Introduce yourself here!


Registered User
May 29, 2016
About Yourself
Name: Nick
Age: 27
Location: Jackson, Michigan
Origin of Screen Name: First name, last initial, added 1 to it at some point because "nickh" was taken already. Holds no real significance.

Hockey Background
Years Playing: <1
Current Team:
Current League:
Highest Level Played: Beginner
Current Level: Beginner
Position: Wing
Type of Player: Rookie? Beginner? I can stay upright, but not much else? :)
Player You Emulate: No idea.

Current Gear
Helmet: Bauer IMS 9
Shoulders: Bauer Supreme 190
Elbows: Bauer Supreme 190
Shins: Bauer Supreme 190
Gloves: Bauer Nexus 800
Skates: Easton Mako M7
Stick: Bauer Supreme 170 Griptac 87 Flex PM9 curve; Bauer Nexus N7000 Griptac 87 Flex PM9 curve.

Hobbies: Hockey, Hockey, and Hockey. I got the bug early, and now I'm obsessed.
Movies: Star Wars (all except the dumpster fire that was "Episode I"), John Wick, Super Troopers.
Music: Metallica, Led Zeppelin, NWA.
TV: Archer, Letterkenny, Supernatural, House.
Food: Chicago style stuffed pizza.
Drinks: Water. I don't drink caffeine, so aside from the occasional beer after a game, it's water and juice only.
Hockey Team: Detroit Red Wings
Hockey Player: Justin Abdelkader


Registered User
Jan 21, 2016
Noblesville, Indiana
About Yourself
Name: Joe
Age: 32
Location: Noblesville, Indiana
Origin of Screen Name: my initials and football number

Hockey Background
Years Playing: .25
Current Team: No Regretzkies
Current League: beer league (d-instructional)
Highest Level Played: D-instructional
Current Level: D-instructional
Position: forward
Type of Player: In my mind aggressive (reality slowly learning)
Player You Emulate:

Current Gear
Helmet: Bauer 4500
Shoulders: Bauer Nexus 5000
Elbows: Bauer Nexus 8000
Shins: Bauer Nexus 6000
Gloves: Bauer Vapor x60
Skates: Bauer Nexus 5000
Stick: True A5.2 - TC 2

Hobbies: playing guitar
Movies: Casino, Goodfellas, Children of the Corn, Rambo
Music: Aerosmith, Black Label Society, FFDP, Slayer, Jonny Lang , SRV, Alter Bridge (a little bit of everything)
TV: Family Guy, South Park
Food: Pizza
Drinks: Sierra Nevada, Cherry Coke
Hockey Team: Blackhawks
Hockey Player: Duncan Keith


Registered User
Jun 15, 2016
About Yourself
Name: Anthony
Age: 49
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Origin of Screen Name: Given to me as a short goalie at a tryout for a Scarborough Major team a long time ago.

Hockey Background
Years Playing: 10 (over 12 years ago - attempting a return to the game I love)
Current Team: Not in game shape yet
Current League: Building to it
Highest Level Played: Mens league - B
Current Level: Beginner
Position: Former goalie, now trying defense
Type of Player: Stay at home defenseman
Player You Emulate: When I was a goalie, Ed Belfour

Current Gear
Helmet: CCM FL60
Shoulders: Bauer Supreme (from Play It Again)
Elbows: Bauer Vapor (from Play It Again)
Shins: CCM (from Play It Again)
Gloves: Bauer Vapor (from Play It Again)
Skates: Easton Nexus N8000 (these are new!)
Stick: Bauer Supreme 160 Ovechkin and a similar Easton

Back in my goalie days I wore Brian's pads and gloves, Bauer 6000 skates, and a custom made Greg Harrison mask.

Hobbies: Hockey, flying (I'm a pilot), computers, guns, work.
Movies: Crimson Tide, The Blues Brothers, Glengarry Glen Ross.
Music: Def Leppard, Motley Crue, Van Halen, Depeche Mode, Rush
TV: Veep, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Aviators
Food: Just about everything!
Drinks: Water, Coke Zero now and again, coffee in the morning
Hockey Team: Toronto Maple Leafs
Hockey Player: Mitch Marner (I just love this kid's story and potential)


Registered User
Jul 27, 2016
About Yourself
Name: Will
Age: 35
Location: CA
Origin of Screen Name: Nickname from the military, jersey # from baseball/softball.

Hockey Background
Years Playing: <1
Current Team: None
Current League: None
Highest Level Played: NA
Current Level: NA
Position: TBD
Type of Player: Noob
Player You Emulate: One that can skate halfway decent.
Current Gear
Helmet: Re-Akt 75
Shoulders: X60
Elbows: X60
Shins: X60
Gloves: Nexus 800, Vapor 7.0, X60
Skates: N7000
Stick: EK9

Hobbies: Hockey & Softball.
Movies: Action, adventure, comedy, mystery, and some others.
Music: Everything
TV: Sports, too many to list.
Food: Big fan.
Drinks: Coffee, water, diet coke, beer, crown.
Hockey Team: Flyers
Hockey Player: Lindros was the man.


Registered User
Jul 29, 2016
about me

About Yourself
Name: William
Age: 33
Location: Charleston SC:
Origin of Screen Name: I fall a lot

Hockey Background
Years Playing: 4
Current Team: none
Current League: none
Highest Level Played:local ymca as a youth
Current Level: none
Position: left out
Type of Player: rookie
Player You Emulate: none

Current Gear
Helmet: ccm (local echl end of year gear sale)
Shoulders: Bauer (end of year sale as well)
Elbows: Reebok
Shins: Reebok
Gloves: Easton
Skates: Bauer Vapor X 600
Stick: Reebok wood

Hobbies: hockey harleys Gator hunting
Movies: action funny
Music: all beside dub setp
TV: nhl network big bang theroy
Food: beef
Drinks: coffee water gatorade (i quit drinking)
Hockey Team: Chicago Blackhawks Washington Capitols Boston Bruins
Hockey Player:ECHL player Scott Ford (now assistant Coash on AHL team)

I Know Garth Snow

Registered User
Aug 28, 2016
About Yourself
Name: Justin
Age: 33
Location: Boston, but moving to Orlando
Origin of Screen Name: I know Garth Snow

Hockey Background
Years Playing: 30
Current Team: Mammouths
Current League: NESHL B
Highest Level Played: College Club
Current Level: B
Position: D
Type of Player: Bad?
Player You Emulate: Ray Bourque

Current Gear
Helmet: CCM
Shoulders: None
Elbows: CCM
Shins: CCM
Gloves: Warrior Pro Stock
Skates: CCM Tacks
Stick: CCM RBZ Revolution


Registered User
Sep 11, 2005
St. Paul, Minnesota
About Yourself
Name: Carl
Age: 53
Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
Origin of Screen Name: Theloknesmonster is alive and well and real

Hockey Background
Years Playing: Since I was four
Current Team: I play pick up twice a week April through November, and pond hockey everyday in the winter
Current League: Roseville Pick up
Highest Level Played: Midget
Current Level: Old guy washed up pick up league
Position: All
Type of Player: Skater
Player You Emulate: Bug Bloosten (pond hockey god)

Current Gear
Helmet: Bauer ReAkt combo
Shoulders: Eaton Synergy 20
Elbows: CCM 130
Shins: Sherwood
Gloves: CCM Vector
Skates: Bauer Supremes
Stick: Easton Synergy 20

Hobbies: Bass fishing, ice fishing, hockey, cross country skiing, model railroading
Movies: Rocky, Jaws, Star Wars (the first one of all these movies)
Music: Beatles from Help! on. Dave Brubeck. Jazz and Classical. Christmas music, Gaga
TV: Mad Men, hockey, and baseball.
Food: Chicken, fruit, waffles and maple syrup, ham and cheese
Drinks: Water, coffee, cocoa and chocolate milk
Hockey Team: Wild
Hockey Player: All time: Orr... Now: McDavid
Last edited:


Registered User
Jan 24, 2017
About yourself
Name: Jesse
Location: South Dakota
Origin of screen name: two favorite NHL teams, ironically neither are very
Popular yet I'm diehard about both

Hockey background: began skating 4 years ago, would skate about 8 times a winter on a frozen river, have really been hitting it hard now on an outdoor rink in town. Never played organized hockey just pickup/drop in/shinny

Current team: with whoever drops in lol but there's me my wife and 3 other guys who usually play on a team.
Times a week I skate: atleast 2 but as many as 5. Games once or twice a week depending on weather
Position: RW but I'm out in the left point on power plays. Was a goalie once in an emergency situation

Current gear
Since our little unorganized deal is well unorganized not much gear
Stick: Hespeler Rogue Rx10 (wooden) wife has a Sherwood sop9950 also wooden. Both right handed shots
Skates: honestly I use $5 goodwill hockey skates. Say "tour ice" on them, have worked awesome for 2 years. If anyone knows more about them by all means let me know. Wife had Easton Stealths for 5 years she just yesterday got brand new Bauer Vapor x200s the first brand new pair of skates she has ever had. Also have a pair of way too big Powerteks for when friends who wanna play but don't have skates, I throw them on occasionally
Gloves, honestlty just have good warm farm gloves
Helmet: Bauer don't remember the other specs right now as it isn't right in front of me with full cage. Usually to loan out to friends or people who aren't strong skaters
Shins: CCM 14 inches my wife wears them I don't

Outside of hockey stuff
Job: since my wife's family has a ranch ranchand, welder
Music: country Justin Moore George Straight Kip Moore rock A7X Volbeat FFDP
Hobbies: stock car racing my dad had a car for 15 years growing up, still guys I help week to week in the summer
Favorite player: Mike Smith
Food: mainly stuff that isn't good for you lol. Steaks fast food and gumbo
Drinks: anything with caffeine (not an alchohal drinker)
First big post out of the way!!!!


Registered User
Dec 12, 2016
About Yourself
Name: Xavier Boucher
Age: 19
Location: Québec
Origin of Screen Name: Nickname + number

Hockey Background
Years Playing: 15
Current Team: Young retired
Current League: Young retired
Highest Level Played: LHJMQ with Cataractes
Current Level: x
Position: C
Type of Player: Soul player , who's putting some stats on board put always play vs big name . My best achieve to me are to have shut down Sprong Veleno Comtois Morand and Dubois . Very intense and dedicate with very good hands and pretty good around net
Player You Emulate: Jonathan Toews

Hobbies: Have a big collection of comic/Star Wars/Harry Potter
Movies: The prestige / Inception / Batman... Christopher Nolan
Music: Blink 182/Green Day/Sum41
TV: Hockey,Hockey and hockey
Hockey Team: Habs
Hockey Player: Marty St-Louis

A Shiny Zubat

Jan 3, 2011
Name: Matt
Age: 28
Location: Colorado Springs, CO

Hockey Background
Years Playing: 3 months
Current Team: N/A
Current League: N/A
Highest Level Played: Novice Drop In
Current Level: Novice Drop In, I've been skating for 4 months since not skating for 10 years, been doing stick and pucks 3 times a week since I started back up to work on my game. Coming along nicely.
Position: Wing & Defense
Type of Player: I have a good snap shot, great slap shot and a horrible wrister by comparison. I see myself a pass first, shoot second winger. If I'm not gassed, I'm relatively defensively responsible. I have better hockey sense with the puck than without. On defensive I'd consider myself a puck moving D with a surprisingly decent shot, held back quite a bit by my sluggish backwards skating.
Player You Emulate: I'm trying to the be embodiment of an extremely novice version of a hybrid Paul Stastny and JM Liles.

Current Gear
Helmet: Reebok 7K
Shoulders: Bauer 30. These are about 10 years old
Elbows: Bauer Nexus 9000
Shins: Bauer Vapor x60
Gloves: Warrior Dynasty AX3
Skates: Bauer Supreme s170
Stick: Bauer Vapor x8000 P28 77 flex; Bauer Nexus n7000 PM9 77 flex, and an Easton Synergy HTX, Nate Guenin prostock with a Lidstrom curve I got on the cheap at the Pepsi Center. Thinking I prefer the P28.


Mar 2, 2015
About Yourself
Name: Mitchell
Age: 23
Location: Calgary AB
Origin of Screen Name: Love the Jays

Hockey Background
Years Playing: 10
Current Team: -
Current League: Claresholm Pickup Beer league
Highest Level Played: Superleagues
Current Level:
Position: LW/D
Type of Player: Playmaker
Player You Emulate: Spezza

Current Gear

Hockey Team:
Hockey Player:


Registered User
Jan 10, 2017
About Yourself
Age: 34
Location: Finland
Origin of Screen Name: 1997, had to choose a screen name for Diablo multiplayer, but all the usual names were taken. So I combined my hometown and then-favourite movie. And it has stuck to this day :D

Hockey Background
Years Playing:
4, from 1994 until late 1997
Current Team: None (would like to play some beer league though)
Current League: None
Highest Level Played: C-group Juniors in TIHC - the same team where Jesse Puljujärvi and Joni Myllykoski (still plays G in Denmark) played.
Current Level: Can skate. Got 99 kmh (61 mph) in an indoors slapshot range without gloves :D 90 kmh (56 mph) with a wrist shot.
Position: Forward
Type of Player: Grinder
Player You Emulate: Well, in those days there was "just" Teemu Selänne :D

Current Gear: Some bits and pieces at home. A couple of wooden sticks(!)

Hobbies: Running
Movies: Scifi and horror
Music: Extreme Metal and Electronic
TV: X-files, Shark Tank
Food: Asian and Italian
Drinks: Espresso overdoses and H2O
Hockey Team: Habs, since I was a big Roy fan and Avs have mostly sucked in the past 10 years
Hockey Player: Roy

Lil Sebastian Cossa

Opinions are share are my own personal opinions.
Jul 6, 2012
About Yourself
Name: Tom
Age: 33
Location: Ann Arbor, MI
Origin of Screen Name: I’m not very creative.

Hockey Background
Years Playing: Street hockey since young, ice for 6 years
Current Team: About three beer league teams
Current League: Ann Arbor Ice Cube low level Friday leagues, mid range D leagues
Highest Level Played: Beer league
Current Level: Beer League
Position: Goalie
Type of Player: Goalie
Player You Emulate: Mike Vernon or really any of the 90s stand up goalies who started hybridizing the butterfly into what they did.

Current Gear
Helmet: Protechsport LaLime model fiberglass
C/A: Bauer something? It’s second hand
Pads: Vaughn Ventus I believe? They’re quite old as every goalie in my league tells me every game. It’s either “get some new pads!” Or “hey I remember when I had those, those were sweet”
Trapper: Brian’s something... a custom one from an old Swedish friend.
Blocker: Koho something... as you can tell, I’m not hung up on equipment names outside my mask
Skates: CCM tacks
Stick: Bauer something (from a Michigan wolverines hockey sale. Pro stock)

Hobbies: Hockey, running, board/video games, reading
Movies: Rudy, Brian’s Somg, Miracle
Music: Country, Pop, Rap. Basically country and anything with a pump up type beat to it
TV: Sports except basketball, any show with Kristen Bell, competition type shows
Food: Stuffing/Dressing
Drinks: Tea, water, pop
Hockey Team: Detroit Red Wings
Hockey Player: All time: Slava Kozlov... Now: Henrik Zetterberg


Registered User
Aug 14, 2007
Scotts Valley, CA
About Yourself
Name: Mike
Age: 31
Location: San Jose, CA
Origin of Screen Name: My first name and my hometown, Half Moon Bay.

Hockey Background
Years Playing: Roller hockey for approximately 15 years, ice hockey for approximately 6 years.
Current Team: Two rec league teams, occasionally sub for a third team.
Current League: Sharks Ice Adult Hockey League (SIAHL)
Highest Level Played: Youth hockey league, rec league
Current Level: Rec league
Position: C/D
Type of Player: Two-way center, two-way defenseman
Player You Emulate: Center: any two-way center who can skate and is defensive-minded; Defense: any two-way defenseman who can skate and has a good outlet pass.

Current Gear
Helmet: CCM FitLite 60
Shoulders: CCM U+ FiT 05
Elbows: Easton Stealth S5
Shins: CCM
Gloves: Bauer Vapor X-Lite
Skates: Bauer Vapor x4.0
Stick: True Black, Bauer Nexus N6000


Registered User
Dec 24, 2007
Thunder Bay, ON
About Yourself
Name: Will
Age: 49
Location: Thunder Bay, ON Canada
Origin of Screen Name: don't recall - had chose it as an email address name quite a while back up until around the time Lycos had it big debacle.

Hockey Background
Years Playing: few years off from the game in my mid-teens. played since age 5.
Current Team: Polar Mechanical Flyers
Current League: none (team dropped out of league a few years back and we play pickup Thursday nights against similar team)
Highest Level Played: depends on how you rate them - Bantam as kid, High School & Beer Leagues later on
Current Level: pickup/scrub
Position: defence & emergency goal
Type of Player: defensive defenceman.
For me sticks are made for checking, blocking, intercepting, hacking and passing. You could clock my shot with a calendar: only way the pucks is going in is off a deflection or if it finds its way slowly through a goalie blocked by a chorus line of players

Player You Emulate: no idea, maybe Daneyko? Ludwig?

Current Gear
Helmet: Jofa 390
Shoulders: Cooperall
Pants: Tackla
Elbows: Winwell with soft elbow

Shins: Jofa JDP
Gloves: Eagle leather with goat skin palms
Skates: CCM
Stick: whatever I can get on sale with a small mid-curve

As goaltender: Jofa helmet with Jofa or Cooper cage, Louisville straight blade wood stick, Heaton Helite IV pads, Heaton trapper, Vaughn Vision blocker, Tackla keeper pants, CCM Vector skates.

Hobbies: hockey, slo-pitch, making jersey crests, sitting on my ass in front of the computer/t.v.
mostly trying to remain one of the dullest guys in a 3 mile radius.

Movies: around the same as my TV choices
Music: older middle of the road rock/pop etc.
TV: drama, comedy, some sports
Food: almost anything, not picky
Drinks: for beer prefer a local stout or porter but will drink almost anything
Hockey Team: for NHL - Sabres. Locally it's GO Thunderwolves!
Hockey Player: one I liked as a goaltender was Irbe


Registered User
Oct 21, 2015
About Yourself
Name: Jacob
Age: 33
Location: Twin Cities, Minnesota
Origin of Screen Name: My name

Hockey Background
Years Playing: 7 years
Current Team: Hockey Finder Assigned Team
Current League: Hockey Finder North Metro
Highest Level Played: Never played as a child, began playing pickup when I was 26 years old
Current Level: Hockey Finder 2.5
Position: Left Wing
Type of Player: Grinder (I've been told)
Player You Emulate: N/A

Current Gear
Helmet: CCM Res 300 w/ Bauer fish bowl
Shoulders: CCM Quicklite 250
Elbows: Easton Synergy 200
Shins: Easton HSX
Gloves: Warrior Pro Stock Ax1 (Boston Bruins Winter Classic Team Stock)
Skates: CCM 50K
Stick: Warrior QR1 Pro Stock (65 flex Gallagher)

Hobbies: Hockey
Movies: Not a movie guy
Music: EDM
TV: Food Network
Food: Not pickey
Drinks: Adult Beverages
Hockey Team: MN Wild, MN Blue Ox
Hockey Player: Wayne Gretzky


Habby Man
Oct 11, 2017
Vancouver Island
About Yourself
Name: Max
Age: 15
Location: Victoria, BC
Origin of Screen Name: 2008, making a Club Penguin account was my older name of Bluemlittlem. Blue is my Favourite colour. BlueBull was made when making a account back in 2015, when the site was new. Old Club Penguin shut down a year ago and 2bcsports has been dead for longer than Old Club Penguin has been shut down.

Hockey Background
Years Playing: 3
Current Team: Victoria Special Olympics Floor Hockey Team
Current League: Special Olympics
Highest Level Played: Tough one. I have played in a tournament against Some players in the Lower tier and have played well. The Higher tier team played against a team that went to the World Games that year i think. We were bad as a team but you know. In 2016 I got to play with and against some Victoria Royals players (They were the best team in the WHL that year), and I am playing with and against them 5 days from now as well. The difference is that the Royals game is a practice game, and the Tournament is a serious place with people determined to show how good they are.
Current Level: Around the same depending on whom I am playing against. Playing in the lower skilled group.
Position: Forward, Rarely D
Type of Player: Captain-Like Leadership with some Offensive ability.
Player You Emulate: More offensive version of Jonathan Toews

Current Gear
Helmet: Bauer
Shoulders: N/A
Elbows: N/A
Shins: N/A
Gloves: Easton
Skates: Floor Hockey so no skates.
Stick: Sort of a Polo Stick because the Puck is a Ring.

Hobbies: Video Games for hours
Movies: Varies
Music: Can vary, but some sort of Pop music.
TV: Varies
Food: Pizza
Drinks: Pop
Hockey Team: I like most teams, but Habs.
Hockey Player: Jamie Benn


Let's Go Pens!
Dec 4, 2007
Abington, PA
Name: Drew
Age: 29
Location: Abington, PA (Suburb of Philadelphia)
Origin of Screen Name: Eh, I’ve had it since middle school, it was a combination of 3 things.. 1. My favorite band at the time (subhumans) 2. The movie ‘A Clockwork Orange’ and the “Droogs” 3. My name.. with a g added to it. Drewg = Droog.. combined all 3 of those things and you get SUBdrewgANS
Hockey Background
Years Playing: Tough question, I played pee-wee as a kid for 1 year and that was it for my organized play. We couldn’t afford it. I played street/roller hockey with friends a lot. I played a couple years of organized roller hockey.. Now I just play pickup whenever I can.
Current Team: N/A
Current League: N/A
Highest Level Played: Beginner
Current Level: Beginner
Position: RW, but really.. I don’t REALLY know how to play any position.. so..
Type of Player: Beginner for sure. But I have some stick handling abilities, I also like to go to the front of the net.
Player You Emulate: None? Because I’m not good.. but If I were, I’d like to be a Hornqvist type player. Hard nosed to the front of the net.
Current Gear
Helmet: Bauer with cage (don’t know exact model)
Shoulders: Reebok (don’t know exact model)
Elbows: Reebok (don’t know exact model)
Shins: Bauer (don’t know exact model)
Gloves: I don’t know actually. They’re all black
Skates: Bauer Nexus N7000
Stick: Reebok 20K Crosby Curve
Hobbies: Hockey, Woodworking, Soccer, Graphic Design…
Movies: Comedies and drama mostly
Music: Instrumental Metal, Post Hardcore, 90s Screamo..
TV: The Office
Food: Favorite meal of all time: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Corn
Drinks: Water, Swiss Iced Tea, Coke (but I try not to drink much)
Hockey Team: Pittsburgh Penguins
Hockey Player: Patric Hornqvist


Let's not rebuild and say we did
Aug 10, 2015
Corona, CA
About Yourself
Name: Tyler
Age: 18
Location: SoCal
Origin of Screen Name: I have a chronic, life-spanning problem with finding good screen names.... Elf is a jab at Chris Wagner's photo.

Hockey Background
Years Playing: 6
Current Team: Tacos
Current League: CSHA
Highest Level Played: Beer league
Current Level: Beer league
Position: LW (we play 4s) and an emergency goaltender
Type of Player: I'm more of an energy-style player than one who fits into any specific archetype. My playing style is closest to that of a grinder, but I'm not very good defensively.
Player You Emulate: Andrew Cogliano

Current Gear
I'm just going to leave this section blank because I don't really know what the hell I wear any more. :laugh: Most of my gear is 4-5 years old, save for my stick which is a bit newer.

Hobbies: Hockey, writing, keyboard warrioring
(not really a big movie, music, or TV buff)
Food: Orange chicken (or Chinese food in general)
Drinks: Orange Juice
Hockey Team: Anaheim Ducks
Hockey Player: Teemu Selanne


Registered User
Feb 10, 2015
About Yourself
Name: Josh
Age: 23
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Origin of Screen Name: Grew up in St. Louis (stl) and graduated from Virginia Tech (hokies)

Hockey Background
Years Playing: 8
Current Team: Stuttgart Mustangs
Current League: -
Highest Level Played: Missouri High School
Current Level: Intermediate/advanced
Position: C
Type of Player: Fast and Defensive (aka scoring is a struggle)
Player You Emulate: Jay McClement

Current Gear
Helmet: CCM Res 100
Shoulders: Warrior Method
Elbows: Jofa 1425
Shins: CCM RBZ 110
Gloves: Vapor x60s
Skates: Vapor x40s (circa 2010 when the top skate was the x60)
Stick: CCM RBZ 80 LE

Hobbies: Hockey, Video Games, beers with the homies
Movies: Dumb and Dumber
Music: Rap/Techno/Classic Rock/ little bit of everything else
TV: Hockey/College football
Food: I could eat pizza for years (and I did just that in college)
Drinks: Cheap Beer
Hockey Team: St. Louis
Hockey Player: Jaden Schwartz

I love you

Kevs Security

May 28, 2018
Toronto, Canada
About Yourself
Name: Kevs
Age: Would rather not tell
Location: Toronto, Canafs
Origin of Screen Name: I work as an corporate security investigator and my name is Kevs, 1+1=2 you know.

Hockey Background
Years Playing: Can't remember tbh
Current Team: Coaching Richmond Hill Minor Hockey team
Current League: Can't be too good haha
Highest Level Played: Not too high...
Current Level: Beer and pizza
Position: Coach, soul of the team!
Type of Player: Tucker was my fave back in the day. As a coach I see myself as a Jon Cooper kinda guy.
Player You Emulate: Laraque/Keenan

Current Gear
Helmet: Jofa
Shoulders: Wide as heck
Elbows: Coming towards your head before you even know it!
Shins: Real men play without 'em
Gloves: I'm not afraid to drop 'em
Skates: I can't skate really
Stick: Nexus

Hobbies: Investigating
Movies: James Bond - Casino Royale
Music: Springsteen, Dylan
TV: Breaking Bad, Rick & Morty
Food: Everything goes! Vietnamise
Drinks: Beer, whiskey
Hockey Team: Blue Jays, Maple Leafs, Rangers
Hockey Player: AM34, Veleno, Dan G, Captain Cally, Tucker, Bure


Registered User
Jul 2, 2014
About Yourself
Name: Scott
Age: 30
Location: Long Island, NY
Origin of Screen Name: college username
Hockey Background
Years Playing: 25?
Current Team: Brotherhood for the Fallen
Current League: Hot Shots Hockey League Long Island
Highest Level Played: ACHA D1
Current Level: Beer leagues B-Division
Position: Forward
Type of Player: Mix between grinder and playmaker (beer leagues don’t have legitimate physical contact)
Player You Emulate: Josh Bailey
Current Gear
Helmet: CCM V08
Shoulders: Gator Armour
Elbows: RBK 5K
Shins: RBK 5K
Gloves: Winnwell 4 Rolls or Easton Pro stock gloves (forget the actual model, may be HG97)
Skates: Graf 709
Stick: varies between Easton SE16 Grip or Sherwood EK60
Hobbies: lifting weights, playing hockey and taking naps
Movies: Miracle or Slapshot
Music: anything loud and angry (rap and EDM aren’t music to me, sorry)
TV: Letterkenny
Food: chicken parm or Swedish Fish
Drinks: either seltzer or Richards Red
Hockey Team: New York Islanders
Hockey Player: Derek King and Pierre Turgeon


Registered User
Jan 24, 2019
Munich, Germany
About Yourself
Name: Felix
Age: 33
Location: Munich, Germany
Origin of Screen Name: Real name

Hockey Background
Years Playing: 1
Current Team: -
Current League: -
Highest Level Played: Beginner
Current Level: Beginner
Position: usually RW, but sometimes also D
Type of Player: Rookie, so not any real type of player. Actually pretty good at wangling off pucks
Player You Emulate: None as there is still a slight :cool: lack of ability

Current Gear
Helmet: Bauer
Shoulders: Warrior Alpha (still the cheap ones)
Elbows: Warrior Alpha (same)
Shins: Easton Synergy
Gloves: Warrior QRE 3
Skates: Bauer Vapor Supreme 600 (absolutely not satisfied)
Stick: Easton and Sher-Wood

Hobbies: Hockey, Archery, Mountainbiking
Movies: The Rock, LOTR, many more
Music: Metal all the way (currently deep into deathcore, but also death metal, industrial metal, thrash metal, black metal, melo death, djent and many more)
TV: just sports, skijumping, hockey, football, american football...
Food: Steak, pizza
Drinks: Water
Hockey Team: Vancouver Canucks
Hockey Player: obviously I should've said Pettersson. But I just can't wait for the Pettersson-Dahlen connection! And all the other young guns like Hughes or Woo.


Dogs are superior to humans in every way
Mar 16, 2019
Chicago's south side
We've got lots of new and old posters here so I thought it'd be fun to get to know each other...with a generic questionnaire!

About Yourself
Origin of Screen Name:

Hockey Background
Years Playing:
Current Team:
Current League:
Highest Level Played:
Current Level:
Type of Player:
Player You Emulate:

Current Gear

Hockey Team:
Hockey Player:
Name: Dogo
Age: 24
Location: Chicago IL
Origin of screen name: I like dogs
Years playing: Yoo many to count
Current team and league: None
Highest level played: High school
Current level: Retired
Position: LW/D
type of player: Enforcer
Player I emulate: Keith Magnuson
Helmet: bauer 4500
Shoulder pads: sheer wood
Elbow pads: Reebok
Shin guards: CCM
gloves: True hockey
Skates: Easton
Stick: Christian Brothers (yes I know it's an old brand)
Hobbies: Besides hockey. Baseball, and Military history
Movies: Slapshot, Blues Brothers and Blazing Saddles
Music: Any type of rock n roll
TV: Hockey, Baseball, Last Man Standing and the Simpsons
Food: Pizza
Drinks: Soda, Beer and Whiskey
Favorite Hockey Team: Chicago Blackhawks
Favorite Hockey Player: Jonathan Towes, Jeremy Roenick and Keith Magnuson
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