OT: Raise the Jolly Roger: New season of plundering begins


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
Wetherholt is very polished and would be a guy they can fast track but after Bednar I’m over the local guys as it becomes way too important to some.
Yeah if he fell to us it would be a blessing.

For now there’s a pretty clear cut top 8. Barring someone doing something stupid:


Kurtz was the consensus number 1 after last year’s draft. Wetherholt took the top spot at the start of the college season. Injuries to both players have hurt their stock slightly on top of Condon playing the game on rookie mode. You never want to draft based on need but Kurtz/caglione would be a godsend.

After those 8 you run into Konnor Griffin who is an elite high school prospect but I don’t trust this organization to develop him.


"You're a boring old man"
Jun 18, 2013
Oblivion Express
And people chat about drafts and 40 man roster spots like it makes any difference.

This team leaving Pittsburgh after 2030 seems like a real possibility and if this is what we get year in and year out?

Good f***ing riddance.

Imagine new players coming and and seeing murals of winning teams from 40+ years ago. Endless droning about the glory days, Bob Clemente, etc. Nothing since then. Nothing of any real consequence.

Players today can't even remember a time when this franchise won consistently.

And history matters zilch. The A's are being moved to Vegas. It's only about money and Pittsburgh is not a money making market.


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
Redmond, WA
And people chat about drafts and 40 man roster spots like it makes any difference.

This team leaving Pittsburgh after 2030 seems like a real possibility and if this is what we get year in and year out?

Good f***ing riddance.

Imagine new players coming and and seeing murals of winning teams from 40+ years ago. Endless droning about the glory days, Bob Clemente, etc. Nothing since then. Nothing of any real consequence.

Players today can't even remember a time when this franchise won consistently.

And history matters zilch. The A's are being moved to Vegas. It's only about money and Pittsburgh is not a money making market.

You can stop following the team, you know. If you hate it this much, why not just not pay attention?
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Registered User
Oct 4, 2017
there is a strain of outrage hardcore fandom where anyone who isnt equally as mad isnt a real fan. this is despite the fact a lot of fans of the pirates are approaching their fandom from an already compromised position. the club stinks, lets find something in it to enjoy etc


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
My biggest frustration right now is the insistence by the front office and staff that everything will work itself out. On pace for 70 wins 1/5 through the season. Eventually you have to stop shrugging your shoulders and saying bad luck. Eventually you have to make moves.

And no, sending down one relief pitcher for another won’t cut it. It’s like putting a band aid on a gunshot wound.


Registered User
May 8, 2018
Meh, Glad I just skipped through it.

I continue to look at # of Runs Scored as the only metric I care about.
You can't score 2.


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
Redmond, WA

His sole accomplishment is basically acquiring Bednar.

Not that I disagree with the message of Cherington doing a shitty job, but comparing the fWAR to currently good major league guys to prospects (which is what Cherington targeted with those moves) isn't exactly an apples to apples comparison.

With that being said, the performances of the young guys they acquired in those deals supports the idea that he has made numerous terrible trades. The fact that they have so little on the MLB roster from those moves just shows how badly he has done with those moves.


"You're a boring old man"
Jun 18, 2013
Oblivion Express
It's because the entire developmental system is as shit now as it was before Cherington. He didn't change anything. He doesn't have the money to make over a cheap franchise. Yeah, he's a failure at this point. No doubt about it, but let's not pretend he was given a Ferrari of a job here. The entire franchise is f***ed. There is 30 years of win/loss data to prove that point.

The system sucks, the GM running the system sucks and is handicapped greatly, which means everything below him is as well. There has not, outside of a few year window until Huntington, over the past 30 years, where any sane person could look at any other sane person and go "yeah, this franchise is on the right track".

I'd also like to mention that me being fed up with this franchise and being vocal about it doesn't reflect on any stranger out there. I don't know any of you personally. You all seem like good people and my only wonder is how you can stomach watching something so rotten?

I'm not advocating any of you not watching games, not buy product, mech, etc. That's your own business. I'd wager if everyone stopped going to games and buying crap, things might change, namely MLB would just prop the team up until it was sold but I've long wondered how working class people so casually throw money into a loser?

It's just f***ing depressing seeing a complete teardown with many trades and many high draft picks amounting to what looks like an utter and complete disaster.
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Registered User
Sep 27, 2016
This ownership has a way of operating their business, and it's not conducive to a winning sports team. He doesn't distinguish between his newspaper business and his baseball team, it's strictly bottom line. I think we're all pretty much in agreement that he could pump another 30-40 million into the franchise, but what's his incentive, it's obvious he couldn't care less about winning regardless of what lip service he gives to fans.


Registered User
May 8, 2018
My issue with Cherington coming in was he was demoted/fired less than 2 years after winning a world series, in a Big Market. So I did not see how he would succeed here.

My ongoing issue with Cherington dating back to 2022 is the lack of urgency in winning. He seems just way too comfortable with losing and that attitude has permeated the players and Shelton. I think the offensive leadership group (Hayes, Reynolds, Cruz) feels no urgency to be better. Suwinski thinks he can just float around in the wilderness for months on end. And the model of "we'll be really bad, then we'll turn 26 and be in our primes and hit our stride"...I don't know if it works for Gen Z. The Cubs and Astros pulled this off a decade ago.

There's also like, the consistently horrible players he gets and how seemingly none of them pop up and surprise in a good way.

None of this detracts from Bob Nutting who should be banished and subject to bad things. He is problem 1 and unfortunately only the MLB or MLBPA can take him out.


Peter shows the way
Aug 13, 2005
I really knew nothing about Perez, but hearing everything about him, my thought was, "this sounds like Richard Hill 2.0." Soft throwing lefty that is gonna get shelled.

But starting out, I have been pretty surprised, he had done well. Until lately.

Hopefully today was a blip.
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Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
It's because the entire developmental system is as shit now as it was before Cherington. He didn't change anything. He doesn't have the money to make over a cheap franchise. Yeah, he's a failure at this point. No doubt about it, but let's not pretend he was given a Ferrari of a job here. The entire franchise is f***ed. There is 30 years of win/loss data to prove that point.

The system sucks, the GM running the system sucks and is handicapped greatly, which means everything below him is as well. There has not, outside of a few year window until Huntington, over the past 30 years, where any sane person could look at any other sane person and go "yeah, this franchise is on the right track".

I'd also like to mention that me being fed up with this franchise and being vocal about it doesn't reflect on any stranger out there. I don't know any of you personally. You all seem like good people and my only wonder is how you can stomach watching something so rotten?

I'm not advocating any of you not watching games, not buy product, mech, etc. That's your own business. I'd wager if everyone stopped going to games and buying crap, things might change, namely MLB would just prop the team up until it was sold but I've long wondered how working class people so casually throw money into a loser?

It's just f***ing depressing seeing a complete teardown with many trades and many high draft picks amounting to what looks like an utter and complete disaster.
The sad thing is they would still make a profit even if no one went to the games.

I’d like to see the league conduct an audit but manfred is a typical New York elitist. Pittsburgh might as well be Montgomery, AL


"You're a boring old man"
Jun 18, 2013
Oblivion Express
Figured I'd see them (and Lions) which is the easy answer but still paints a bleak picture.

One, the Pirates, before 1980 had one of the stronger histories of any ML team, especially outside the Yankees.

So unlike those 2 football teams, the Bucs actually had decades/generational status as a really good franchise.

The past 40 years, outside of a few small stretches, has not seen anything resembling a winner. Just look at the # of playoff series wins since the last WS title. You don't need any fingers to count that high.


Registered User
Oct 31, 2013
Figured I'd see them (and Lions) which is the easy answer but still paints a bleak picture.

One, the Pirates, before 1980 had one of the stronger histories of any ML team, especially outside the Yankees.

So unlike those 2 football teams, the Bucs actually had decades/generational status as a really good franchise.

The past 40 years, outside of a few small stretches, has not seen anything resembling a winner. Just look at the # of playoff series wins since the last WS title. You don't need any fingers to count that high.

I aint arguing, theyve been terrible.

Just not as bad as the Browns


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