Elbow and Wrist Pain

Duck Off

HF needs an App
Oct 25, 2002
wrist question

So I'm not sure what I did, but I have hurt my wrist pretty bad. It doesn't hurt when constantly, but if I try to do pull ups or bicep work, it throbs. It's extremely sore on the bottom of the pinky side right where the hand and wrist meet. It's my right hand right above where the wrist bone sticks out. Anyone ever experience this before? Any recommendations? I tried resting it for a week. I literally had to skip biceps altogether because the pain was so severe. Felt fine this weekend. I usually do weighted pulls up on Mondays. I do two sets of 5 with no weight as a warm up. On first pull up of first set, the pain instantly shot right back to that spot. Any recommendations or insight would be appreciated.

shoeshine boy

Registered User
Aug 14, 2008
I'll go ahead and state the obvious: if you haven't already been to a doctor go ahead and make an appointment.

Duck Off

HF needs an App
Oct 25, 2002
I'll go ahead and state the obvious: if you haven't already been to a doctor go ahead and make an appointment.

been trying to avoid that, as I think he's going to just say "rest it for a few weeks", but the pain hasn't gone away.

I took about a week and a half off hoping that'd do the truck. I feel little to no pain right now. However, Tuesday, when I do biceps, I went to pick up a 25lb dumbbell and turned it to do a standard curl, the pain shot back to that spot immediately and I dropped the dumbbell because it hurt so bad. I tried to do just hammer curls and it hurt like hell to just do those afterwards. I couldn't do any pull ups due to the pain either. Couldn't do full weight, but was able to do something. Right now, it doesn't hurt, but worried since the pain comes back immediately when I try to work out.


Registered User
@LarKing You may have some minor 'golfers elbow'. Sounds similar to what i am going through at the moment.

I used to compete in olympic weightlifting and obviously was doing a lot of weight training, about 8 or so years ago. During that time I had no issues with my joints or pains etc in elbows or anything like that. I took the last 5 years off strength training whilst I was doing a different sport that needed me to be lighter/leaner. I started lifting again about 3 months ago, and almost immediately I was having pains in my elbows after being at the gym.

Looking up the symptoms and discussing with my sports doctor it was diagnosed as golfers elbow, but a regime of strengthening/rehab type exercises is currently improving things. All of the grip centric training that I was doing was overloading that particular tendon in the elbow, so I need to even out the forearm muscles to help things out and take the strain off that one specific area.

Maybe its similar to your issue, maybe not - but that's my 2c :) Hope it gets better for you, because I know how it feels.

Also.. yay - first post. :)


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Feb 27, 2002
New Brunswick
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Not severe but I was having issues with elbow pain as well. I had a suspicion that it was the heavy weight I was doing for the skull crushers. Quit them about three weeks ago and the pain is completely gone. Kind of disappointed though as they were really adding some size to my upper arms.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2009
I've been battling bicep tendinitis for years. It's not exactly an elbow pain, but the tendon that runs through it. Certain movements bug it, others do not. I've had it on one elbow at first, was able to rehab it to normal with physical therapy & a shot from the doctor. Now that one is OK but my other arm is troublesome. I haven't seen a doctor about it because I've been able to manage it mostly normal, and it's not really hindering me like the other arm did before.

Rest, ice/heat, etc. didn't help much for either arm. If you're in a position where it's definitely holding you back or keeps you from doing much, I would see an orthopedic surgeon and see what they say.

As far as wrist pain goes, I've been there too:


Amazingly, it barely bothers me anymore except I can't do things like snatches, snatch grip front squats, etc. Other than that, no worries.

Duck Off

HF needs an App
Oct 25, 2002
wrist question

So I'm not sure what I did, but I have hurt my wrist pretty bad. It doesn't hurt when constantly, but if I try to do pull ups or bicep work, it throbs. It's extremely sore on the bottom of the pinky side right where the hand and wrist meet. It's my right hand right above where the wrist bone sticks out. Anyone ever experience this before? Any recommendations? I tried resting it for a week. I literally had to skip biceps altogether because the pain was so severe. Felt fine this weekend. I usually do weighted pulls up on Mondays. I do two sets of 5 with no weight as a warm up. On first pull up of first set, the pain instantly shot right back to that spot. Any recommendations or insight would be appreciated.

I haven't been to this thread since the migration but crazy how I see this old post of mine. I did whatever I do to my right wrist to my left one last week. No idea how it happened, but having the exact same issue, just with the left hand this time.

Also as my weight has gotten heavier (using 100 lb) dumbells for bench now, my elbows are starting to hurt. Anyone have similar issues? Recommendations?


Registered User
Feb 23, 2018
You overtrain, overstress and ovestrain wrists, it's usually either tendinitis or you have pulled your Brachioradialis.


Also as my weight has gotten heavier (using 100 lb) dumbells for bench now, my elbows are starting to hurt. Anyone have similar issues? Recommendations?

Stop. For weeks. Four at least. 8 should do. I know most guys will not listen and will exercise through the injury and pain out of fear they might lose their gains. They may, but when healed, they regain their shape in no time and resume the progress.

If, on the other hand, you train through the pain, all you accomplish is making the injury even worse, more detrimental to your training and pretty much chronic. So instead of taking a couple of steps back, then resuming within a couple of weeks, then going on, you will stagnate for a year (like my brother did) because the pain won't let you any further before it finally hits you a rest is needed.

Rest, and don't rush it. Meanwhile focus on your legs or any exercises that don't employ the sore part of your arm (or just do some unilateral training if only one of your arms is hurt).



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