HF Boards Superstar v21 (EHM - xECKx Pivot Rosters)


Registered User
Dec 26, 2016
go arizona lol even tho im not on the team. what a story!!

damn silver medals. 2nd place is the 1st place loser :(
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XXXX - XXXX - XX__ - ____
Jul 23, 2010


Conn Smythe for Rubins! Hopefully the start of a true dynasty.

SCF Game 7 loss into SCF sweep
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Dec 26, 2016

Arizona Coyotes Triumph with a Championship Trio

In a stunning display of skill and determination, the Arizona Coyotes clinched the Stanley Cup in the 2032-33 season, creating waves of excitement among hockey enthusiasts. The road to victory was nothing short of spectacular, featuring impressive victories against formidable opponents.

Round 1: Dominating the Kings (4-0)

Arizona set the tone for their playoff run by sweeping the Los Angeles Kings in Round 1. The Coyotes' trio, including newly acquired Christopher Hadeon, showcased their offensive prowess, leaving no room for the Kings to counter. The resounding 4-0 victory sent a clear message to the league about Arizona's championship ambitions.

Round 2: Triumph in Game 7 Against St. Louis

Facing off against the St. Louis Blues in Round 2, the Coyotes encountered a fierce challenge. The series went the distance, culminating in a nail-biting Game 7. In a game filled with intensity and drama, the Arizona trio, led by Hadeon, overcame the formidable duo of Ryan Johnston and Griff Hardin. The victory secured Arizona's spot in the conference finals.

Round 3: Conquering the Sharks and Thijs Bourgojne

The conference finals presented a daunting task as the Coyotes faced the San Jose Sharks and their outstanding goaltender, Thijs Bourgojne. The Coyotes, however, rose to the occasion, demonstrating their offensive prowess and solving Bourgojne's formidable netminding. The victory propelled Arizona to the Stanley Cup Finals.

Round 4: Sweeping the Flyers for Championship Glory

In the Stanley Cup Finals, the Coyotes faced the Philadelphia Flyers, and they did so with authority. Arizona's trio, now a well-oiled machine, executed flawlessly, sweeping the Flyers in four games. The 4-0 victory not only secured the championship but also solidified the Coyotes' place in hockey history.

Key Trades that Shaped Arizona's Triumph

Two pivotal trades on June 30th, 2033, played a crucial role in Arizona's championship season:

  1. Christopher Hadeon to Coyotes from Devils:
    • Arizona acquired Christopher Hadeon from the New Jersey Devils in exchange for Curt Owens, Jiri Partanen's rights, Norm Sanford's rights, Arizona's 1st-round pick in 2034, and Arizona's 2nd-round pick in 2035. Hadeon's impact was felt immediately as he contributed significantly to the team's success.
  2. Gord McKenzie to Coyotes from Canadiens:
    • In another impactful trade, Arizona acquired Gord McKenzie from the Montreal Canadiens. The trade involved sending Michael Misa, Arizona's 2nd-round pick in 2034, and Columbus' 3rd-round pick in 2034 to the Canadiens. McKenzie's contributions, particularly in the Stanley Cup Finals, underscored the significance of this trade.
Arizona's triumphant journey to the Stanley Cup was a testament to the synergy within their trio and the strategic trades that bolstered their roster. As they celebrate their championship victory, the Coyotes have etched their names in the annals of hockey glory.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2016

Host: Welcome back, hockey fans! Today, we've got a special panel to discuss the Cinderella story of the Arizona Coyotes and their triumphant journey to the Stanley Cup. Everyone seems to be buzzing with excitement. Ben, why don't you kick things off?

Ben Dover: (grinning) Well, I never thought I'd see the day, but here it is. The Arizona Coyotes, the team we often count out, went all the way and brought home the Cup. It's a story for the ages.

Hugh G. Rection: (nodding) Absolutely! This is the kind of underdog story that makes hockey so special. The Coyotes battled through every round, proving that anything can happen in the playoffs.

Justin Credible: (holding a donut) Cheers to the Coyotes! Who saw this coming? It's like they've been living in a fairytale, and I'm loving every minute of it.

Phil McCracken: (smirking) Well, I must say, even my predictions were way off on this one. The Coyotes managed to turn heads, and that's no small feat.

Host: (grinning) And look at that, Phil R. Up brought some drinks for us. Now, Phil McCracken, you mentioned predictions. What stood out to you in this Cinderella run?

Phil McCracken: (raising an eyebrow) It's the trades, my friend. The moves they made brought in players like Christopher Hadeon and Gord McKenzie, who played crucial roles in their success. Smart moves, calculated risks—that's what you need in the playoffs.

Ben Dover: (munching on a donut) Absolutely. Those trades paid off big time. It's a lesson in team management and knowing when to make the right moves.

Hugh G. Rection: (raising his drink) To teamwork! The Coyotes showed that it's not always about having the biggest stars; it's about having the right players working together seamlessly.

Justin Credible: (nodding) And speaking of teamwork, did anyone catch that McDonald's meeting rumor? Rumor has it the team had a crucial strategy meeting at McDonald's. Classic underdog move.

Phil R. Up: (smiling) Sometimes, a good burger can be the secret sauce to success.

Host: (laughing) Well said, Phil R. Up. Now, how about the team itself? What do you think made them click so well during this run?

Ben Dover: (leaning back) Chemistry, plain and simple. You could see it on the ice. The players had each other's backs, and that camaraderie goes a long way.

Hugh G. Rection: (pointing to his drink) Just like bringing drinks for your pals here. Teamwork makes the dream work, folks.

Justin Credible: (smirking) And a good donut doesn't hurt either.

Host: (laughing) Well, it seems like we're all in agreement here. The Coyotes' Cinderella story has been a joy to watch, from strategic trades to McDonald's meetings and, of course, incredible teamwork. Here's to the underdogs!


Registered User
Jul 4, 2010
New Brunswick
Chili is sick and tired of toiling away in Vancouver alone... either trade me to San Jose to help Bourgojne and the Sharks stop a complete runaway dynasty in the Coyotes, or bring Bourgojne to Vancouver dammit

Need a third (or 4th) Avenger if any of you are interested in being part of rising up against this dynasty
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Habs cup - its in the BAG
Sep 19, 2006
Chili is sick and tired of toiling away in Vancouver alone... either trade me to San Jose to help Bourgojne and the Sharks stop a complete runaway dynasty in the Coyotes, or bring Bourgojne to Vancouver dammit

Need a third (or 4th) Avenger if any of you are interested in being part of rising up against this dynasty

Come to San Jose; we were right on the cusp.


Jan 15, 2008
Zolotov is upset with Chicago missing the playoffs the last couple of years. Believes it's due to their inability to acquire a legit number 1 goalie.


Registered User
Nov 13, 2014
I like how this league is turning into the NBA with stars dictating where they want to go and super teams coming haha. What a weird reality
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Dec 26, 2016
Chili Davis Issues Ultimatum: "Trade Me or Bring Bourgojne to Vancouver"

In a surprising turn of events, Chili Davis, the forward for the Vancouver Canucks, has issued a bold ultimatum to the team management. Frustrated with what he perceives as toiling away alone in Vancouver, Davis is demanding a change that could shake up the dynamics of the NHL.

The seasoned forward, known for his scoring prowess, has grown weary of the status quo and is eager to see a shift in the balance of power, particularly in light of the Arizona Coyotes' recent dominant run to the Stanley Cup. Davis believes that a lone warrior can only do so much and is calling for reinforcements.

"Either trade me to San Jose," Davis asserted, "where I can join forces with Thijs Bourgojne and the Sharks to put an end to this Coyotes dynasty, or bring Bourgojne to Vancouver, dammit!"

This ultimatum suggests that Davis is not only seeking personal success but is also driven by a desire to be part of a force capable of challenging the reigning champions. The Coyotes' recent triumph has set a high bar, and Davis wants to be on a team equipped to rise against this hockey dynasty.

Adding a touch of humor to the situation, Davis invoked the idea of forming a hockey version of the Avengers – a team of superheroes working together to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. "Need a third (or 4th) Avenger," Davis declared, reaching out to potential teammates who might share his vision of standing up against the formidable Coyotes.

This bold statement from Davis raises intriguing questions about the upcoming NHL season and potential player movements. Will the Canucks heed his call and make a move to either bring Bourgojne to Vancouver or facilitate Davis' trade to San Jose?

As the offseason unfolds, all eyes will be on Vancouver's front office to see if they are willing to meet Davis's demands and create a new chapter in the ongoing saga of NHL team dynamics. The prospect of Chili Davis teaming up with Bourgojne in Vancouver or joining the Sharks adds an extra layer of excitement to the league's narrative. The question remains: Will Davis get his wish, and can a new alliance emerge to challenge the mighty Coyotes?


Registered User
Dec 26, 2016

Thijs Bourgojne and Chili Davis Caught in San Jose Plot: Handshakes and Hockey Machinations Unveiled!

In a stunning twist, a clandestine meeting between Thijs Bourgojne and Chili Davis has been captured on video, sending shockwaves through the NHL. The two players were spotted engaged in an animated conversation, with speculation rife that a major shakeup in the league may be imminent.

The video, shot discreetly by an eagle-eyed fan, shows Bourgojne and Davis engaged in a hushed discussion, their body language suggesting something big is afoot. In a pivotal moment, the players are seen shaking hands, hinting at a potential partnership that could reshape the dynamics of the league.

Insiders reveal that the topic of conversation revolved around the Arizona Coyotes, currently dominating the league with a formidable dynasty. Bourgojne, the skilled goaltender of the San Jose Sharks, is believed to have made a compelling pitch to Davis about joining forces in San Jose to take on the Coyotes head-on.

Bourgojne, known for his affable demeanor, was reportedly overheard saying, "Chili, my man, imagine the unstoppable force we could be. Sharks and Canucks united against the Yotes? We'd be legends!"

Adding an extra layer of intrigue, the video captured Sergei Zolotov, the Chicago Blackhawks' defenseman, making a cameo appearance. Zolotov, visibly upset with Chicago's recent playoff misses, is believed to be on a quest for the missing piece to their championship puzzle.

In a humorous twist, Zolotov is seen approaching Bourgojne with a faux detective hat and a magnifying glass, symbolizing his search for the elusive "number 1 goalie" that he believes is the key to Chicago's success. Whether this quirky tactic will sway Bourgojne's decision remains to be seen.

League insiders are buzzing with speculation about the potential fallout of these secret discussions. Could we see Chili Davis donning a San Jose Sharks jersey next season? Will Zolotov's detective antics persuade Bourgojne to consider a move to Chicago? The upcoming NHL season promises to be filled with surprises, alliances, and perhaps a few laughs along the way.


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Dec 26, 2016
Late-Night Denny's Drama: Ryan Johnston Sparks Controversy with "Super Team" Comments

In an unexpected turn of events, the drama unfolded in the most unassuming location – the parking lot of a Denny's. Ryan Johnston, the St. Louis Blues' forward, chose this rather unconventional setting to air his grievances and stir the pot in the already heated world of the NHL.

As the night unfolded, a clandestine meeting took place with Johnston at the center stage. Surrounded by flickering neon lights and the distant hum of late-night traffic, Johnston, fueled by passion or perhaps a craving for some moonlit pancakes, addressed the media gathered in the Denny's parking lot.

The controversy began with Johnston boldly stating, "The league is on the verge of becoming boring, and it's time for a shakeup. We were the first to become a 'super team,' and now we need another player to even the odds for our guys."

The term "super team" raised eyebrows across the hockey community, as the St. Louis Blues had indeed established themselves as a formidable force in the league. Johnston's assertion that the league needed more parity, however, sparked a wildfire of debate.

In a move that can only be described as a hockey soap opera unfolding under the glow of Denny's signage, Johnston went on to say, "Look, we've got a responsibility to keep things interesting. The fans want competition, not one team running away with everything. We're just trying to level the playing field."

But it wasn't just the words that had the hockey world buzzing; it was the peculiar choice of venue – a Denny's parking lot. Social media erupted with memes and jokes about the "Midnight Meltdown" and the "Pancake Plot."

In response to Johnston's comments, other players, including Chili Davis and Thijs Bourgojne, chimed in from various locations, contributing to the late-night drama that unfolded on social media. Davis, in a tweet, jokingly asked if the "Denny's Summit" would become a regular thing.

Whether Johnston's call for leveling the playing field will result in significant changes or if the Denny's parking lot will become the new hotspot for late-night hockey discussions remains to be seen. One thing is for sure – the drama at Denny's has added a savory layer of intrigue to the upcoming NHL season.


Registered User
Apr 11, 2018
Late-Night Denny's Drama: Ryan Johnston Sparks Controversy with "Super Team" Comments

In an unexpected turn of events, the drama unfolded in the most unassuming location – the parking lot of a Denny's. Ryan Johnston, the St. Louis Blues' forward, chose this rather unconventional setting to air his grievances and stir the pot in the already heated world of the NHL.

As the night unfolded, a clandestine meeting took place with Johnston at the center stage. Surrounded by flickering neon lights and the distant hum of late-night traffic, Johnston, fueled by passion or perhaps a craving for some moonlit pancakes, addressed the media gathered in the Denny's parking lot.

The controversy began with Johnston boldly stating, "The league is on the verge of becoming boring, and it's time for a shakeup. We were the first to become a 'super team,' and now we need another player to even the odds for our guys."

The term "super team" raised eyebrows across the hockey community, as the St. Louis Blues had indeed established themselves as a formidable force in the league. Johnston's assertion that the league needed more parity, however, sparked a wildfire of debate.

In a move that can only be described as a hockey soap opera unfolding under the glow of Denny's signage, Johnston went on to say, "Look, we've got a responsibility to keep things interesting. The fans want competition, not one team running away with everything. We're just trying to level the playing field."

But it wasn't just the words that had the hockey world buzzing; it was the peculiar choice of venue – a Denny's parking lot. Social media erupted with memes and jokes about the "Midnight Meltdown" and the "Pancake Plot."

In response to Johnston's comments, other players, including Chili Davis and Thijs Bourgojne, chimed in from various locations, contributing to the late-night drama that unfolded on social media. Davis, in a tweet, jokingly asked if the "Denny's Summit" would become a regular thing.

Whether Johnston's call for leveling the playing field will result in significant changes or if the Denny's parking lot will become the new hotspot for late-night hockey discussions remains to be seen. One thing is for sure – the drama at Denny's has added a savory layer of intrigue to the upcoming NHL season.
Very funny @DaBossN, really like that entertainment! :)
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Registered User
Nov 16, 2007

Regular Season Stats:
Regular Season Stats 1.png

Regular Season Stats Extra:
Regular Season Stats 2.png

NHL Scoring and Goalie Leaders:

NHL Regular Season Standings:

Eastern Conference Standings.png

Western Conference Standings.png
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