Around the NHL 2023-24 season thread - part II

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Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
San Diego

If you need something on in the background, the Sakic offer sheet documentary was okay. There's an unexpected cameo towards the end that I don't remember seeing in the trailers. Also for a Sakic documentary, there isn't a ton of present day Sakic being interviewed.

Couple layers to the onion that I didn't know: The Nuggets lost Dikembe Mutombo to free agency in 1996 and then had an awful season. So that boosted the team president's desire to figure out a way to match the Sakic offer.

Air Force One was released in late July 1997 and is mostly credited with raising enough money for the owners to match in August 1997. What I didn't know was that the movie was almost pushed back to November because Titanic was eyeing that same weekend. But Titanic got delayed for special effects work and was released in December thus allowing Air Force One to keep its original release date.

So maybe in a world where James Cameron gets his movie done on time, Sakic is a Ranger?
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Registered User
Apr 4, 2017
Kevin Cheveldayoff was the Assistant GM and at the key meeting when management decided not to tell HR.

So Chevy had knowledge, but he wasn’t punished. Why? link

If an Assistant GM doesn’t have enough power than players certainly don’t.

Your telling me Kane towes keith don’t have positions of power in that franchise at that time?”

Yes, they didn’t have positions of power over people like coaches do. They weren’t in management, they were employees.

And no, players don’t have more power in the locker room than the head coach. For example Toews doesn’t decide if a player gets to play, how much ice time they get, or who they play with.

And you’re ignoring how Quenneville had enough power to get management to not report his video coach’s assault of a player to HR and instead cover it up.

That’s serious abuse of power which for some reason you don’t even care about.

“They couldn’t put an end to any of that stuff once they found out?”

“Stuff” is a little vague, you don’t seem to understand that the players only heard incomplete rumors.

“Gone to the press”
Again, you’re saying a player who heard a rumor, but wasn’t a whistleblower to the press, is the moral equivalent of someone in upper management with power who actively participated in the cover-up.

And in your fantasy scenario players are going to the press for on Beach’s behalf on their own, based on a rumor? Sorry, that’s a very unlikely thing to happen. There’s not really any real life examples of that sort of thing.

People can dislike players being shitty to Beach over the rumors, and dislike Toews mealy-mouth answers about Beach when the story broke, but your moral equivalency makes no sense.
Guess we just different that’s all


Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
San Diego

My plan at the moment was to fly into Vegas that day for the draft, so I could hypothetically add in the Awards show. Could pack my Team USA #6 Hughes jersey and hope for an autograph, I think all three brothers wore that number at some point for the USNTDP.

When I attended in 2015, I decided to be silly and wear a suit.

That year the organizers made the curious decision to hire the band Daughtry to play a song during the show and then a full set after the show. Most of the crowd headed for the exits once the awards show ended. They didn't want to embarrass the band by having them play in front of a sparse crowd, so they told anybody sticking around that they could come down to the floor to where the NHL folks had been sitting.

I sat through a couple songs but quickly reaffirmed that it wasn't my kind of music. I walked over to a security guard to ask where the nearest exit was. But since the band was still playing, she likely didn't hear me. She proceeded to escort me backstage probably assuming that I must be with the NHL folks since I was in a suit.

I loitered around backstage for like 30-45 minutes. Nothing too interesting, everybody was just mingling. When I left there was a private escalator with a couple dozen fans still waiting around. They all gave me a weird look like "Who is this f'n guy?" I regret not offering to sign some autographs.
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Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
San Diego

Couldn't think of a better thread to dump this in, but I was amused to find this ad for a defunct stick company featuring an unnamed Bobby Holik. I could think of a few guys in 1993 that I'd put in an ad before Bobby.


Registered User
Jun 23, 2008
In most cases maybe, but how quickly we forget Bettman was all too happy to shove us out the back door in ‘95.
I don’t think Bettman back then had the institutional power he has now.

So ya, Bettman back then seemed pretty agnostic to the Devils staying or going but it’s good now that he has more institutional power he generally tries to have teams not move.


Registered User
Apr 4, 2017

Arizona ownership stinks but I do like that the NHL tries hard to not move teams. Obviously sometimes teams have to move but the NHL executives try to keep teams in place.

I didn’t really pay attention at the time but why did the thrasher bolt out in two weeks time at least seemed that way

I don’t get why they even gave this asshole another chance, does he have blackmail on them or did he grease palms?
I don’t know anything about the situation out there but surprisingly I met someone from zona today and asked him he said that the owner doesn’t want public money for the land he will buy it himself? Doesn’t sound true to me but that’s a rare thing. what’s the beef with this guy? The not paying taxes at the last building they were at?


HFBoards Sponsor
Feb 10, 2007
Bismarck, ND
I don’t get why they even gave this asshole another chance, does he have blackmail on them or did he grease palms?
The whole thing seems like the NHL covering their asses. Set a benchmark he probably won't meet, and when he doesn't they can say "See, we gave him a chance". And if he does actually meet it they've got a new arena to put an expansion team in.

Satans Hockey

Registered User
Nov 17, 2010
If it really takes two years for them to come up with a name and logo and all that then it is a complete joke on top of playing in that shit arena? Man this franchise really is cursed

They approved a new arena already so that is absolutely temporary. Not my team so don't really care if they have a name or not lol
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