The Athletic Damning report of conduct by Michigan hockey coach - what's the effect on Sabres' prospects


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Jul 13, 2020
Pearson sounds like a vindictive shithead, but let's have some perspective.

You ever work for a guy like that? You turn out okay?

Sucks for Strauss Mann, but I have zero concern about Power being tainted, and less about a guy we might never sign.
Honestly, I've had a boss like that (charismatic and abusive) and it's only years later in looking back that I've seen that it colored my reactions to subsequent events in a way that hurt my career. It seems to me that it's particularly damaging if you're deemed to be either the black sheep or the favorite. With enough time and distance, you course correct and move on. Athletes don't get a lot of time to course correct.

Tainted is too strong a word -- but teenagers are impressionable and the situation under Pearson ought to be taken into account when considering the choices these guys make and how the organizational dynamics play out.

That's just my perspective.


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