CBD Oil, hoax or not?


Registered User
Oct 12, 2006
Do you have any personal experience of using this?

I had my father, who has terminal cancer, use it for an extended period. Spent around 1200$ on it and he had no positive effects what so ever.

Went from "just" cancer to terminal, within 2 years.

So. Is this yet another money-grabbing scheme praying on the sick and desperate?


Trade Saros
Aug 13, 2007
people need to understand that cannabanoids treat SYMPTOMS of disease, not the disease itself.

Medical marijuana for a cancer patient is acceptable for pain relief and nausea abatement, along with appetite stimulation, but should never be considered as actual treatment for the disease itself


Registered User
Oct 12, 2006
people need to understand that cannabanoids treat SYMPTOMS of disease, not the disease itself.

Medical marijuana for a cancer patient is acceptable for pain relief and nausea abatement, along with appetite stimulation, but should never be considered as actual treatment for the disease itself

There's a difference between marijuana and cannabis oil. Marijuana gives you a "high" to relieve pain and anxiety.

CBD oil has no "high", but is supposed to have healing effects.

The question is whether that is the case or if it is simply a disgusti g way for greedy people to pray on the sick and the desperate.


Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
The only things I have heard working:

1) Surgery to cut out the cancer
2) Chemotherapy
3) Targeted Radiation
4) Virus 'therapy' (experimental - think HIV kills white blood cells. They are trying to create a virus to kill cancer cells)

I know about the virus thing because research done in Ottawa is highly publicized. I'd also argue some of the people involved in it are a little conceited. And that conceit occasionally manifests itself in flawed assumptions leading to flawed theories. I don't blame them for being that way - everyone from the media to the University has been patting these people on the back constantly. Even the most humble person would start to become conceited. That being said - I'm optimistic about the virus therapy theory. The people behind it aren't idiots - they just sometimes remember things wrong and many of them aren't from the virology field. Usually they present theories - people question them on it and the incorrect assumptions are found, corrected and the research moves forward. It's good.
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Registered User
Sep 22, 2004
Sin City
Oncologists are working with gene therapy as well. Kinda like "virus" therapy above, but targeted to individual(s) with specific DNA that will allow body to fight cancer itself. IOW get the immune system to recognize the "cancer cell" as a foreign body.


Registered User
Feb 24, 2003
I ain't cousin Basil
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There's a difference between marijuana and cannabis oil. Marijuana gives you a "high" to relieve pain and anxiety.

CBD oil has no "high", but is supposed to have healing effects.

The question is whether that is the case or if it is simply a disgusti g way for greedy people to pray on the sick and the desperate.

Bolded mine. There is very little/no scientific evidence of healing effects.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2009
Bolded mine. There is very little/no scientific evidence of healing effects.

Agreed. I hope that the oils weren't the only attempt at recovery your father was utilizing as there is essentially no proof of their curing abilities.


Registered User
May 25, 2012
CBD is very effective for certain things, as your body has its own endo-cannabinoid system that occurs naturally. However when it comes to Cancer i've always been under the impression that high doses of both THC and CBD are needed to cure it. There's not a full episode on youtube but on the VICE channel there is a show called Weeditquette that covers different topics of weed. And the first episode is about "stoned kids" kids that basically have gone through hell and back and had no other options. There's multiple stories of it working for some of these kids, to the point where this girl decides to completely go against her doctors advice and strictly use her oil and months later shes still in remission.

But in other cases, it helped, but the cancer and tumors still remain. The problem is with the way marijuana is classified not much useful research can be legally done. Which is sad because there are probably millions of people in America alone who could benefit from it.



Registered User
May 25, 2012
If you're in a medical state, you could grow it and make it yourself (its super simple) and save yourself nearly all the money.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2006
I live in Sweden and here you can't grow them yourself..

And my father had chemo. He "beat" the cancer twice, but then it came back a third time and the chemo couldn't stop it..

That's when I got CBD-oil, but no positive effects at all..

He's laying here next to me now, literally hours away from the pearly gate..


Trade Saros
Aug 13, 2007
CBD is very effective for certain things, as your body has its own endo-cannabinoid system that occurs naturally. However when it comes to Cancer i've always been under the impression that high doses of both THC and CBD are needed to cure it. There's not a full episode on youtube but on the VICE channel there is a show called Weeditquette that covers different topics of weed. And the first episode is about "stoned kids" kids that basically have gone through hell and back and had no other options. There's multiple stories of it working for some of these kids, to the point where this girl decides to completely go against her doctors advice and strictly use her oil and months later shes still in remission.

But in other cases, it helped, but the cancer and tumors still remain. The problem is with the way marijuana is classified not much useful research can be legally done. Which is sad because there are probably millions of people in America alone who could benefit from it.

the bolded is completely false and totally misguided.

neither THC nor CBD cures or even treats cancer itself. the examples in your videos are anecdotal and there is zero evidence that the cannabanoids had any therapeutic effect on the disease itself (SPOILER ALERT: they don't)

the mythology out there about THC, largely perpetuated by those who want to see it legalized for recreational use, is astounding


Trade Saros
Aug 13, 2007
I live in Sweden and here you can't grow them yourself..

And my father had chemo. He "beat" the cancer twice, but then it came back a third time and the chemo couldn't stop it..

That's when I got CBD-oil, but no positive effects at all..

He's laying here next to me now, literally hours away from the pearly gate..

very sorry to hear that. I hope his passing is peaceful and you and your family can have comfort and closure.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2009
CBD is very effective for certain things, as your body has its own endo-cannabinoid system that occurs naturally. However when it comes to Cancer i've always been under the impression that high doses of both THC and CBD are needed to cure it. There's not a full episode on youtube but on the VICE channel there is a show called Weeditquette that covers different topics of weed. And the first episode is about "stoned kids" kids that basically have gone through hell and back and had no other options. There's multiple stories of it working for some of these kids, to the point where this girl decides to completely go against her doctors advice and strictly use her oil and months later shes still in remission.

But in other cases, it helped, but the cancer and tumors still remain. The problem is with the way marijuana is classified not much useful research can be legally done. Which is sad because there are probably millions of people in America alone who could benefit from it.

A lot of this is false and clearly biased information pushing an agenda, and frankly, frightening that people actually believe this. THC/CBD CANNOT cure cancer, please don't spread this. It is not some wonder drug that heals all ailments.

Sorry to hear about your father's situation, cogs. My condolences.


RIP Barb
Nov 26, 2004
I get quite upset when I see the snake oil salespeople presenting something as a cure that has not withstood any research and review.

Why some people believe that physicians worldwide would know about a cure but "hide" it from people is one of the most ridiculous, delusional and incredible 'ideologies' out there. The outcome to almost all malignant cancers is a terminal one-- unless caught in time and treated, assuming the malignancy responds.

I recall one surgeon discussing this very topic and pointing out that the people on the front lines who do nothing but see cancer patients all day and every work day KNOW about all the alleged treatments and cures. He asked the same quesion, "Do people believe we know there's something that would cure them and that we'd withhold it from them?"

I'm very sorry about the OP's dad. If cancers relapse after the initial response and remission, then the odds of beating it start to fall steadily. Even in cases with a complete pathologic response, there can be a relapse a few years later, though your odds are much, much better if you achieve the complete response vs a partial one. I'd like to believe his oncologist(s) told him about his malignancy and how aggressive it was, survival rates and so on. They honestly do run out of treatment options at some point.


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