Fhl shocker - outlaws fold!


Registered User
May 19, 2004
And the league is still going to play out the season? Between this and the permanent road team Blue Fins...this is getting too ridiculous for words. How can a business operate this way?


Registered User
Dec 25, 2011
"The league is fine," FHL Commissioner Don Kirnan said. "We really don't know much right now. We are having a meeting later and will have more information."


How ignorant is this guy? The league is the biggest laughing stock in hockey.

A number of issues have beset the Outlaws during their first season here, including low attendance and unpaid bills. The Sun-Gazette counted an estimated 200 people in the stands for Saturday's game, but the team listed 867 on the official box score. Such discrepancies have been common.
seriously wonder how many teams are doing this.

Pull the plug on this fiasco.

Anyone else notice that the 'players of the month' have never changed on the website from start of season? What clowns are running this league!?
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Registered User
May 19, 2004


How ignorant is this guy? The league is the biggest laughing stock in hockey.

seriously wonder how many teams are doing this.

Pull the plug on this fiasco.

Anyone else notice that the 'players of the month' have never changed on the website from start of season? What clowns are running this league!?

I think its safe to say that after the collective experiences of the AAHL, the aborted NPHL, the facebook petition for the creation of a UPHL and of course the current FHL, that A-level hockey is unsustainable and impossible to build as a successful business model (unless you're the SPHL...maybe its a southern market thing).

No Fun Shogun

May 1, 2011
We really don't know much right now

Really, you don't say?

The FHL's holding on by a string, at best.

And I think that Single-A hockey can work, but not in places already oversaturated by major, minor, junior, and collegiate teams already, like the Northeast and Atlantic. The South is good, as all the SPHL really needs to compete around with are a single varsity college program in Alabama and three major teams on their peripheries, leaving a number of large cities and towns completely open for them in the region. I mean.... the FHL has to effectively compete with the NHL, the AHL, the ECHL, and the NCAA, which already eats up pretty much all the decently sizable markets throughout the region.

The SPHL has room, the FHL does not. That simple.
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Registered User
Nov 5, 2012
Ajax, ON
And this team won the FHL championship last season....in another city for that matter!! (wayne, NJ).

Oh so very sad......:cry:


Registered User
Dec 25, 2011
I guess the biggest question on everyone's mind is what will the Elmira Jackals do now? They lost their affiliate :sarcasm:

Sports Enthusiast

Not Here To Be Liked
Sep 19, 2010
Middle of nowhere
I guess the biggest question on everyone's mind is what will the Elmira Jackals do now? They lost their affiliate :sarcasm:

LOL. Continue losing under a terrible unqualified AA coach.

I don't think anybody from Williamsport ever dressed here. Not sure why ECHL teams waste the time for an FHL Affiliate.

I do know that had they made the playoffs they were slated to use Elmira's First Arena. So more cash flow not coming into the arena.


Registered User
Dec 25, 2011


Registered User
Dec 25, 2011
ESPN Williamsport to 'Investigate'

Anyone see this?
Staff Reports
ESPN Williamsport has launched an investigation into the Outlaws folding and leaving town. ESPN Wiliamsport General Manager, Todd Bartley said "there are to many unanswered questions to why this team all of sudden packed up and left."
There are several questions as they relate to finances as well as the linkage between city employees, the non-profit that ran the rink at Bowman Field as well as the Outlaws.
Several Right-to-Know requests are being prepared and the City of Williamsport will be in receipt of them by the end of the week.
"The fans and taxpayers of this area deserve these answers", according to Bartley.
Williamsport Mayor Campana stated in the press conference announcing the rink and the Outlaws "that no taxpayer dollars would be used."
Stay tuned to ESPN 104.1 and ESPN 1050 as well as www.espnwilliamsport.com for details on this developing story.


Registered User
Dec 25, 2011
And this:
Staff Reports
This morning I have received several phone calls from city residence in regards to what activities that have been occurring this morning at Bowman Field. The callers want to know what the employees of Streets and Parks are preforming. The work that has been done this morning at Bowman Field has been directed by myself.
I have directed Streets and Parks employees to change locks at the locker rooms. This has been done to prevent Don Kiernan, President of the Federal Hockey league and President of the Syracuse Jr. Hockey Club and the Williamsport Outlaws from retrieving personal items from our city property. I have made it clear that their personal belongings will not be given to them until outstanding bills are paid for to the city. This action is an executive decision.

No Fun Shogun

May 1, 2011
Methinks I should try to go to a Dashers game next time I'm visiting my parents downstate, as that might very well be the only chance I have to see an FHL game....

Sometimes, a train wreck can be fun to watch, too!


