Confirmed with Link: Dillon Dube takes leave from Calgary Flames (TSN reports he's been asked to Surrender to London ON Police)


Registered User
Nov 16, 2013
Calgary, Alberta
What really rankles me is fans demanding answers or speculating this or that.

As Albator71 said above

"Good for him for realizing that he needed help, as men we are programmed to fight through it and hide our emotions or struggles. I'm happy to see that more and more men are seeking help and taking care of their mental health."

In my working life, I entered my company's EAP program a couple of times. Once when I was having a health crisis (cancer) the second when my wife's brother committed suicide.

The first, I declined access to a counselor, but was gratified that it was available to me and to my wife and son. I do recall trying to be strong for my family and in hindsight I should have engaged counselors.

The second, my wife and I availed ourselves to all the counselling available.

I was off work with my cancer and the company respected my privacy although the reason for my absence (six months) became widely known.

Bottom line, the help is there if you have the courage to ask for it.


Registered User
Jan 12, 2010
What really rankles me is fans demanding answers or speculating this or that.

As Albator71 said above

"Good for him for realizing that he needed help, as men we are programmed to fight through it and hide our emotions or struggles. I'm happy to see that more and more men are seeking help and taking care of their mental health."

In my working life, I entered my company's EAP program a couple of times. Once when I was having a health crisis (cancer) the second when my wife's brother committed suicide.

The first, I declined access to a counselor, but was gratified that it was available to me and to my wife and son. I do recall trying to be strong for my family and in hindsight I should have engaged counselors.

The second, my wife and I availed ourselves to all the counselling available.

I was off work with my cancer and the company respected my privacy although the reason for my absence (six months) became widely known.

Bottom line, the help is there if you have the courage to ask for it.
I'm glad to see you're doing better, it's so important to feel supported when you need it, It's alright to seek help, I know I did many times throughout my life (I'm 53), life can be very challenging but when you have people around that loves you and makes you want to get better. Thank you for sharing a little bit of your experiences with us. God bless

Ace Rimmer

Stoke me a clipper.
No longer listed on the Flames roster page. Nor is he listed on the injury report.

This could mean nothing more than the roster update has to wait until Becky finishes her lunch break.
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Registered User
Apr 16, 2014
Can we speculate that the mental health reasons could be related, but not because he is implicated? Could be because 5 people he was close to are about to be charged.


Registered User
Mar 21, 2011
If something is confirmed it's no longer speculation. I'm not particularly interested in what other news sites do.
Why would you remove one of your players from your official Web site/roster?

You add him to the bottom with a disclaimer stating he is on IR.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2012
It was posted on reddit yesterday, but someone has since deleted it, but Seravalli (so take it with a grain of salt), said that Dube and Hart were on leaves for different reasons.

Mods, if this counts as speculative, my bad, wasn't my intent


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