the scoring heights in the NHL as he had in his junior and senior days but Armstrong brought determination, leadership, and humour to a Leafs squad that was trying to escape the shadow of the Barilko tragedy in the early 1950s.

Armstrong was named as captain of the Leafs to start the 1957-58 season and was called by Conn Smythe "the best captain, as a captain, the Leafs have ever had." Smythe later honoured his captain by naming one of his horses Big Chief Army, something Smythe had done on only two other occasions for Charlie Conacher and Jean Beliveau

After his retirement, Armstrong coached the Toronto Marlboros to Memorial Cup victories in 1972-73 and 1974-75 before accepting a scouting position with the Quebec Nordiques in 1978.

In 88 he returned to Toronto as assistant general manager and scout. His first year back was an eventful one and Armstrong found himself in the uncomfortable role as interim replacement coach for the final 47 games of the 1988-89 season. By the next year he had returned to his preferred role as a scout for the leafs in the ohl.

Hockey Hall of Fame in 1975 He won 4 Cups with the leafs
NHL Totals GP 1187 G 296 A 417 Pts 713 PIM 721
Playoff Totals GP 110 G 26 A 34 Pts 60 PIM 52
Era: Seasons:
Drafted By:
Draft 2-189-U L C2
Draft 3-171-kruezer
Draft 4-181-Bergeron47
Draft 5-183-raleh
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

#7 Jason Arnott,C -X5B- 6'3" 220
Uses his size well, especially in the offensive zone, and likes to create space for his linemates. Has a terrific shot and is defensively responsible.
Drafted By:
Draft 5B-123 reckoning
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

#33 Adrian Aucoin,D-X4B-6-2 WT:214
Era: Seasons:
Drafted by:
Draft 4-b 68 -Maxwell Edison
Draft 5-
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-
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Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters

Yevgeny Babich,RW-X5B-Height: 5'7"160
Drafted By:
Draft 5-B -156 raleh
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-
-USSR (Russia) Hall of Fame: 1953

#44 Dave Babych,D-6'2" 220
Era: Seasons:
Drafted By:
Draft 4-378 kruezer
Draft 5-389 jtuzzi
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

#6 Ralph Backstrom,C-X3-5'10" 165
The only 3rd line center to lead a 1st place team in scoringRalph Backstrom was a swift skater with a deft scoring touch whose defensive and team-oriented play earned him accolades throughout his career. The most significant years of his pro tenure were spent with the Montreal Canadiens, with whom he won the Stanley Cup six times between 1959 and 1969.

Although he was overshadowed by Montreal's top two centers, Jean Beliveau and Henri Richard, Backstrom became an important two-way forward on six Stanley Cup-winning teams. He and teammate Claude Provost garnered reputations as two of the most dogged forwards in the game. Even though he often drew checking assignments, Backstrom produced five 20-goal seasons, including a personal high of 27 in 1961-62. Years later, Backstrom reflected on this period: "There were times in my career that I felt I could have played better statistically if I would have played on another team besides the Canadiens. But there was nothing like the team successes that the Canadiens had during the time I played with them."
Era: Seasons:
Drafted By:
Draft 3-343 #66
Draft 4-B 39-BM67
Draft 5-372 Spitfire11
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

#6 Ace Bailey,C-X3-5'10"160
Era: Seasons:
Draft 3-302 Leaf Lander
Draft 4-299 AG
Draft 5-386 God Bless Canada
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

#9! Dan Bain C-X3-6'2" 205!
For eight seasons Dan played a rather large role on one of hockey's first great teams. During this time, the muscular Bain provided scoring, playmaking and a physical dominating presence to two Stanley Cup championship squads. Along with his great skills on ice, he was blessed with natural leadership qualities. He was the Captain for the Winnipeg Victorias in the pre-National Hockey League days. Dan led the Victorias to two Stanley Cups, becoming the first team from outside Montreal to win the Cup. He was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1945. Dan was a skillful forward who made history by registering the first-ever extra-time Cup-winning goal. -Bain's extraordinary career in sports was recognized when he was chosen Canada's outstanding athlete of the last half of the 19th century.
Canada's Top Male Athlete 1850-1900 Era: Seasons:
Draft 3-274-DrMoses
Draft 5-B-3 Leaf Lander
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

#19 Helmut Balderis,RW- X4B-5'11"190
Era: Seasons:
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B 8-Maxwell Edison
Draft 5-
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

#7 Bill Barber,LW-6'0"190
'Part of his immediate success was in coach Shero's decision to play Barber as a left wing to Bobby Clarke on the first line rather than keep him at his natural center position on a fourth line. Clarke quickly realized Barber had an excellent shot and good hands and endeavored to get the puck to the port side whenever possible." - HHoF Bio

Even if the average fan failed to see that Bill Barber was a superstar during his playing days, hockey players and coaches had no doubt about his talent. Although he skated in relative anonymity for 12 seasons, Barber was one of the best left wings of his era, ranking 17th on the NHL’s all-time goal-scoring list upon his retirement.

Good technique, proper positioning, and hockey smarts gave Barber a knack for being in the right place at the right time as his 31 career shorthanded goals (second in team history to Bobby Clarke’s 32) attest. One of Barber’s most famous goals was the one he scored for Team Canada against Czechoslovakia to send the final game of the 1976 Canada Cup into overtime. Darryl Sittler won it in overtime, but it was Barber's goal that gave Team Canada the opportunity to capture its first Canada Cup Championship. - Flyers Hall of Fame

"While other NHL wingers might have scored more goals, and still others might have been better defensively, no one combined both sets of skills as completely as Barber. Blessed with strong legs, major-league reflexes, and a great shot... Barber made good in any situation. On the power play, he was equally at home at the point or as the trigger-man." - Ultimate Hockey

"We saw here what an outstanding all-around player Barber really is. If you were describing the ideal hockey player, you'd list many of Barber's qualities." - Marshall Johnston, coach Team Canada 82 World Championships

"I can't think of a winger in the NHL who was a better all-around hockey player. I don't think there was one." - Rick MacLeish

"[He] skated up and down the ice with the reliability of a metronome, and by dedicating his NHL career to blending in, he stood out. He had the soul of a grinder, but the talent of an artist." - Jay Greenberg
Era: Seasons:
Drafted By:
Draft 1-146 John Flyers Fan
Draft 2-122 U L C2
Draft 3-107 Evil Sather
Draft 4-149 BM67
Draft 5-167-Leaf Lander
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-

#5 Bill Barilko,D-5'11"180
He was a real team guy. He kept everyone's spirits up the dressing room.

Barilko was a real diamond in the rough, but his game got a lot of polishing from coaches Hap Day and Joe Primeau (who replaced Day to start the 50-51 season). They brought Barilko along and made him into one of the best defensemen at the time. He was quite a hitter, after all you have to be a good hitter to get the nickname "Bashin'" Bill.

Barilko played during a defensive era but he used his speed to pick his spots to rush the puck up the ice to help toronto on offense. He hit every opponent with equal force and was a rock on Toronto's blueline. In his five NHL seasons, he won four Stanley Cups, scoring, arguably the most dramatic Stanley Cup winning goal.
4 Stanley Cups.Played in NHL All-Star Game 47,48,49)
Era: Seasons:
Drafted by:
Draft 1-149 Laperriere22
Draft 2-237 U L C2
Draft 3-269 Leaf Lander
Draft 4-B 18 -Leaf Lander
Draft 5-328 raleh
Draft 6-
Draft 7-
Draft 8-
Draft 9-
Draft 10-
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Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters
#35 Tom Barrasso,G-X3-6'3"-210
Draft 3-348 #66
Draft 4-358 #66
Draft 5-235 Leaf Lander

#8 Marty Barry,C-X4B-6'0"195

Wherever he played, Marty Barry was a productive center whose work ethic was lauded by teammates and opponents alike. His stamina and dedication made him one of the most consistent and durable performers of his era. Between 1929 and 1939, he missed only two NHL regular season gamesA proficient scorer, he was known by the local sportswriters as "Goal-a-Game" Barry.

If we had Cooney Weiland, we’d be here," Ross expressed of Detroit’s all-star center. "If I had Marty Barry," Adams countered, referring to the Boston center, "we’d win the Stanley Cup."
The deal was consummated in June, with Barry and Art Giroux coming to Detroit for Weiland and Walt Buswell.
That April, Adams was proven a prophet. Barry finished second in NHL scoring with 40 points and the Wings whipped Toronto to win their first title. Barry was third in league scoring the following year and led all playoff snipers with 11 points as Detroit retained its crown.

The 1936-37 season was Barry’s finest. He earned selection to the First All-Star Team, was awarded the Lady Byng Trophy and scored two goals in Detroit’s 3-0 Cup-clinching victory over the New York Rangers, including the Cup winner.

"First, they award me the Lady Byng Trophy and then I score two goals tonight," Barry said after that game. "I guess I was celebrating."

Barry led the Wings in scoring in three of his four seasons with the club and the unit of Barry, Larry Aurie and Herbie Lewis was recognized as the NHL’s most effective forward line. "He was a very smooth centerman," teammate Carl Liscombe remembered of Barry. "He had the talent to get the puck by everyone. In that sense, Marty was one of the best." He gained a place in the Red Wings Hall of Fame in 1944 and the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1965
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B-102 Leaf Lander
Draft 5-B-21 Leaf Lander

#9 Andy Bathgate,RW-6'0"175
Bathgate could play the physical game and was known as a fierce fighter when the occasion warranted it, perhaps an attribute from his youth in a tough Winnipeg neighborhood known for its boxers.

Andy Bathgate was a hockey stylist--an athletic, graceful skater who handled the puck with skill and flash. Known for his blazing, accurate shot, he was one of the first men to use the slapshot to overpower goaltenders. Bathgate was a creative playmaker on the ice and often did the unexpected, throwing off opposing defenders with imaginative feints and passes. He accomplished all of this wearing heavy knee braces, the result of a serious injury during his first shift as a junior player in Guelph, Ontario. That injury required a steel plate to be inserted in his left knee to repair the damage.
THN 100 Players-58
Drafted By:
Draft 1-85 BM67
Draft 2-113 U L C2
Draft 3-129-Bluebleeder
Draft 4-103 kruezer
Draft 5-79 murray

#17 Bobby Bauer,RW 5'7"160

Draft 1-173 Laperriere22
Draft 4-307 nucks2win
Draft 5-282 AG

#21 Bobby Baun,D-X5-5'9"182

A prototypical defensive defenceman, Baun's overtime goal in game six of the 1964 finals gave the Leafs a new life, and they beat the Wings in the final game, at home, 4-0 to win their third straight Stanley Cup. His overtime goal was scored on a fractured ankle. Earlier that game, Baun was taken off on a stretcher after being felled by a slapshot. He returned, ankle frozen and taped, to score what Sports Illustrated ranked as the 17th greatest sports moment in the 20th century.

He played 964 games during which he scored 37 goals and had 187 assists during the regular season for a total of 224 points. He also played in 96 play-off games, scoring 3 goals and having 12 assists for a total of 15 points.

Baun came to the Leafs in the 1956-57 season from the Toronto Marlies.
He was a force to be reckoned with on the Leaf defence. His philosophy was "You don't have to kill every forward coming down the ice, just slow them up a little." Few opposing players coming into the Leafs end of the rink ever came in with their heads down against Baun.

Baun retired in 1973
Drafted By:
Draft 5-310 Leaf Lander

#5 Barry Beck,D-X3-6'3" 215
A huge defenceman who could shoot and handle the puck, Barry Beck was dominant at times in the NHL but was often slowed by injuries. He was able to join the rush and use his heavy shot from the point but his strength was playing the body in his own zone.

Following his stellar amateur career, Beck was chosen second overall by the Colorado Rockies at the 1977 Amateur Draft. He scored 22 goals and often carried his team in 1977-78 but finished second in the Calder trophy voting to the Islanders' Mike Bossy. The burly youngster's totals set a record for rookie defencemen that was not bettered until Brian Leetch came along more than a decade later. He continued to anchor the club's defense in 1978-79 and was chosen to the NHL All-Star team that squared off against their Soviet counterparts in the Challenge Cup.

Ten games into the 1979-80 season, Beck was traded to the New York Rangers for a package of five players headed by Pat Hickey, Mike McEwen, and Lucien Deblois. The Big Apple agreed with him as he scored 59 points in 61 games but the club was eliminated in the second round of the post-season. The next year he was a key factor in the Blueshirts' march to the semi-finals. Beck also served as the club's captain for parts of six seasons beginning in 1980-81.

Beck was chosen to represent his country in the 1981 Canada Cup and was an important cog on the New York blueline when healthy
Draft 3-181-Monster_bertuzzi
Draft 4-182 AG
Draft 5-366 Murphy2

#20 Ed Belfour,G-5'11"182

Drafted By:
Draft 1-191 Spitfire11
Draft 2-31 Leaf Lander
Draft 3-58-Hockey Outsider
Draft 4-99 Maxwell Edison
Draft 5-142 Evil Sather
Last edited:

Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters
#4 Jean Beliveau,C-6'3" 205
Jean was regal on the ice and and humble anddiplomatic off the ice. He was the blueprint for the quebec superstar hockey player. Players like Lafleur Rod Gilbert Gilbert Perrault and Mario Lemiuex all learned the game watching jean.

He was a tough player large man at 6'3" He was a great stickhandler he moved effortlessly across the ice using his long graceful strides.He thrived on instinct and outdistanced most opponets using hislong reach. He won the cup 10 times and 5 of them were as captain no other nhlcaptain has ever been presented the cup as often as he.

Jean "Le Gros Bill" Beliveau was one of the all-time classiest players in the NHL, both on the ice and off. He made his career as a strong skater and was hard if not impossible to slow down. He was nicknamed after a popular French song of the day by the same name, "le Gros Bill," and in all he played on an incredible 10 Stanley Cup-winning teams as a member of the Montreal Canadiens.

Beliveau made the All-Star Team 10 times, was the leading scorer of all time for Montreal and the all-time leading scorer in Stanley Cup history as well. After playing a total of five regular season games in 1950-51 and 1952-53, he played another 18 seasons with Montreal, and in 10 of those he led the team as their captain.

When he retired from the game, Beliveau said, "I made up my mind to offer my place to a younger player." He added: "It's hard, but I will play no more. I only hope that I have made a contribution to a great game. Hockey has been my life since the day my father gave me a pair of skates when I was five years old." In reverence to all that Beliveau gave to hockey, the Canadiens held Jean Beliveau Night at the Montreal Forum in March 1971.

Beliveau served as a team executive for the Canadiens and official spokesperson for the club. Some observers noted that he'd been filling that latter position unofficially for years anyway.Beliveau worked for the Canadiens in public relations until 1993 as senior vice-president of corporate affairs but he maintained ambassadorial prestige with the team even to this day.
THN 100 Players-7
Drafted By:
Draft 1-7 Oilers94
Draft 2-6 GB - Durham Wasps
Draft 3-10 -kruezer
Draft 4-6 #66
Draft 5-5 go kim johnsson

#23 Brian Bellows,RW-X4- 5'11"210
Brian thrived on the powerplay. He like many goal scorers goes unoticed on the ice till a scoring chance arrives then he becomes very dangerous because he has a quick accurate release.He has scored over 500 goals and has recorded a 1000+ points. He is a tough winger who is not afraid to go to the net. His natural offensive talent is exceptional.Brian has had been a big impact player in playoff runs to the Stanley Cup Finals for three different franchises in the nineties, with the North Stars, Capitals and the championship-winning Canadiens.
If only he'd played his entire career for the Leafs or Habs. There's no doubt he'd go into the hall of fame then. Or at least get his number retired by the team.
Drafted By:
Draft 4-265 VanIslander
Draft 5- 257 kruezer

#1! Clint Benedict, G-X2-5'9" 160!
"The praying goalie" was the first fall down goalie. In the nhl first season goalies were not allowed to go down to the ice level to block the icea. An untimley slip by cllint here or a akward looking fall there made the nhl change the rule half way through the season. He was on five winning Stanley Cup teams, four with Ottawa and one with the Montreal Maroons.After taking a shot to the face from howie morenz Benedict returned to the Montreal net sporting a makeshift mask.The mask was primarily made of leather, it resembled a boxing face guard. The experiment only lasted two games; Benedict had great difficulty seeing around the thick nosepiece and he discarded it. In 1927, Elizabeth Graham, playing net for Queen's, wore a mask for intercollegiate games. Her mask of choice was a fencing mask.
THN 100 Players-77
Drafted By:
Draft 2-288 U L C
Draft 3-168-#66
Draft 4-243 kruezer
Draft 5-51 pnep

#7 Doug Bentley,LW- 5'8"145
Doug played left wing and was known as a "complete" player. Although he weighed only 145 pounds during his heyday, he had tremendous speed and was a natural goal scorer. Six times he had 20 or more goals in a season, and in 1942-43 he led the NHL in points even though the team finished in fifth place and out of the playoffs. It was during that season that the Bentleys made history. Their youngest brother, Reggie, was called up from the minors and played 11 games with Doug and Max, the first time three brothers played as a complete forward line. Doug was also exciting to watch and frequently had more ice time than anyone else in the game. Because of his speed, he was one of the great backcheckers of his era as well.
THN 100 Players-73
Drafted By:
Draft 1-118 Maxwell Edison
Draft 2-273 GB
Draft 3-153-Hockey Outsider
Draft 4-136 Bobby Ryan Getzlaf
Draft 5-92 murray

#7 Max Bentley,C- 5'9"158
Max became famous for his drive to the net, his aggressive play to score and the fact that he was constantly in motion. He never stopped skating and had as many moves in his day, contemporaries would later say, as Wayne Gretzky did during his era. The difference was that Gretzky carried the puck from the blueline in and Bently often took it starting from behind his own net.
Bently and Gretzky share a piece of NHL history. Each scored four goals in a single period an NHL record. Red Berenson and Harvey Jackson also have done that.
THN 100 Players-48
Drafted By:
Draft 1-70 Maxwell Edison
Draft 2-145 U L C
Draft 3-132- Bergeron47
Draft 4- 121 Bobby Ryan Getzlaf
Draft 5-45 murray

#4 Marc Bergevin,D-X4B-6'0"185
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B 134 Kruezer
Draft 5-
#2 Gary Bergman,D-X4-6'0"188
The MVP of game 6 of the 1972 NHL-Soviet Summit Series was the top defensively-minded two-way defenseman of the Detroit Red Wings for eight years who was both gritty and effective in registering an impressive +/- of +5 in the close tourney, based on stellar defensive play.

``From my perspective, he was one of the great unsung heroes of that series,'' series scoring star Paul Henderson told The Canadian Press recently. ``He just played incredible hockey.''

For a defensively-minded defenseman he had a decent offensive production of 369 points in 838 NHL games with 1249 PIM. he was known for having a great first pass out of his zone and unsurpassed constant effort and energy. He also had three points in the Summit Series, though again, it's his defensive play that he was most excellent at.

Bergman's partner during the series was Hall of Famer Brad Park. "Right away I realized what a classy guy he was in how he handled himself on and off the ice, and what a great competitor he was. He was as solid a defenseman as has ever played the game.''

Bergman is perhaps best remember for a dirty exchange in game 7 involving Soviet captain Boris Mikhailov. Bergman hammered the centerman into the boards late in the game, which triggered a minor brawl. Hockey fans everywhere were sickened when Mikhailov began kicking Bergman in the shins in a disturbing attempt to injure the Canadian defender
Drafted By:
Draft 4-297 VanIslander
Draft 5-B-62 Hedberg
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Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters
#44 Todd Bertuzzi,RW/LW-6'3" 235
Todd is a prototypical power forward: Big, mobile and with hands that do damage around the net. Can score spectacular goals, but is also adept at playing the set-up role.He can play both left wing and right wing.He has outstanding grace and agility for his size at 6'3" 245 he can go to the net crashing and banging along the way and is an unstopable imposing figure that defenders and goalies fear.

Drafted By:
Draft 1-200 Monkey_00
Draft 2-166 Maxwell Smart
Draft 3-179-Leaf Lander
Draft 4-196 BM67
Draft 5-269 Leaf Lander

#23 Jeff Beukeboom,D-X3-6'5" 230
Drafted By:
Draft 3-352 Bluebleeder
Draft 5-

#4 Rob Blake,D-6'3"222

Drafted By:
Draft 1-86 JDB3939
Draft 2-89 Spitfire11
Draft 3-80-Monkey_00
Draft 4-91 #66
Draft 5-98 go kim johnsson

#6 Toe Blake,LW-5'10"162
THN 100 Players-66
Drafted By:
Draft 1-103 Oilers94
Draft 2-105 Laperriere22
Draft 3-219-Spitfire11
Draft 4-142 nucks2win
Draft 5-159 Spitfire11

Toe Blake, Coach-X2

Drafted By:
Draft 2-220 Spitfire11
Draft 3-140-Monkey_00
Draft 4-256 Spitfire11
Draft 5-250 Spitfire11

#9 Vsevolod Bobrov, LW-X2- 5'11"171
Vsevolod "Seve" Bobrov was nicknamed the Russian Rocket as he was compared to the best player in the world at that time, Rocket Richard. He never displayed Richard's temper or intensity, but was every bit as explosive and hungry for goals.

Drafted By:
Draft 2-190- Maxwell Edison
Draft 4-B-116 -Maxwell Edison
Draft 5-254 kruezer

#20 Leo Boivin,D-5'8"183
Drafted By:
Draft 1-232 GB Editor
Draft 2-272 John Flyers Fan
Draft 3-213 Murphy2
Draft 4-95 DrMoses
Draft 5-220 kruezer
Last edited:

Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters
#9 Ivan Boldirev,C-X4B-6'0"190
Ivan Boldirev was a smooth-skating, playmaking centre with superior puck handling skills he had a natural touch around the net. He spent 15 years in the league with six different clubs and recorded nine 20-goal seasons.

His best season came in 1981-82 when he scored 33 goals playing on a line with Dave "Tiger" Williams and Tony Currie notched eight playoff markers as the club reach the Stanley Cup finals for the first time. He played for :Boston;California; Chicago;Atlanta;Vancouve and Detroit Played 1052 games 361 goals and 866 points
Played in NHL All-Star Game (1978)
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B -103- Leaf Lander
Draft 5-

#12 Peter Bondra,RW - 6’1†205:
was a premier skater, with tremendous moves and great speed. With great hands and skills, he’s a threat to score anywhere from the blue line in. Not a physical player per se, but he has size and finishes his checks and fights through people to get his chances. An ever-dangerous penalty killer, he scored a shorthanded goal almost half as often as the opposition scored on the power play BM67
Drafted By:
Draft 1-131 JDB3939
Draft 2-155 BM67
Draft 3-164 Evil Sather
Draft 4-180 Evil Sather
Draft 5-233 Evil Sathe

#16 Laurie Boschman,C-X4B- 6'0"185
Drafted By:
Draft 4- 119 B-kruezer
Draft 5-

#22 Mike Bossy,RW-6'0"185
THN 100 Players-20.
Drafted By:
Draft 1-14 JDB3939
Draft 2-12 U L C
Draft 3-9 Bluebleeder
Draft 4-11 AG
Draft 5-15 jtuzzi

#3 Emile "Butch" Bouchard, D - 6’2â€205:
A big, mobile defender with exceptional hockey sense, accurate passing and leadership, the Montreal Canadiens relied heavily on him for 15 seasons. His robust play contributed to the Habs' defense while his alert passing was an integral component of the team's exemplary transitional game. Bouchard was a tall and strong competitor who used his physical attributes to advantage although he never bullied an opponent. Physically, Bouchard was remarkably strong and often broke up fights on the ice by grabbing hold of each combatant with his enormous hands. To his credit, he never abused his powerful attributes and most opponents wisely avoided provoking him. In turn, he rarely fought BM67
Drafted By:
Draft 1-125 Laperriere22
Draft 2-206 BM67
Draft 3-117 DrMoses
Draft 4-159 DrMoses
Draft 5-139 Spitfire11

#7 Frank Boucher,C-X2- 5’10â€, 185:
Frank was a dominating center for the NY Rangers he had quick feet and great hands. He “played like he had the puck on a stringâ€, having learned to stickhandle in twenty a side games on the Rideau River. He was renowned as a brilliant playmaker, but scored a hat trick in his NHL debut, and scored both goals in the clinching game as the Rangers won their first Stanley Cup in 1928. Known as “Gentleman Frank†for his unsurpassed sportsmanship, he got the nickname "Raffles", after a famous fictional safecracker, because of his ability to steal the puck. BM67
THN 100 Players-61
Drafted By:
Draft 2-182 BM67
Draft 3-ND
Draft 4-127 DrMoses
Draft 5-85 pnep

#15 George Boucher, D-X3-5'9"169
Drafted By:
Draft 3-237 DrMoses
Draft 5-119 pnep
Last edited:

Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters
#14 Bob Bourne,C-X4B-6'3" 200
A leading playoff scorer in 83 when they won their 4th Stanley Cup in a row. He had excellent speed and offensive skills, but perhaps his greatest weakness was low self-confidence. Playing with the likes of Bryan Trottier and Mike Bossy, he didn't think he had the capability to score 30 or 40 goals, though Torrey, coach Al Arbour and his teammates disagreed.

An important quality Bourne brought to the team was focused determination, a characteristic that he acquired naturally from private life. His son Jeffrey suffered from spina bifida and required constant care and attention, and Bourne appreciated perhaps more than most NHL players how lucky he was to have the gifts that allowed him to play in the NHL. During his prime years, the Islanders won the Cup four consecutive times, from 1980 to 1983 and Bourne's leadership was a key ingredient in all of those wins. -Legends of Hockey Bio
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B 51 BM67
Draft 5-374 #66

#77 Raymond Bourque,D-Height 6'0" 219 :
The highest scoring defenceman and 9th highest scoring player ever, Bourque made his debut in 1979 and won the Calder Trophy. In a career spanning 3 decades he also won the King Clancy in 1991-92 and 5 Norris Trophies, as well as the Stanley Cup. GB
THN 100 Players-14
Drafted By:
Draft 1-8 GB Editor
Draft 2-8 Evil Sather
Draft 3-6 BM67
Draft 4-159 DrMoses
Draft 5-12 BM67

#1 Johnny Bower,G- 5'9" 170
Johnny Bower: Bower, like his other five Original Six brethren, became famous for his fearless play. Maskless, he never shied away from an attacking player and in fact patented the most dangerous move a goalie can make - the poke-check. Diving head-first into the skates of an attacking player at full speed, Bower would routinely flick the puck off that player's stick and out of harm's way. In 1953-54, he played the entire season for the Rangers, but then spent most of the next four seasons right back in the minors, having lost the starting job in New York to Gump Worsley. Bower's big break came in the summer of 1958 when the Leafs, for whatever reason, claimed him from Cleveland at the Intra-League Draft. Under the confident eye of coach Punch Imlach, Bower got better and better. He led the Leafs into the playoffs his first season with a miracle comeback ending to the schedule, and then lost two finals in a row before winning three consecutive Stanley Cup championships - 1962 to 1964. Bower refused to retire and kept right on going, teaming with Terry Sawchuk to win the memorable 1967 Cup with Toronto's Over-the-Hill Gang of players, led by the 43-year-old Bower himself. He retired in 1970 as the oldest goalie ever to play in the NHL. Bower won two Vezina trophies and was the runner up for the Hart in ‘61.
THN 100 Players-87
Drafted By:
Draft 1-143 John Flyers Fan
Draft 2-233 Leaf Lander
Draft 3-174 BM67
Draft 4-176 monster_bertuzzi
Draft 5-153 pnep

#10! Russell "Dubbie" Bowie, C/Rover 5'10" 175*
He attributed his stickhandling prowess to the fact that he always used a short stick. "Mine came only up to my armpits," he stated. Bowie once scored ten goals in a game and totaled 234 goals over ten-year career of only 80 games, a career average of almost three goals per game. He played with the Montreal Victorias for his entire career won the Cup as an 18-yr-old retired 09-10
Draft 1-171 Maxwell Edison
Draft 2-171 U L C
Draft 5-

Russell "Dubbie" Bowie * was drafted then released in draft 2

Scotty Bowman,Coach-X2
Drafted By:
Draft 2-99 GB
Draft 3-99 Bluebleeder
Draft 4-111 Maxwell Edison
Draft 5-166 go kim johnsson

#87 Donald Brashear,LW-X4B-6'2" 225
Donald is a burly winger who possesses one of the most intimidating packages in the league. Has a strong skating stride and an occasional scoring touch. Can rumble with the best.He is arguably the leagues most feared enforcer He is formidable and a punishing checker when he applies his great size and strength.
He fears no one and is a very capable 4th line player who isnt a liability on the ice.He has decent hands and can chip in a timely goal.
Drafted By:
Draft 4- B-138 -Leaf Lander
Draft 5-

#2 Carl Brewer,D- 5'10" 180
Drafted By:
Draft 1-186 Leaf Lander
Draft 3-319 Bergeron47
Draft 4-245 Bergeron47
Draft 5-168 God Bless Canada

#2 Eric Brewer,D-X5B-6'3" 220
Drafted By:
Draft 5-B-84 raleh
Last edited:

Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters
#1 Frank Brimsek,G-X2-5'9"170
"Mr. Zero Brimsek was a classic standup goalie whose confidence on the ice threw off many a shooter. On breakaways and penalty shots he would often lean back calmly against his net as the foe approached. But he was not a passive figure while guarding his cage - Brimsek used his custom-made heavy stick to knock the puck off opposition sticks or to take the feet out from under someone who took too many liberties around his goal." - HHoF Bio

"Hap Day called Brimsek the "greatest goalie [he had] ever seen." Frank Selke and Art Ross thought Brimesk to have been the best goalie of their time. The greatest American goalie ever, the man with one of the fastest glove-hands in the history of the game, ended his career with two Stanley Cup rings, two Vezina trophies, and eight All-Star Team nominations." - Ultimate Hockey

"The Boston fans were solidly in Brimsek's corner when the Bruins plyed there next game against the Canadiens at Boston Gardens. So were Frankie's teammates, though by now they were so confident of their young goaltnder that they frequently left him alone while they mounted five-man sallies deep into enemy ice. High praise for a rookie." - Hockeys Hall of Fame

"Frank had retired at the relatively young age of thirty-four. He had been the best, and he had been unique, an American-born, American-developed goaltender, excelling at his skill. He had played on Stanley Cup winners. He had stood alone on the mountaintop, the finest in his profession. The war had caused him to lose his skill, and Brimsek had little choice but to retire." - The All-New Hockey's 100

"Frankie Brimsek is not only the greatest goaltender in the National Hockey League, but the greatest of all time." - Jack Adams

"I've never seen a better goaltender than Frank Brimsek during his early years with the Bruins." - Hap Day

"If all the pucks stopped by Frigid Frankie were stuck together, they would form a solid rubber hose, three inches in diameter, one that would stretch from Boston to his home in Minnesota." - Harold Kaese

"The kid had the fastest hands I ever saw - like lightning." Art Ross
THN 100 Players-67
Drafted By:
Draft 2-244 Spitfire11
Draft 3-147 DrMoses
Draft 4-163 BM67
Draft 5-136 #66

#17 Rod Brind'amour,C-X3-6'1"202
Drafted By:
Draft 3-225 John Flyers Fan
Draft 4-237 Evil Sather
Draft 5-203 BM67

# 8 Harry "Punch" Broadbent,RW-5'7" 183
A multidimensional star, Harry "Punch" Broadbent was as talented as he was tough. He was an artist with the puck, at times scoring at will, but he also gained a notorious reputation for using his elbows to make a point. He could dance around or skate over an opponent as the situation demanded. Many considered Broadbent to be one of the first true power forwards of the game. And fame would likely have been far greater had he not lost three years in the prime of his career to military service during World War I.
His offensive wizardry and robust style of play contributed significantly to the Senators' three Stanley Cup wins in 1920, 1921 and 1923.

Drafted By:
Draft 1-195 Dr. Love
Draft 2-ND
Draft 3-166 John Flyers Fan
Draft 4-186 kruezer
Draft 5-332 Murphy2

#1 Turk Broda, G -5'9" 180 lbs.
He was the best money goalies of his time. Coach Hap Day had to constantly ride him to keep his reflexes sharp and his weight down, making him face shooters without a stick for 15 minutes every practice, and trailing him while skating laps, shouting for him to “join the race.†But there wasn’t a more clutch goaltender in the history of hockey. In 12 full years, WWII cost him 2 full years and the most of a third, he won 5 Stanley Cups, and got Toronto to the Finals 8 times. His solid 2.53 goals against average became a stellar 1.98 in the playoffs. Jack Adams said, “Turk Broda didn’t have a nerve in his whole body. He could tend goal in a tornado and never blink an eye.†BM67. He retired after playing only one game in the 1951-52 season. Broda was accorded a special night at the Gardens by Conn Smythe, one of the rarest honors bestowed upon a Leaf. That night came on December 22, 1951, and players and executives from Toronto, the opposing Bruins and every other NHL team gathered to pay respects to one of the greatest goalies of all time.
THN 100 Players-60
Drafted By:
Draft 1-132 BM67
Draft 2-181 BM67
Draft 3-131 Monkey_00
Draft 4-96 Spitfire11
Draft 5-72 Leaf Lander

#30 Martin Brodeur,G- 6'1"205
Drafted By:
Draft 1-16 Monkey_00
Draft 2-19 Evil Sather
Draft 3-19 Bergeron47
Draft 4-20 Evil Sather
Draft 5-24 AG

#35 Richard Brodeur,G-X4B-5'7"185
Brodeur tended goal in the mold of the prototypical little backstopper with razor-sharp reflexes and the agility to leap, flop, and stretch to cover holes that don't exist for larger goalies. And although some would resent being so small, Brodeur simply considered his size and style of play to be as valid as any other. The key was to keep the puck out of the net, a task he handled quite well throughout most of his career
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B 56 Maxwell Edison
Draft 5-

#7 Neal Broten,C-X4B-5'9"170
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B-9 Spitfire11
Draft 5-B-20 Spitfire11
Last edited:

Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters
#21 Dave Brown,RW-X3-Height 6'5" 205
Drafted By:
Draft 3-350 Murphy2
Draft 5-

#21 Jeff Brown,D -X4B-6'2"204
A righty powerplay threat for the defense,Jeff Brown was a mobile defenceman who played over 700 games for six different clubs. He was a superior passer who liked to gamble by rushing with the puck or pinching in from the blueline.

He joined the St. Louis Blues in 1989-90 and immediately upgraded their power play and transition game. In 1990-91, he helped the club attain 105 points and scored a key overtime goal against the Toronto Maple Leafs in the hotly contested Norris Division final series in 1993.
Late in the 1993-94 season Brown was acquired by the Vancouver Canucks in time for their drive to the Stanley Cup finals. His mobility and experience helped the club come within one game of winning it all in a tough series against the New York Rangers.Brown retired with nearly 600 career points and the reputation of being one of the best power play specialists of his time.
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B-87 BM67
Draft 5-B-100 jtuzzi

#29 Jiri Bubla,D-X4B-5'11" 200
Bubla spent five years with the Vancouver Canucks in the 1980s after a stellar decade on the Czechoslovakian national squad. He used his mobility and hockey sense effectively at both ends of the ice and was a solid point man on the power play
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B 80 -Maxwell Edison
Draft 5-

#16 Kelly Buchberger,RW-X4B-6'2" 210
Kelly was a good leader with great wheels.He was also a solid defensive forward, grinder, and occasional goal scorer.
Drafted By:
Draft 4- B-131 kruezer
Draft 5-

#9 Johnny Bucyk,LW-6'0"215
-"The Cheif" was a skilled left winger who was at 6', 215 lbs the largest of his day. He was a tough battler,who could beat you with his acurate shot or with a bruising hip check, he was rarely penalized. Johnny was known for his clean, fair play, but could be a hard hitter when necessary. In 71, he won the Lady Byng Trophy for combining a high standard of play and gentlemanly conduct. Bucyk scored 556 goals and 813 assists in 1,540 regular season games, and he had 41 goals and 64 assists in 124 playoff games Bucyk was the oldest playerever to get 50 goals for the 1st time at age 35 and after age 32 he score 30 goals in 1971 season. When he retired at age 43 he was the nhl 4th all time scorer proving that the race to the hall of fame goes not always to the fastes but to the steadiest
1st All-Star Team LW (71) Lady Byng Memorial Trophy (71, 74) Lester Patrick Trophy (77) 2nd All-Star Team LW (68) Ranked 45 in the top 100 list
THN 100 Players-45
Drafted By:
Draft 1-66 Oilers94
Draft 2-67 U L C
Draft 3-67 BM67
Draft 4-69 Leaf Lander
Draft 5-86 pnep

#4 Billy Burch,C/LW-X2-6'0"200
Drafted By
Draft 2-165 U L C2
Draft 5-

#10 Pavel Bure,RW-5'10"192
The Russian Rocket was the most spectacular player in the nhl when in top shape physically and mentally. He could easily score 60 goals a yr.His effectivnes lies largely in his lightining speed. He is a pure goal scorer who operates instinctly where to go to pounce on the oppostion goalkeeper.He is a dazzling puck handler and he posses a howitzer of a shot.He is a gifted sniper.Pavel is a interesting mix of speed skill and power and his ability to execute at top flight makes him the most exciting player of our times.
Drafted By:
Draft 1-58 Herby
Draft 2-66 monkey_00
Draft 3-86 Benton Fraser
Draft 4-86 AG
Draft 5-102 Leaf Lander
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Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters
#1 Sean Burke,G-X4B-6'4" 210
Sean Burke: A competitive hybrid-style goalie with great size and wingspan, Burke played deep in the net and always stayed square to the shooter and he worked tirelessly on his control flexability and rebound control. Sean was always a workhorse starting goalie who has played almost 800 nhl career games he was one of the league's biggest puck-stoppers at 6-4, 211 pounds. Used his big frame to play an effective stand-up style. He played with savvy and leadership qualities.

He joined the Canadian National Team. He backstopped Canada to 46 victories over two seasons then shared the goalkeeping responsibilities with Andy Moog at the 1988 Calgary Olympics. Following Canada's fourth place finish, Burke joined the Devils and caught fire at the right time. He posted a 10-1 record down the stretch and helped New Jersey make the playoffs on the last night of the regular season. In the playoffs, he was superb as the young club made it all the way to the seventh game of the semi-finals.

Sean also backstopped NJ to the conference finals in 88 and played in the 88 and 92 Olympics. He has over 300 career wins and over 30 career nhl shutouts. backstopped the cabadian olympic squad to a silver medal at the 1992 Albertville Olympics. He also lead Team Canada to gold at the 2003 World Championship.

Aside from his Olympic expriences and the 2003 World Championships, Burke has represented his homeland at the 1986 World Juniors and four other times at the World Championships 87,89,91 and 97
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B 7 -Leaf Lander
Draft 5-404 go kim johnsson 514

Pat Burns-Coach-X3
Pat was a detective/undercover cop in Gatineau for 17 yrs. He is the only cop to have gone from walking the beat on street to walking behind the bench in the nhl. Burns utilizes gut hockey and on occasion he out wits the best of his rivals, he is able to change players from roles when they start to fail thus allowing his teams to continue to have much sucess.

He played a tough defensive style of game, but he allowed his offensive players the freedom to be creative. He can be at times too tough on his players, but look at the job he's done with the teams he's coached. They've all been top offensive and defensive teams without employing the trap. Burns can coach a team to a win in the big game and he has a cup to prove it.

He has won three Jack Adams Awards. The knock against him was that he had not won a Stanley Cup Championship, but that changed in his first season as Devils' coach.The former Hull, Quebec police officer was a disciplinarian, but that was really good for his team. He forced them to focus on playing their game. Larry Robinson's second tenure on the Devils' backbench shows that the disciplinarian is the supperior type of coach over the laissez-faire type

Pats coaching career got started in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League with the Hull Olympiques in 1984. Pat guided the 85 team to the Memorial Cup final, against Jacques Martin's Guelph Platters, but lost. Under Burns tutelage, he mentored future nhl players such as: Luc Robitaille, Sylvain Côté, Benoît Brunet, Cam Russel, Stéphane Matteau, Pat Brisson (the agent), and many others went on to pro careers in the minors or Europe.

Burns had great success with Hull and brought to this organisation the desire to compete day in and day out. He was a workhorse, and demanded such from his players. This desire and legacy still go on in Hull (now Gatineau), where the Olympiques are the Q's most successful franchise. If not for Burns (mentored by Charlie Henry and Wayne Gretzky),this organisation wouldn't be where it is now. He went to Sherbrooke and coached there for one season before replacing Jean Perron as the new head coach with les canadiens.

Burns cared for his players like a drill seargent.It doesnt mean he doesnt care about his players, but rather affection is harder to earn.He at times can be too demanding. He did do wonders for a young felix potivn. He realized the Doug Gilmour was having a career year in 92-93 and double shifted Killer all the way to the quarter finals.The leafs started to decline in Pats 3rd yr at the helm as coach and by the 4th season he was let go by Cliff Fletcher because the leafs were too cup starved to make the right choice.The leafs fired Pat 65 games into the 1995-96 season

After a year off from coaching while still collecting a pay cheque from the leafs. Pat decided to try and revive the Boston Bruins organization like he did with the leafs.Unfortunatley Pat couldnt mold a rebuilding Bruins squad into contenders so after 3 years in Beantown he was done.

He took another year off. Then returned to coach the New Jersey Devils.There he found the ultimate sucess and won a cup in his first season as coach.Sadly in his second year Pat was diagnosed with cancer and stepped down as coach after a early first round playoff exit in 03-04.

-Pat was on the TSN show Off the Record in march 06' and looks great!
-Hull and Gatineau amalgamated in the mid 1990's

14 seasons 1019 Games 501 wins 350 losses 161 Ties 14 OTL

Drafted By:
Draft 3-335 Benton Fraser
Draft 4-327 AG
Draft 5-
Last edited:

Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters

#2 Harry Cameron,D-X3-5'10" 155

Drafted By:
Draft 3-250 kruezer
Draft 4-250 kruezer
Draft 5-227 God Bless Canada

#21 Guy Carbonneau,C-5'11"175
Carbonneau was drafted 44th overall in the 1980 Draft by the Montreal Canadiens.

He stepped into a Montreal team on the downswing from a four-Cup dynasty in the late 1970s. He established himself as both a 20-goal scorer and the man who played against the other team's best player every night. During his 13 years with Montreal, he won the Cup twice, in 1986 and 1993.

He was also one of the league's most persistent and effective shadows: he always played against the league's skilled players in an era when offense meant everything.
His skating was well above average, although he didn't have straight-line speed.
He had a nice wrister that seemed to catch goalies off guard.He could hang on to the puck like it was glued to his stick. Great vision and understanding of the game made him one of the most dominant defensive forward of his area. Carboneau played his best hockey alongside Mike McPhee. They were an fiesty, dangerous duo who could take care of both ends of the rink.

His strong play as a defensive forward helped the Canadiens to a Stanley Cup championship in 1986, followed by three Frank J. Selke Trophy wins in 1988, 1989, and 1992. In 1989-90 he was named the captain of the Canadiens, and led them to another Stanley Cup win in 1993.

What made Guy a great leader was that he always delivered at crunch time -- with a big hit, big goal, or timely shot block. He was truly a player who elevated his game when it mattered most.

In the '93 Final, the Habs faced Wayne Gretzky and the Los Angeles Kings, and in game one the "Great One" had a goal and two assists and the Kings won 4-1. Carbo approached coach Jacques Demers and requested he be allowed to shadow number 99 the rest of the way. Montreal won the next four games.

In 1994 he was traded to the St. Louis Blues, playing there for one season before moving to the Dallas Stars. He earned his third Stanley Cup ring in 1999 with the Stars, and retired from playing following the 1999-00 season when he was the oldest player in the game.

Drafted By:
Draft 1-161 GB Editor
Draft 2-154 VO #23
Draft 3-127 VanIslander
Draft 4-118 AG
Draft 5-106 Leaf Lander

#8 Randy Carlyle,D-5'10"200

Drafted By:
Draft 1-150 Leaf Lander
Draft 2-161 Leaf Lander
Draft 3-189 Bluebleeder
Draft 4-160 kruezer
Draft 5-155 kruezer

#3 Keith Carney,D-X5B-6'2" 205
Drafted By:
Draft 5-B 94 reckoning

#10 Bobby Carpenter,C-X4B-6'0" 200
He the first player to go right from U.S. high school to the NHL, scoring 32 goals as a rookie and setting a record for American-born players when he scored 53 in his fourth year, Ô84-Õ85. The pervious record had been 41 by Joe Mullen.
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B-149 -Maxwell Edison
Draft 5-

#9 Lorne Carr,RW-X4B-5'9"160
Born on July 2, 1910 Lorne Carr is beleived to be the oldest living NHL er'. Lorne "Sudden Death" Carr joined the now defunct New York Americans the next season and starred with the team for seven seasons. In 1941-42, as the New York Americans were changing their name to the Brooklyn Americans. More importantly he played for the Toronto Mapel Leafs winning 2 cups over detroit. Lorne finished fifth in NHL scoring in 1942-43, earning him selection to the NHL's First All-Star Team. The next season, Carr finished third, collecting career-bests in goals (36), assists (38) and points (74), all the while accumulating just 9 minutes in penalties all season. That season (1943-44), Carr was again chosen to the First All-Star Team.He finished with over 200 career goals and over 420 points in 580 nhl games
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B-90 Leaf Lander
Draft 5-b-105 reckoning

#12 Wayne Cashman,RW-X2-6'1"180

Drafted By:
Draft 2-271 Evil Sather
Draft 3-321 kruezer
Draft 4-368 monster_bertuzzi
Draft 5-192 raleh

#1 Lorne Chabot,G-X3-6'1"185
He was known for his quick reflexes, agility, and some strong performances in the playoffs and in overtime
THN 100 Players-84
Drafted By:
Draft 3-306 Bergeron47
Draft 4-373 Bergeron47
Draft 5-381 Hockey Outsider
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Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters
#3 Zdeno Chara,D- 6'9" 260

Drafted By:
Draft 1-207 Monkey_00
Draft 2-194 monkey_00
Draft 3-119 Leaf Lander
Draft 4-161 Spitfire11
Draft 5-177 Hockey Outsider

#30 Gerry Cheevers,G-5'11"185
One of the greatest goaltenders this general manager has ever seen, back in the great Bruins-Habs rivalry of the seventies, when Dryden was by no means the clear better, and when this Bruins goalie showed that he not only deserved his induction into the HHOF and two Stanley Cups but also that he was a team player who didn't care what people thought nor how well he played as long as the team won, a great goalie who for some reason hasn't gotten his fair share of kuddos int he last decade or so, Top-10 all-time nobody used to doubt.
Drafted By:
Draft 1-238 John Flyers Fan
Draft 2-248 John Flyers Fan
Draft 3-227 Evil Sather
Draft 4-248 VanIslander
Draft 5-270 Spitfire11

#24 Chris Chelios,D-6'1"190
Has been one of the toughest defensemen to beat one-on-one throughout his career. Always plays a smart game in the defensive zone and is terrific in transition. Is still nasty but has learned to pick his spots and for the majority of his career he logged huge amounts of ice time.The more chris played the better he played. He is one of the leagues best defenceman one on one.He is indispensible on the

Chelios and Ray Bourque were the premiere d-man of there time patroling the blueline. They long jockeyed as the dominant all-round defensman of there era. If Borq made beating boston tough then chelios made surviving a date with chicago an ordeal. Top 50

Chelios has great instincts, strong skating, and top drawer offensive gifts meant he could had been a Norris Trophy candidate without repeatedly bloodying his nose in the first half of his now 3 decade spanning career.

Traded to chicago for hall of famer denis savard who was on the back side of his career despite being the same age as chelios.Chris's career continue to advance and he entrenched himself as the most skilled and menacing players of his era.

He has won 3 Norris Trophys

His stint with the Chicago Blackhawks solidified Chris Chelios' standing as the most menacing skilled defenseman in the league. He was known as a player who would do anything to win, regarded by most as a player other NHL players hated playing against. Even as Chris amassed over 2,000 penalty minutes, his offensive numbers were never too far behind his gritty play. Chelios would win two more Norris trophies during while in Chicago and led the team in points during the 1995-96 season. His time in Chicago came to an end at the 1999 NHL trade deadline when he was dealt to the Detroit Red Wings for defenceman Anders Ericksson and two first-round draft picks (1999 and 2001). The move to Detroit did not yield a Red Wing three-peat, but Chelios helped Detroit win the Stanley Cup in 2002 and is back with the Wings for the 2005-06 season.
He has won 2 cups with montreal and detroit. Silver Medal at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah.

A tireless worker and one of the most fit players in the NHL, Chelios began his 22nd NHL season in 2005-06 Chelios reached the 900-point plateau during the 02-03 regular seson, was named to his second World Cup team in the summer of 2004

-Obviously he has great skills but he will back stab you any time he gets a chance - randy burridge
-Alot of people fight for the puck Chris plays like he is fighting for his life - Bill Clement.
-Telling chris he cant play is like cutting off his arm- Luc Robitaille
-Chelios is the best defenceman in the league. He gives you no gap between himself and the oncoming forward.When you're going forward, most defenseman go back, but it seems like h's going forward and back at the same time. There's always pressure on the puck- Paul Kariya

THN 100 Players-40
Drafted By:
Draft 1-28 Dr. Love
Draft 2-45 Evil Sather
Draft 3-38 Spitfire11
Draft 4-45 Evil Sather
Draft 5-38 Leaf Lander

#20 Dino Ciccarelli,RW-5'10"180
Drafted By:
Draft 1-59 JDB3939
Draft 2-130 Laperriere22
Draft 3-97 VanIslander
Draft 4-138 Hedberg
Draft 5-190 jtuzzi

#7 King Clancy,D-5'7" 155
A tremendous competitor whose immense contributions on the ice were equaled by his extraordinarily effusive personality off ice.

Francis King Clancy was a tremendous competitor whose immense contributions on the ice were equalled by his extraordinarily effusive personality off ice during his lifelong association with the game. His consistent effort and rapport with the fans lasted throughout his career as a player, referee, coach, and executive.
Between 1921-22 and 1929-30, the affable Irish-Canadian starred on the Sens and was a key component in the club's Stanley Cup triumphs in 1923 and 1927. He hit double figures in goals three times and was known for utilizing every trick in the book while defending his own zone. Although he weighed only 155 pounds, the feisty defender took on all comers and even challenged a few unruly fans along the way, losing most fights but never giving an inch or backing down.

In 1930, Clancy was the centrepiece of what became known as "the best deal in hockey" when he was acquired by the Toronto Maple Leafs. Buds' manager Conn Smythe paid the unprecedented sum of $35,000 and two players to acquire the ingredient he felt would put his club over the top as a Stanley Cup contender, a sum he acquired by winning a bet on a racehorse named Rare Jewel. Clancy repaid Smythe's faith in him by constantly bringing the Toronto crowd to its feet with bodychecks, rushes with the puck, and boundless enthusiasm.

The rambunctious defenceman helped the franchise win its first Stanley Cup as the Maple Leafs in 1932 in the team's first year at Maple Leaf Gardens and was voted on to the NHL first and second all-star teams twice each during his career. He also participated in the Ace Bailey benefit game in 1934 and the Howie Morenz memorial match three years later.
THN 100 Players-52
Drafted By:
Draft 1-94 John Flyers Fan
Draft 2-96 U L C2
Draft 3-93 AG
Draft 4-89 Bobby Ryan Getzlaf
Draft 5-80 God Bless Canada

#5 Dit Clapper,D/RW - 6’2â€, 195:
While demonstrating a high level of skill both as a defenseman and as a forward, he forged a reputation as a tenacious yet honest competitor, and one of the league's most versatile performers, in a career that lasted two decades. With great athleticism and an amazing physique he was the best all-around player of his generation. He rarely looked for trouble on the ice, but if the game turned rough, he was one of the league's more accomplished pugilists. Throughout his pro tenure, he was a respected leader on the ice and in the dressing room. BM67

He was the NHL's first 20 year man, a captain and player/coach for the Boston Bruins, and the first player to have the waiting period waived for his induction into the HHoF
"While demonstrating a high level of skill both as a defenseman and as a forward, Aubrey "Dit" Clapper became one of the league's most versatile performers. In a career that lasted two decades, he forged a reputation as a tenacious yet honest competitor. He rarely looked for trouble on the ice, but if the game turned rough, he was one of the league's more accomplished pugilists. Throughout his pro tenure, Clapper was a respected leader on the ice and in the dressing room." - HHoF Bio

"Dit Clapper was the NHL's most admirable star during the time between the final days of Howie Morenz to the starburst that was Maurice Richard. Above all, he was a powerful man, 6-foot-2, 200 pounds, slow to anger, but hellish to deal with when stirred." - THN The Top 100 NHL Players of All Time
"He was so very good in so many ways, but he stood out for one thing. He made so few mistakes." - Bobby Bauer
THN 100 Players-41
Drafted By:
Draft 1-75 Maxwell Edison
Draft 2-77 BM67
Draft 3-72 Bergeron47
Draft 4-67 BM67
Draft 5-58 murray

#17 Wendel Clark,LW-5'11" 197
He played at full speed every night.He is scrappy leader on the ice and he had good offensive skills and a penchant for scoring big goals.

If there was a list of the most popular Toronto Maple Leaf players of all-time, one could be certain that the name Wendel Clark would be right near the top. The former Maple Leafs' captain was idolized by thousands of hockey fans, and held a status, which was nothing short of legendary during more than a decade of service with the blue and white.During his era he was one of the best body checkers in the nhl.

Perhaps his most famous check was when he hammered St. Louis' Bruce Bell with a thundering clean hit behind the net which left Bell lying prone on the ice and unconscious for several minutes. However, it was his aggressive, pounding style, and penchant for the fisticuffs which resulted in him missing close to 200 games from 1987 through 1992, or the equivalent of nearly three NHL seasons.
Drafted By:
Draft 1-78 Leaf Lander
Draft 3-200 Murphy2
Draft 4-239 Maxwell Edison
Draft 5-230 Murphy2
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Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters

#16 Bobby Clarke,C- 5'10"176
THN 100 Players-23
Drafted By:
Draft 1-40 Monkey_00
Draft 2-35 U L C2
Draft 3-36 VanIslander
Draft 4-32 Spitfire11
Draft 5-26 God Bless Canada

#1 Sprague Cleghorn,D-5'10"190
THN 100 Players-88
Drafted By:
Draft 1-180 BM67
Draft 2-142 U L C
Draft 3-105 John Flyers Fan
Draft 4-104 Bobby Ryan Getzlaf
Draft 5-116 Hedberg

#9 Real Cloutier, RW-X2-5'10"185
Drafted By:
Draft 2-201 GB
Draft 5-B 118 jtuzzi

#77 Paul Coffey,D- 6'0" 200
THN 100 Players-28
Drafted By:
Draft 1-18 Oilers94
Draft 2-29 VO #23
Draft 3-33 Hockey Outsider
Draft 4-31 DrMoses
Draft 5-33 Murphy2

#6 Neil Colville,C/D-X3-5.11 -- Weight 180
Neil was both a prominent NHL playmaker and scorer until joining the war in 1942. Neil's conversion to defence was seamless, and he became the first player to be named to All-Star teams both as a forward and defenceman
Drafted By:
Draft 3-244 DrMoses
Draft 5-B-36 BM67

#9 Charlie Conacher,RW - 6’1â€, 202 :
In his time, "The Big Bomber" had the hardest shot in hockey, a notorious blast that eluded goaltenders and dented rink boards. He was a daring and explosive scorer who used his size to his advantage. He could beat goalies equally well with his booming shot or with a deft move from close range. Once he got moving, he was famous for bowling over anyone between him and the net - and then often the net itself as he crossed the goal line just a few seconds after the puck. Charlie was Toronto’s policeman for many years and a great one. He didn’t go looking for trouble, but if it came along he would clear it up. BM67
THN 100 Players-36
Drafted By:
Draft 1-61 BM67
Draft 2-54 BM67
Draft 3-66 BM67
Draft 4-59 #66
Draft 5-57 BM67

#3 Lionel Conacher,D-6'2"195
Canada's Top Male Athlete 1900-1950
Drafted By:
Draft 1-109 BM67
Draft 3-228 #66
Draft 4-229-Leaf Lander
Draft 5-160 murray
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Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters
#9 Roy Conacher,LW-6'1" 175
Roy, quiet and modest about his talents, may have been the most naturally gifted hockey player in the family.

He began skating earlier than his brothers and was therefore much smoother on the ice. He combined speed with strength and was a resourceful goal scorer. But his career was interrupted by his service in the Royal Canadian Air Force during World War II, preventing him from playing in his prime and perhaps establishing himself as the third Conacher superstar in professional hockey.

Bill Cowley, a future Hall of Famer whose style meshed perfectly with the talented Conacher's goal-scoring touch and ability to anticipate plays. Conacher led the league with 26 goals in 47 games in his first season - the first rookie to ever accomplish the feat, a record that wasn't broken until Teemu Selanne came along more than 50 years later.

Led the NHL in goals as a rookie, and won the Art Ross in 49
He was the brother of hockey legends Charlie and Lionel conacher
Draft 1-188 Dr. Love
Draft 3-272 Leaf Lander
Draft 4-B 6 Leaf Lander
Draft 5-255 pnep

#1 Alex Connell,G-X3-Height 5'9" Weight 150
Alex personal trademark was a black cap which he wore while in goal to keep himself warm. His best of many great seasons was 1925-26 in Ottawa recording 15 shutouts and amassing a superb 1.12 goals-against average. Alex set and still holds an NHL record when in 1927-28 he recorded 6 straight shutouts and 461 consecutive scoreless minutes. His career goals-against average of 1.91 ties him with George Hainsworth for the lowest mark in NHL history. Won 2 Stanley Cups while playing with Ottawa (1927) and Montreal Maroons (1935)
Drafted By:
Draft 3-328 Hockey Outsider
Draft 4-325-Leaf Lander
Draft 5-276 Leaf Lander

#5 Bill Cook,RW-5'10" 172
Considered by many to be the greatest right winger ever to play the game. He was a remarkably gifted and rugged competitor who served as the catalyst on the New York Rangers' famous Bread Line with his brother Bun and Frank Boucher. This trio dominated opposing defenses for several years with their precision passing and relentless effort. In addition to being the first skater signed officially by the club, he became the team's first captain and the foundation on which the club was built. Cook's input was crucial to the Rangers' first two Stanley Cup triumphs in 1928 and 1933. Following 4 years service in the Great War, Cook’s pro career started in 1922, at the age of 26, in the WCHL where he won 2 scoring titles, and was a 3 time all-star. Despite not starting his NHL career until he was 30, Bill led the league in goals 3 times, points twice, and was a 4 time all-star. He was twice runner-up for the Hart Trophy. Cook also scored the dramatic first-ever NHL Stanley Cup-winning overtime goal in 1933.
THN 100 Players-44
Drafted By:
Draft 1-82 Herby
Draft 2-101 Herby
Draft 3-102 BM67
Draft 4-98 DrMoses
Draft 5-68 #66

#10 Bun Cook,LW-X4-5'11"180
Drafted By:
Draft-4 -130 DrMoses
Draft 5-B-6 God Bless Canada

#27 Shayne Corson,LW-X4B-6'0"175
Drafted By:
Draft 4-b- 44 Maxwell Edison
Draft 5-

#21 Art Coulter,D-X3-5'11" 195
HHOF defenseman, 4-time postseason all-star, and captain of the 1940 Cup-winning Rangersefenceman Art Coulter played nearly 500 NHL games for the Chicago Black Hawks and New York Rangers during an exemplary career. An athlete of exceptional strength and endurance, he was fiercely devoted to the concept of teamwork.
The native of Winnipeg, Manitoba began making a name for himself in his hometown with the senior Pilgrims. He gained two and a half years of professional experience with the Philadelphia Arrows of the Can-Am League. He excelled at both ends of the ice and demonstrated a willingness to mix it up with the opposition by leading the league in penalty minutes in 1930-31.-Legends of Hockey
Drafted By:
Draft 3-342 Bergeron47
Draft 4-320 Spitfire11
Draft 5-309 Spitfire11

#12 Yvon Cournoyer,RW-5'7"172
Nicknamed "the Roadrunner," Yvan Cournoyer won 10 Stanley Cups with the Montreal Canadiens and was made the team captain. By the time he retired, he was among the all-time leaders in scoring for the storied franchise and he and his team had proven many doubters wrong about his adaptability and perseverance.

Shortly after Scotty Bowman took over as coach in 1971, Cournoyer was placed on a line with Guy Lafleur at center and Steve Shutt on left wing. The Roadrunner had a career high of 47 goals in 1971-72 and was at the top of his game, stickhandling and skating around his much bigger opponents with surprising consistency.

Cournoyer played for Canada in the 1972 Summit Series, scoring three goals, and returned to North America to have his best post-season. He collected 12 points, six of them goals, in the final series against the Chicago Black Hawks and was awarded the Conn Smythe Trophy as the most valuable playoff performer.

At the end of his career, he trailed only Guy Lafleur, Maurice Richard and Jean Beliveau on the Canadiens' all-time goal-scoring list.
THN 100 Players-98
Drafted By:
Draft 1-129 Monkey_00
Draft 2-70 U L C2
Draft 3-91 Monster_bertuzzi
Draft 4-97 Spitfire11
Draft 5-111 Murphy2
Last edited:

Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters
#14 Geoff Courtnall,LW-X4-6'1" 195
Drafted By:
Draft 4-304 monster_bertuzzi
Draft 5-B-10 jtuzzi

#9 Russ Courtnall,RW-X4B-5'11"175
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B-32 Maxwell Edison
Draft 5-B-60 God Bless Canada

#10 Billy Coutu,D-X5-5'11" 190
Drafted By:
Draft 5- 273 #66

#10 Bill Cowley,C-5'10"165
Bill "Cowboy" Cowley was one of the top playmaking forwards in NHL history - three times in his 13-year career he led the NHL in assists. He always seemed to know where his linemates were positioned. An unselfish player who always aimed to set up a colleague for a goal before taking a shot himself, and he rarely jeopardized his team's fortunes by taking a penalty. Because of his ability to see the whole ice, he was arguably the Wayne Gretzky of his era.Art Ross Trophy 41 1st All-Star Team Centre 38,41,43,44) Hart Memorial Trophy 41,43 2nd All-Star Team Centre 45
THN 100 Players-53
Drafted By:
Draft 1-98 John Flyers Fan
Draft 2-111 John Flyers Fan
Draft 3-100 kruezer
Draft 4-133 Leaf Lander
Draft 5-121 kruezer

#87 Sidney Crosby,C-5'11"193
Crosby very well may be a generational player, a talent with skill that only comes around every 15-20 years. He played his junior hockey with the QMJHL Rimouski Oceanic.

There is very little he doesn’t do extremely well. He’s a wizard with the puck and has vision and playmaking ability which some have compared to that of Wayne Gretzky. He has a good repertoire of shots and can score from anywhere in the offensive zone. It’s not just his incredible offensive talents that make him such a highly touted prospect, but his ability to get it done all over the ice. Strong on his skates, Crosby isn’t afraid of physical play and uses his body to knock opponents off the puck. Crosby is an effective back-checker and knows his role in his own zone. Crosby also demonstrated that he’s chippy, putting up 110 penalty minutes this season.He had one of the greatest rookie seasons ever scoring 40 goals while tallying 102 points.
Drafted By:
Draft 1-136 JDB3939
Draft 4-B-127 Leaf Lander
Draft 5-307 #66

#1 Roger Crozier,G-X5-5'8"160
Drafted By:
Draft 5- 364 murray
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Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters

#25 Vincent Damphouse LW-X3-6'1"191
He was a steady, consistent good two-way presence.Is a very heady and gifted playmaker. Sees the ice well and makes soft, well-timed passes. Has grit, durability, size, versatility and solid face-off skills.
Drafted By:
Draft 3-242-Leaf Lander
Draft 4-235 AG
Draft 5-334 Hockey Outsider

#3 Ken Daneyko,D-X4B-6'0" 195
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B-71 kruezer
Draft 5-368 Hockey Outsider

#7 Jack Darragh, RW-X2-5'10"168
Jack Darragh was one of those old-time players who grew up, played and died in the same city - his home town of Ottawa, Ontario. He was a rarity in that he played right wing but was a left-hand shot. While not an unusual strategy today, in the early days of the century, playing on the "wrong wing" was pioneering. He was a superb skater, a very clever stickhandler and had a good backhand shot. As a result, Darragh was a prolific scorer.
Drafted By:
Draft 2-219 U L C
Draft 3-325 Bergeron47
Draft 5-B-106 Leaf Lander

#18 Bob Davidson,LW-X4B-5.11 Weight 175
Bob Davidson played his entire 12-year NHL career in a Toronto Maple Leafs' uniform, from 1934 to 1946. Known as one of the top defensive forwards in the NHL. After his playing days were over he stayed on with the Leafs organisation in a number of different capacities his most notable was as Cheif Scout. Bob is considered by many to be one of the best hockey scouts of all time and was credited with building the Toronto Maple Leafs teams during the 1960's which dominated the NHL by winning the Stanley Cup four times (1961/62, 1962/63, 1962/54, 1966/67) within a six year period. Bob Davidson served as Captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs from 1943 to 1945.
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B-54 Leaf Lander
Draft 5-B-93 Leaf Lander

# Vitali Davydov,D-X4 -5'8"158lbs .
Despite the crushing power of their attack, the Soviets could not have dominated the Olympics as they did in the late 1960's and early 1970's without rock-solid defensemen like Vitali Davydov. Though smaller than average, the Dynamo Moscow product played on three golden Olympic squads, highlighting an international career that also included nine consecutive World Championships from 1963 to 1971. He took such pride in his on-ice presence that he claimed he would have quit hockey without a moment's hesitation if he heard fans yelling: "Time to retire, Davydov
Drafted By:
Draft 4-353 VanIslander -
Draft 5-B-63 jtuzzi

#3 Clarence''Hap'' Day,D-X3-5.11 -- Weight 175

Drafted By:
Draft 3-240 Monster_bertuzzi
Draft 4-305 monster_bertuzzi
Draft 5-208 Leaf Lander

Clarence''Hap'' Day-Coach-X4
Clarence (Hap) Day, who led the Toronto Maple Leafs to six Stanley Cup championships as a player and a coach in the 1930's and 1940's

He coached leaf legends Gord Drillon, Syl Apps, Walter Broda ,Bob Davidson,Lorne Carr, David Schriner, Ted Kennedy, Bill Barilko. Jimmy Thomson, Harry Watson, Max Bentley, Gus Mortson and Sid Smith

In 1942, Hap Day inspired the Leafs to the greatest comeback in Stanley Cup history, Toronto beat Detroit in the Stanley Cup Final after losing the first three games.The Leafs won the series by winning four straight, the hardest way possible, what the the Leafs did, is something no team has ever been able to repeat.

As a coach he led the Maple Leafs to five Stanley Cup championships, the first in 1942 and the second in 1945. Under his leadership, the team was the first in the National Hockey League to take the Stanley Cup in three consecutive years, from 1947 to 1949.Hap went to university and studied pharmacy and on the Day that he resigned from the Maple Leafs in 1957, when he went into private business as a pharmacist.He lived to be 88 yrs old passing on February 18, 1990.

546 Games 259 Wins 211 Losses 81 Ties
5 Stanley Cup Wins
- Coached 10 seasons and made the playoffs 9 times.
- Hap Day's .714 winning percentage is the best by a coach who has coached at least 15 games in the Stanley Cup Finals.
Draft 4-337 monster_bertuzzi
Draft 5-337 Leaf Lander
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Leaf Lander

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#10 Alex Delvecchio,C/LW-5'11" 180
One of the most talented and classiest stars ever to play in the NHL, Alex "Fats" Delvecchio spent more than two decades with the Detroit Red Wings. He was a superior playmaker and team leader and one of the game's true gentlemen. When he retired in 1973, he trailed only long-time teammate Gordie Howe in games played, assists and total points. His career extended from Detroit's glory years of the early 1950s to their dismal 1970s
THN 100 Players-82
Drafted By:
Draft 1-81 Monkey_00
Draft 2-102 VO #23
Draft 3-112 Bluebleeder
Draft 4-108 Bergeron47
Draft 5-113 murray

Jacques Demers,Coach-X4
Boys, no matter what happens tonight I`m very proud of you. There are 18,000 people out there and I`m just going to ask one thing. Let`s go out in the 3rd period and do something we`ve always done: Let`s not quit in front of 18,000 people. We never have. We`ve always had a lot of pride in the Blues uniform. We`re the team that has come out of our division in the playoffs. Show pride in what you`ve done and nobody will ever fault you. They`ll remember a group of athletes who had a great year."

- the speech Demers gave the Blues during the second intermission of Game 6 of the 1986 Campbell Conference Final when they were facing elimination and losing 5-1 to Calgary. The Blues went on to win the game 6-5
Drafted By:
Draft 4-361 VanIslander
Draft 5-348 reckoning

#38 Pavol Demitra,C-X4B-6'0"206
Pavol is a slick shooter and puck handler with deceptive moves he has terrific speed, excellent finishing qualities and a sound ability to set up teammates. Excels at both ends of the ice. Is one of the most sportsmanlike players in the NHL.Lady Byng 00 Played in NHL All-Star Game 99,00, 02 NHL Totals 611 241 340 581 +106 Playoff Totals 66 18 25 43 +4
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B-115 Leaf Lander
Draft 5-

#5 Cy Denney,LW-X2-5'7"168
Cy Denneny: The native of Farrow’s Point, Ontario, was the best offensive talent of his era. He won one Art Ross trophy and was runner-up an incredible six times! From every year between 1921 and 1927, he was either first or second in points, and top four in goals. He also led the league in assists twice. While he was in the league, he had more goals, assists and points than any other player. The Hockey Outsider
THN 100 Players-62
Drafted By:
Draft 2-160 Herby
Draft 3-118 Hockey Outsider
Draft 4-101 Leaf Lander
Draft 5-87 kruezer

#37 Eric Desjardins,D-6'1" 205

Drafted By:
Draft 1-214 John Flyers Fan
Draft 2-191 Spitfire11
Draft 3-195 John Flyers Fan
Draft 4-209 monster_bertuzzi
Draft 5-226 raleh

#16 Marcel Dionne,C-5'8" 185
THN 100 Players-38
Drafted By:
Draft 1-15 Herby
Draft 2-24 VO #23
Draft 3-28 Hockey Outsider
Draft 4-23 Hedberg
Draft 5-39 go kim johnsson 514

#11 Kevin Dineen,RW-X4B-5'11"190
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B-47- kruezer
Draft 5-403 Evil Sather
Last edited:

Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters
#33 Kris Draper,C-X3-5'11"190

Drafted By:
Draft 3-177 DrMoses
Draft 4-287 DrMoses
Draft 5-B-74 Spitfire11

#12 Gordie Drillon,RW-X3-6'0"186
Drafted By:
Draft 3-358 Hockey Outsider
Draft 4-B 84- Hedberg
Draft 5-154 pnep

#37 Chris Drury,LW/C-X5B- 5'10"195
"Mr Clutch" has a knack for scoring game winners he has the ability to lift his game in pressure situations which sets him apart from most players.Chris has excellent speed and is deceptive on the ice. Is a terrific one-on-one player. Possesses a heavy, accurate shot. Can line up anywhere up front.Described as a sparkplug type player who is a deft passer and puckhandler with imagination.
Drafted By:
Draft 5-B-99 jtuzzi

#29 Ken Dryden,G-6'4"207
Ken's greatness was a marriage of the physical and mental. He was a good athlete with a 6'4 frame that could move quickly, economicaly and efficently. He always had a chance to make a save. Won 6 cups in 8 nhl seasons. Ken had an amazing Reg season .758 winning PCT He never loss more then 10 games in a nhl season with a reg season record of 397 GP 258 W 57 L 74T and his playoff record was stellar with 112 GP 80 W 32 L .714 Winning Pct. He won 1 smyth 1 calder 5 Vezina Trophy's.He had an 8 year career and won 6 Cups, 5 Vezinas, the Calder and a Conn Smythe. Who was a 5 time first team all-star, and was runner up for the Hart Trophy as a rookie. The only man to win the Conn Smythe before he won the Calder.
THN 100 Players-25
Drafted By:
Draft 1-37-BM67
Draft 2-39 -monkey_00
Draft 3-21 -Kruzer
Draft 4-28 -Leaf Lander
Draft 5-32 Spitfire11

#28 Steve Duchesne,D-X3- 5'11"195
Steve Duchesne was picked up by another team eight different times in his career, the reason being that there was always a demand for offensively talented defencemen who could quarterback a powerplay, log plenty of icetime and contribute defensively. Duchesne filled that role better than most during his career. He was a fluid skater with excellent puckhandling skills. While not a physical player, his quick skating and outstanding lateral movement ensured that he would be an asset even when the opposition held the puck.
Duchesne was one of the players Quebec received in the blockbuster Eric Lindros trade and enjoyed his best season that year (`92-`93) with 82 points in 82 games. A few years later he helped lead the Ottawa Senators from doormats to respectability; in fact it was Duchesne`s goal on the last day of the `96-`97 season that put Ottawa in the playoffs for the first time. Despite a fine career of over 1000 games and 750 points, it seemed he was doomed to never win the Stanley Cup, but in his final season at age 36 he finally won hockey`s ultimate prize with Detroit in 2002. How badly he wanted that Cup was demonstrated in a playoff game that year when an errant shot knocked out six of his teeth, yet he only missed one shift.
Drafted By:
Draft 3-281 -Murphy2
Draft 4-278 -AG
Draft 5-299 reckoning

#10 Ron Duguay,C-X4B-6'2" 210
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B 120 Hedberg
Draft 5-

#14 Woody Dumart,LW- 6’0â€, 190 : An outstanding defensive left winger with an above-average scoring touch. As one of the finer two-way talents of his time, he was often called upon to cover some of the game’s greatest players. He was strong and checked opponents closely, but he played a clean game, and was rarely penalized. His leadership, competitive spirit and high standard of play made him a fan favorite and helped the Bruins win the Stanley Cup- BM67
Drafted By:
Draft 1 164 Laperriere22
Draft 2 253-BM67
Draft 3 217 BM67
Draft 4-168 Bobby Ryan Getzlaf
Draft 5-245 Hockey Outsider

#6 Andre "Moose" Dupont,D-X5B-6'1" 200
If ever there was a symbolic member of the famed Broad Street Bullies from the Philadelphia Flyers in the 1970s, Andre "Moose" Dupont certainly fit the bill.He was a rugged defenseman and a steadying influence on the blue line.He could elevated his game to another level in the playoffs
Drafted By:
Draft 5-B-130 reckoning

#1 Bill Durnan,G-6'0"190
THN 100 Players-34
Drafted By:
Draft 1-77 - Laperriere22
Draft 2-64 - U L C
Draft 3-31 - #66
Draft 4-39 kruezer
Draft 5-46 God Bless Canada
Last edited:

Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters
#4! Red Dutton, D-X2-6'0"185
Dutton put a curse on the Rangers saying, "They would not win another Stanley Cup in my lifetime." Those words would become legendary as they Rangers struggled for more then 50 years before winning the Cup in 1994, seven years after the death of Dutton, who often joked about the quote, enjoying how his name became linked with Ranger failure.He once said of himself, "I wasn't a good hockey player, but I was a good competitor
Drafted By:
Draft 2-243 U L C
Draft 3-340 kruezer
Draft 5-B-126 BM67

#1 Vladimir Dzurilla,G-X2-5'10"186
Drafted By:
Draft 2-193 monkey_00
Draft 3-291 - VanIslander
Draft 4-360 - Bobby Ryan Getzlaf
Draft 5-B-22 reckoning

#9 Cecil "Babe" Dye-X3-5'8" 150
THN 100 Players-83
Drafted By:
Draft 3-178-Hockey Outsider
Draft 4-185 Bobby Ryan Getzlaf
Draft 5-114 God Bless Canada
Last edited:

Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters

#26 Patrick Elias,LW-X3-6'1" 196
Patrik Elias has quietly developed into one of the best all-around forwards in hockey. He came to New Jersey in 1995 and paid his dues for two years in the AHL before finally getting a regular spot on the Devils. From there, he started on the 4th line and gradually impressed enough to become the teams top forward.
His success is based on a constant hard work ethic. He plays in all situations: powerplay, shorthanded and evenstrength, and is an elite force in all those areas. On offence, he has a deadly touch around the net along with the ability to make things happen when the offence is stalled. He has twice been a top five scorer in both the regular season and the playoffs, despite playing on a team where defence is the #1 priority. Unlike most top scorers though, he plays just as hard when he doesn`t have the puck. Many of his points have resulted from his dogged determination in chasing down the oppositions defencemen and stripping the puck away.
This past season, he made a remarkable comeback from Hepatitus; joining the Devils midway through the season and leading them from likely missing the playoffs to 1st place in the division. At still a very young age, Elias may well go down as one of the games best left wings ever before he`s through.

Drafted By:
Draft 3-218 Spitfire11
Draft 4-198 -#66
Draft 5-144 reckoning-

#6 Ron Ellis,RW-X3-5'9" 195
Drafted By:
Draft 3-214 DrMoses
Draft 4-266-Hedberg
Draft 5-252 Hedberg

#3 Brian Engblom,D-X4-6'2"200
Drafted By:
Draft 4- 269 - Evil Sather
Draft 5- 354 Hedberg

#7 Phil Esposito,C- 6'1"205
He was an origional 205 pounds of supersition theatrics ego skill and courage all in a 6'1 frame. Like all great scorers espo had the gift of mastering time and space. He wasnt a great skater but when he got the puck in the slot the plough horse showed the finish of a thoroughbread. Phil just didnt wait for the puck to shot. Lost in the volume of close in and garbage goals was a canny craftsmanship and imagination that produced 5 consecutive 55 or more goal seasons.- top 50 of all time

He was the centerman who held the greatest scoring record of them all before Wayne Gretzky came along and broke it - 76 goals in a single season in 1970-71. Espo won the Art Ross Trophy five times, the Hart Trophy twice, the Lester B. Pearson Award twice and the Lester Patrick Trophy for service to hockey in the United States. What's more, he was a ten-time All-Star and represented Canada in the 1972 Summit Series, the 1976 Canada Cup and the 1977 World Championship. While a member of the Boston Bruins, he scored 40 or more goals in seven straight seasons and 50 or more in five straight seasons. In his 76-goal season, he also recorded an amazing 76 assists for a league record at the time of 152 points.

While Espo was gaining a reputation among NHL coaches and fans as a goal scorer, his fellow players were also beginning to recognize that they were dealing with a real character and a practical joker in the dressing room and on road trips. He liked to smoke cigars, and one reporter, noting his constantly furrowed brow and droopy expression, started calling him "the Happy Worrier."

Besides these traits, teammates noticed that he was a player who stuck steadfastly to ritual. One night when a sore throat caused him to put on a black turtleneck, he played especially well. From then on, the turtleneck became a regular part of his game-time garb. This was just one example of the quirky Esposito's adherence to game-day habits

On the international front, Phil starred for Team Canada in the classic Summit Series as the leading individual scorer - with seven goals and six assists - and inspirational leader of the team that defeated the Soviets in the best eight-game series ever played. He joined brother Tony, who was teaming with Ken Dryden as the Canadian netminder on the legendary team

While a member of the Boston Bruins, he scored 40 or more goals in seven straight seasons and 50 or more in five straight seasons. -Legends of hockey

Esposito was the first player to reach the 100-point mark in a season.
THN 100 Players-18
Drafted By:
Draft 1- 24 Spitfire11
Draft 2- 18 U L C2
Draft 3- 22 Bluebleeder
Draft 4- 14 -nucks2win
Draft 5- 13 raleh

#1 Tony Esposito,G-5'11" 185
THN 100 Players-79
Drafted By:
Draft 1- 177 Monkey_00
Draft 2- 231 VO #23
Draft 3- 148 Hockey Outsider
Draft 4- 34 DrMoses
Draft 5- 64 go kim johnsson
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Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters

#24 Bernie Federko-6'0"195

Drafted By:
Draft 1-165 Dr. Love-
Draft 3-236 Benton Fraser
Draft 4-200 Bobby Ryan Getzlaf
Draft 5-229 AG

#91 Sergei Fedorov,C-6'1" 200

Drafted By:
Draft 1-95 John Flyers Fan
Draft 2-59 John Flyers Fan
Draft 3-68 Spitfire11
Draft 4-65 Spitfire11
Draft 5-66 Spitfire11

#20 Ray Ferraro,C-X4B-5'10"192
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B-25 - Hedberg
Draft 5-B-65 Hedberg

#22 John Ferguson,LW-X2-6'0" 178
He was the nhl's first policeman. His job was to serve and protect anyone named Beliveau. He did have talent and lead the ahl in goals twice. In his very first game he faught terible ted green and scored 2 goals.In his 1st season fighting rose 83%

Drafted By:
Draft 2-268 Spitfire11
Draft 3-278 Spitfire11
Draft 5-292 jtuzzi

#2 Viacheslav Fetisov,D-6'1" 215 -
He joined the Central Red Army in 1974-75 and played there for 15 years. During this time the on-ice general won the national title 14 times, was awarded player of the year three times, nine times Soviet League All-Star, and was also awarded the Pravda Trophy four times as best scoring defenseman in his country. He was Captain for nine years. He earned the “Gold Stick†award as the best European player three times. He formed one of the best defense pairings in hockey when he was teamed with Alexei Kasatonov with the Soviet National Team in the 1980s. Fetisov was well respected by his teammates for his strength of character both as a player and as a person, and he served as captain of both the National Team and of the Central Army squad. Fetisov possessed exceptional mobility and instinctively knew when to pinch in from the blueline to create a scoring chance in the offensive zone. As a defenseman in the 1980s he had few rivals, not just at home but worldwide. A lot of people say that Fetisov, at the peak of his career, was better than Canadian legend Bobby Orr BM67/

One of the greatest defensemen to ever play the game, a 3 time winner of the "Gold Stick" as best European player,

Fetisov possessed exceptional mobility and instinctively knew when to pinch in from the blueline to create a scoring chance in the offensive zone. As a defenceman in the 1980s he had few rivals, not just at home but worldwide.
- HhoF Bio
“He is the kind of guy you’d like to take the formula, put it in a bottle and let all the younger players drink that formula, because there is no one like himâ€. - Dave Lewis, assistant coach Detroit Red Wings
Drafted By:
Draft 1-35 JDB3939
Draft 2-36 Maxwell Smart
Draft 3-37 BM67
Draft 4-35 BM67
Draft 5-36 BM67

#11 Anatoly Firsov, C/LW-X2-5-9, 154 -no bio link
Anatoly was one of the great early Soviet forwards.Anatoly was known for his booming slapshot,he might have rivalled Canada's Bobby Hull if he had been permitted to play in the NHL. Instead, this left winger enjoyed three straight Olympic gold medals from 1964 to 1972. His most commanding performance came at the 1968 Grenoble Games, where he led the tournament with 12 goals and four assists. But when Tarasov was deposed as national team head coach, Firsov's career went into rapid decline. He died July 24, 2000 at age 59. When he played for the Red Army team they won the USSR national championship 9 times, the European championship 7 times, and the world championship 8 times. Firsov and three of his teammates hold the record for playing on the most Olympic gold medal hockey teams--three, in 1964, 1968, and 1972. Firsov was honored as the best forward in the world in 1967 and 1971.
Drafted By:
Draft 2-95 Maxwell Smart
Draft 3-266 Benton Fraser
Draft 4-146 Maxwell Edison
Draft 5-186 kruezer

#3 Fern Flaman D-X3-5'10" 190

Drafted By:
Draft 3-283 #66
Draft 4-236 Bergeron47
Draft 5-295 God Bless Canada

#29 Marc-Andre Fleury,G-X4B-6'2"176
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B-144 Hedberg
Draft 5-
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Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters
#14 Theoren Fleury,RW-X2-5'6"180

Drafted By:
Draft 2-260 Evil Sather
Draft 3-271 Monster_bertuzzi
Draft 4-230 #66
Draft 5-173 God Bless Canada

#17 Mike Foligno,RW-X4B-6'2"195
Mike Foligno was the tireless worker and team leader of the Buffalo Sabres for most of the 1980s.

An extremely physical forward, Mike excelled along the boards and in the corners, where he'd smash any opponent who dared to pursue the loose puck. But what made Mike such a valuable player was that he could make plays with the loose pucks his exuberance created. He had good anticipation and saw the ice fairly well. This made him a natural top 6 forward, as he could help do the dirty work on behalf of more skilled linemates. Mike was more of a power forward than an artist of the ice, and he relied more on his heavy shot than playmaking abilities. His wrist shot was particularly deadly.

Mike finished his rookie season in 1979-80 with 71 pts for the lowly Red Wings and finished as the runner-up for the rookie of the year honours behind legendary defenseman Ray Bourque of the Boston Bruins.

People in Buffalo loved his never-say-die attitude on the ice. He was tough, mean and played hard every night without complaint. Mike was the ultimate professional in everything he did on the ice. He was a tireless worker and because of that he took on a role of team leader. Though he was a very valuable player in nearly every aspect of the game, he never let personal success interfere with what he had to do be such a good player. In other words he never forgot what made him successful – hustle and intelligence – and he never tried to change his game

Mike loved to score goals. And he loved to celebrate them, too! Mike became known for his scoring ceremony, as he would often make a high jump in the air after he scored a goal...He had the opportunity to jump 370 times in his lengthy career.
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B-76 Spitfire11
Draft 5-371 Leaf Lander

#52 Adam Foote,D-6'1" 202

Drafted By:
Draft 1-135 Herby
Draft 2-131 Laperriere22
Draft 3-139 VanIslander
Draft 4-116 Evil Sather
Draft 5-150 Hedberg

#21 Peter Forsberg,C/LW-6'0" 205
Forsberg is well-known in Sweden by the nickname "Foppa".

Probably the most complete player in the game.There isnt a situation in the game or a zone on the ice where Forsberg isn't suited. He has above average speed tremendous vision and plays the boards and corners like he owns them. When cant dish off a tapt to tape pass,he'll skate through war zones without being knocked off the puck.He is a star who shines so brightly on offense that his brillant work on defense sometimes can go unnoticed.Consistently one of the leagues best hitters he gets physically invlved and wont be intimidated.He is the concumate packageof two way talent,vison and determination.he mesmirizes his opponents with his puck trickery and awsome playmaking talents and uncanny sense of how best to pry open a defense.
Drafted By:
Draft 1-51 Maxwell Edison
Draft 2-37 Spitfire11
Draft 3-44 Evil Sather
Draft 4-50 Maxwell Edison
Draft 5-53 kruezer

#1! Jimmy Foster-G-5'8"!160!
In the 1930s Jimmy Foster, a 5 foot 8 inch tall - 157 pound blonde keeper, was considered one of the finest netminders outside the NHL. He had four shut-outs and conceded just three goals as Great Britain won the 'Triple Crown' in 1936. He held Great Britain's opponents scoreless in sixteen of his 31 World Championship appearances, including backstopping Britain to the 1937 and 1938 European Championship titles. Five years of English domestic competitions yielded a further 24 shut-outs. He grew up in the Canadian city of Winnipeg, played for the University of Manitoba and then made his name with the Moncton Hawks - missing just one game in 220 games over three seasons. In the 1932 finals of the Allen Cup he achieved the first back-to-back clean sheets in the competition and went 417 minutes without conceding a goal. He was known as "The Parson" due to the fact that he had seriously considered a life in the church
Drafted By:
Draft 1-208 -GB Editor
Draft 2-225 GB
Draft 5-

#7! FRANK FOYSTON,C-X3-5'9"158
An exceptional scorer and playmaker, Frank C. Foyston was capable of dominating a game from center, rover or either of the wing positions
Drafted By:
Draft 3-334 DrMoses
Draft 5-

#10 Ron Francis,C-6'3"-200

Drafted By:
Draft 1-30 Leaf Lander
Draft 2-74 Leaf Lander
Draft 3-79 Bergeron47
Draft 4-57 Bobby Ryan Getzlaf
Draft 5-59 AG

#31 Grant Fuhr,G-5'9"188
Fuhr often never received his due because he played for a team capable of scoring on every shift and allowing a breakaway on every other

Grant Fuhr was known for his quick reflexes and fast glove hands he is one of the best clutch goaltenders in the history of the game. However, any modern fan who looks at Fuhr's career numbers may wonder about his ability: a career 3.38 goal against average and 25 career shutouts over 19 seasons do not seem like such great goaltending numbers

Grant Fuhr was born in Spruce Grove, Alberta, located just outside the city of Edmonton where he would star for so many years. Fuhr starred with the WHL's Victoria Cougars for two seasons and was a First Team All-Star both years (1980 and 1981). Grant was drafted in the first round by the Edmonton Oilers in the 1981 NHL Entry Draft.
Over a 10-year period, Grant Fuhr led the Oilers to five Stanley Cup championships between 1984 and 1990. Without a doubt, his best year was in 1987. Fuhr was a workhorse, accumulating a league-leading 4,304 minutes played and 40 wins. He earned his sole Vezina Trophy as the league's best goaltender and was runner-up to teammate Wayne Gretzky for the Hart Trophy as the NHL's most valuable player. During the 1983-1984 season, Fuhr collected 14 points, which still stands as the single-season record for most points by a goaltender.
By the end of the 1980s and early 1990s, the Oilers began to dismantle the team by trading Wayne Gretzky, the start of a fire sale. Then, on September 19, 1991, after playing only 13 games for the Oilers, the six-time All-Star was traded to the Toronto Maple Leafs in a seven-player blockbuster deal
Fuhr was then traded by the Leafs to the Buffalo Sabres on February 2, 1993, where he partnered with highly-acclaimed Dominik Hasek. In 1994, Fuhr joined Hasek in winning the William Jennings Trophy for the fewest goals scored against. In the 1994-95 season, Fuhr was traded to the Los Angeles Kings where he joined Gretzky, but he played only 14 games for the franchise.
In 1995-96, just as many began to think that this once great goaltender was past his prime, he signed as a free agent with the St. Louis Blues. Given another chance, the classy veteran didn't disappoint. Fuhr played with a renewed love for the game and an energy that matched any youngster in the league. He played an astonishing 79 games for the Blues, 76 consecutively. Both remain single-season records.
As a Flame, Grant joined an elite club of goaltenders. On October 22, he defeated the Florida Panthers to attain his 400th career win -- only the sixth goalie in NHL history to reach that milestone, joining the likes of Terry Sawchuk, Jacques Plante, Tony Esposito, Glenn Hall and Patrick Roy. Prior to the 2000-01 season, Grant Fuhr announced his retirement from professional hockey. Fittingly, in Fuhr's first year of eligibility, he was selected to the Hockey Hall of Fame in 2003.

NHL Totals-- 868 403 295 114 25 3.38 Playoff Totals --150 92 50 6 2.92

NHL 1st All-Star Team (1988) NHL 2nd All-Star Team (1982)
Vezina Trophy (1988) William M. Jennings Trophy (1994
THN 100 Players-70
Drafted By:
Draft 1-139 Leaf Lander
Draft 2-135 Leaf Lander
Draft 3-59 Leaf Lander
Draft 4-88 VanIslander
Draft 5-70 Murphy2
Last edited:

Leaf Lander

HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 31, 2002
BWO Headquarters

#4 Bill Gadsby,D-6'0"190
Gadsby was a tough, physical player who was able to take out even the strongest players in the league with his powerful checks. He was an excellent defensive player who took pride in blocking as many shots as possible. Gadsby was an offensive threat, particularly on the powerplay. He led all defensemen in scoring three times, and was runner-up three times. He recorded 46 assists in 1959; this was the record for most assists by a defensemen until Orr came along. Gadsby retired as the NHL’s highest-scoring defenceman. The Hockey Outsider

An all-time great who had the misfortune to have his peak years at the same time as Doug Harvey and Red Kelly. This HHoFer still managed to make 3 first and 4 second all-star teams
A power-play specialist who registered at least 20 points in 12 seasons, Gadsby was an outstanding puckhandler and quite comfortable joining the rush. He finished 10th in NHL scoring with 51 points for the Rangers in 1955-56 and equaled that total in 1957-58, when his 46 assists established an NHL record for rearguards which stood until Boston’s Bobby Orr collected 87 helpers in 1969-70.

As a Red Wing, Gadsby reached several more milestones. On November 4, 1962, he became the first NHL defenseman to record 500 career points. February 5, 1966, Gadsby became the first player in NHL history to play 300 games for three different teams. That same season, he and teammate Gordie Howe joined former Boston star Dit Clapper as the NHL’s only 20-year men. - Wings of Legend

With a few weeks left in the 54-55 season, however, Horton broke his leg and jaw in a thunderous collision with the New York Rangers' Bill Gadsby. Gadsby later said it was the hardest hit he ever delivered. Horton, in traction and fed intravenously for days afterwards in the hospital, certainly agreed. - Tim Horton's HHoF Bio

Not only did Gadsby compete, he excelled. Amazingly, he would retire as the sports all time leading defensemen with the most points, penalty minutes, and games! He was rugged, too. Many times he hit the ice blocking as many shots as the goaltender and adding more stitches and injuries to his tally. In one game he hit Tim Horton so hard that, even today, he shudders to think he came close to killing him. - The Grateful Gadsby

"Bill Gadsby never received the credit he deserved. He was one of the great defensive hockey players in the history of the league. One of the best players I ever played against." - Milt Schmidt

"Bill was a great team player. He played the way you want defensemen to play. He moved the puck, and people in front of the net. He got hit and blocked more shots than most goaltenders." - Emile Francis
THN 100 Players-99
Drafted By:
Draft 1-204 BM67
Draft 2-119 U L C
Draft 3-123 Hockey Outsider
Draft 4-105 BM67
Draft 5-76 reckoning

#12 Simon Gagne,LW-X4B-6'0"165
A solid two-way player who is among this years goal scoring leaders, and on pace for a 100 point season on LW

He was an NHL regular just a year after being drafted by the Philadelphia Flyers in 1998. The skilled, speedy forward posted huge numbers during his final year of Junior, then stepped right into the Flyers lineup and posted 20 goals without a day spent in the minor leagues.

Gagne not only managed 48 points as a rookie, but he continued to score in the post season by adding five goals and 10 points during 17 playoffs games. He was named to the NHL's All-Rookie Team for his efforts. The young center blossomed into a bonafide star during his second season with the Flyers when he scored 27 goals and 59 points in just 69 games. He continued the hot start to his career in 2001-02, but his greatest accomplishment occurred away from the NHL.

Gagne, who posted 33 goals and 66 points for the Flyers was one of the young players selected to the primarily veteran-laden Canadian Olympic roster for the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. Gagne chipped in a goal and three assists in six games en route to capturing the Gold Medal for Canada.

On the international stage, Gagne was instrumental in leading Team Canada to the 2004 World Cup of Hockey title and helped Canada capture the silver medal at the 2005 World Championship.
Assets Is an exceptional skater. Sees the ice well and loves to use his imagination. Has solid defensive instincts and versatility. - TSN
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B 111 -BM67
Draft 5-

#15 Dave Gagner,C-X5B-5'10"188
Played a gritty in your face style of game.Works downlow on a power player can win the battles forthe puck alongst the boards or in traffic. Dave could score on the rush.His crashingto the net style lead to hisshare fair of garbage goals.
Drafted By:
Draft 5-B-103 God Bless Canada

#23 Bob Gainey,LW-6'2"190
Termed the world's best all-around player by Soviet national team coach Viktor Tikhonov, Bob Gainey brought many elements to the Montreal Canadiens during his 16-year NHL career. The burly left winger was a tenacious competitor, relentless checker, respected team leader and capable contributor on the offense. His presence on the Habs' roster helped the team win the Stanley Cup five times in the decade between 1976 and 1986.

Gainey exploded for 16 points when the Habs won the Cup for the fourth straight time in 1979. In the finals, the Rangers won the first match and started strongly in the second. Gainey's winning goal in game two shifted the momentum in Montreal's favour and sent the Habs on their way to the Cup. For his immense contribution, he was awarded the Conn Smythe Trophy.

Gainey's style of play and ability to check and skate with the NHL's top forwards inspired the league to create a new post-season award. Beginning in 1978, the NHL presented the Frank J. Selke Trophy to the top defensive forward in the game. Fittingly, Gainey was the recipient in each of the first four years it was awarded.

The veteran captain hoisted the Stanley Cup for the fifth time in his career in 1986. Playing with the energy of a rookie, Gainey scored five goals and 10 points while patrolling his wing with customary efficiency. His poise and leadership helped the team register consecutive 100-point seasons in 1987-88 and 1988-89. In the latter of those, the Habs reached the finals, then succumbed to the Calgary Flames in six games. Following the series, Gainey announced his retirement.
THN 100 Players-86
Drafted By:
Draft 1-92 Laperriere22
Draft 2-92 monkey_00
Draft 3-84 VanIslander
Draft 4-73 VanIslander
Draft 5-77 Murphy2

#1 Chuck Gardiner,G-X2-5'9!"176
He was one of the game's preeminent goaltenders during the 1920s and 1930s. Prior to his untimely death in June 1934, Gardiner led the Black Hawks to their first Stanley Cup and recorded 42 shutouts and a goals-against average of 2.02 over only seven years of NHL service. A major influence on Gardiner at this time was former scoring star Duke Keats, who helped him learn to outguess opposing forwards. As a result, he became one of the toughest netminders to face one-on-one. Gardiner's hands and feet were lightning quick, as was his mind. Rarely was he caught unaware on the ice by an opposing shooter. He was also a fierce competitor who periodically left his net to thwart an attack or dove into a pile of players to seize the puck. Gardiner's exceptional play was augmented by his ability to direct his teammates on the ice, a factor that led to his being chosen to serve as team captain in 1933-34. A gifted and durable performer, Gardiner led all NHL goalkeepers by playing every minute in six consecutive seasons from 1928-29 to 1933-34. The Wee Scot was considered by his peers to be among the elite netminders of his time. Many in fact referred to him as the finest ever at his craft. Gardiner was named an all-star in each of the first 4 years they were named by the NHL.BM67
THN 100 Players-76
Drafted By:
Draft 2-234 GB
Draft 3-295 BM67
Draft 4-251 #66
Draft 5-126 murray

#1 Herb Gardiner,D-X4B-5'10"190
Drafted By:
Draft 4-B-11-kruezer
Draft 5-B-15 reckoning

#18 Danny Gare,LW-X3-5'9"175

Drafted By:
Draft 3-253 #66
Draft 4-226 DrMoses
Draft 5-204 #66

#11 Mike Gartner,RW-6'0"190
Always one of the fastest skaters in the NHL, Michael Alfred Gartner used his blazing speed and a hard, accurate shot to become one of the most consistent scorer's in league history, most of his 19 seasons of which were spent outside hockey's limelight. He would use the jets in his skates and his smarts and deesire to go to the net using his speed and he would never turn back. He was excellant at killing penalties. He was a constant threat short handed and mike would take the body when needed. He knew when to hit or to interfere and when to step it up to change the tempo of the game.
THN 100 Players-89
Drafted By:
Draft 1-114 Oilers94
Draft 2-159 VO #23
Draft 3-90 Monster_bertuzzi
Draft 4-68 go kim johnsson
Draft 5-93 AG
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