Reminders, Conduct and Board News

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Give 'em Enough Rope
Feb 28, 2002
So a little reminder for everyone concerning conduct, tweaked from when I wrote it for the Flyers' series a few years ago:

We are all here to talk hockey, particularly about the Sabres. Going overboard and being banned from this forum or the site is not in your best interest to keep talking puck.

We are all fans first, even moderators. We're here to talk about the team. No one likes spending time dealing with bad behavior. Don't jeopardize your participation by breaking the rules and if you see something getting out of hand, use the "report a bad post" feature rather than joining in or adding fuel to the fire.

1) If you forgot the Site Rules --

Get cozy with them. Rivalries are great. Stupidity directed at your fellow HFers is not.

2) Debate post content, not poster. Let me say that again: Debate post content not poster. Generalizations about fan bases or people who "are a certain way" are no-no's. Massive generalizations? "All people who think" type posts? No. There is a big difference between thinking an idea expressed is not right vs slamming someone for having that idea. Debate the point, not the poster. Insults about maturity? Nope. Tell someone you disagree politely and move on... or simply don't engage.

3) Just like the sticky on the NHL Forum, spam ("me too", "+1", "yeah" or all emoticon posts) are not allowed. Have some consideration for the people who subscribe to these things, the resources those sort of posts use up, and the time being wasted weeding through no content. "In before the lock" types posts as well.

4) Let the profanity filter do its job.

5) If you do not want to read a thread, don't. That doesn't mean make a comment about thread-worthiness in the thread that you do not like. It's more clutter and keeps the thread alive.

6) Public commentary about moderation is also not allowed. If you have a concern about moderation, use [email protected] to email to an admin.

7) Remember to treat others as you would like to treated and we'll all have fun.

People have history and sometimes frustrations may bubble over. Lately, things have been bubbling over all the time and that isn't any fun for anyone.

Clear? Great.


Give 'em Enough Rope
Feb 28, 2002
Are people having a problem understanding point #2? If you disagree with someone's point on something, post a rebuttal. Posting "I think all the people who (insert exaggerated broad take) are (insert something insulting)" isn't kosher. Don't do it.
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Give 'em Enough Rope
Feb 28, 2002
Let me be clear, again, if you post something generalizing about other posters and do so in a derogatory or denigrating fashion, that is against the rules. If you want to make a point regarding something from the past, go find the quote and make it to the individual whose post you have an issue with. Stop generalizing.
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Feb 27, 2002
Niagara Falls
A lot of you have strong opinions about Housley, the O'Reilly trade, and a variety of other subjects. That's fine but as much as you think it's necessary to keep trying to make the same point over and over, no one likes reading it over and over. It's particularly annoying when posters try to find reasons to interject it into every thread. It won't be tolerated.


Feb 27, 2002
Niagara Falls
Holiday Challenge: see if you can make it through the holidays without referring to a player as a cancer. We've all lost people we know and love to this disease. We like to keep them in our memories but being reminded of them by references to spoiled, overpaid athletes is offensive. This isn't a forum rule. I hope that you will abide by it as a matter of respect for your fellow posters.


cybersabre his prophet
Oct 20, 2009
As natural as it may be to separate into camps on any number of issues we discuss on a daily basis, I'd like to stress both rules #2 and #7 referenced above. We're members of a shared community and there's no point to strut about or belittle others, either personally or generally. This board can be a place of spirited debate and discussion without turning into a battleground of one-upsmanship and posturing.

We're all conversing in the same small space here. Aim to keep your corner of it considerate and respectful, and allow others to maintain theirs. In the event of unpleasantness, trust the moderation team to do its work.

Post like this is a community worth participating in and caring about and it will be so.
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Feb 27, 2002
Niagara Falls
In December the expiration time on moderation actions was changed. We no longer use 30 day expiration times as it was too easy to game the system. At that time members were prompted to accept forum rules to continue to use the forum. If all you did was click accept without reading the rules, you missed the relevant changes. They are underline in this excerpt.

Warning System:
When a rule is violated a warning may be issued. Users can only view their own warnings. Standard warnings expire between 45 and 90 days time. There are 3 Levels of punishment that incrementally disable user functionality. Privileges are restored as points expire. Moderators may issue warnings for zero points which serve as reminders to adhere to the rules.
Level 1 (10 points) = The following are disabled: search, poll posting, attachments, email to a friend, profile editing, invisibility, signature, username changes, sportsbook privileges, post editing and loss of "Likes" use. PM's reduced to one recipient.
Level 2 (15 points) = Same as Level 1 + loss of ability to start new threads.
Banned (20 points) = You will not be able to use your account to post until the oldest warning expires and brings you under 20 points. If you are given 20 points all at once your account will be under review. Attempts to register new accounts while under a temporary ban may result in additional warnings. Serious or chronic offenses may result in 20 points.
Bans are incremental. The first ban is 90 days (maximum). If you are banned a second time it is for 180 days. A 3rd ban is indefinite.

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Feb 27, 2002
Niagara Falls
How to embed a tweet - just copy the link



Feb 27, 2002
Niagara Falls
Use of GBU prefix has been discontinued. It's usefulness is way past its expiration date.

We'll be using a single thread for games and just change the prefix when the game starts and ends.
Pre-Game Talk
Post-Game Talk (GBU)

Terms of Service and Rules | HFBoards - NHL Message Board and Forum for National Hockey League
7) Thread titles must be as specific and informative as possible (no clickbait) and first posts must provide relevant commentary (“discuss” is not enough, for example).
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Feb 27, 2002
Niagara Falls
Posts accusing other posters of promoting a narrative or pushing an agenda are not acceptable and subject to a warning for flaming.
If you disagree with a post, criticize the post content, don't attack the poster.


Feb 27, 2002
Niagara Falls
This is a work in progress. You'll be able to add threadmarks to threads you start. The link is next to the report link. Up to 8 threadmarks are displayed.



Feb 27, 2002
Niagara Falls


Feb 27, 2002
Niagara Falls
Copyright Refresher
Do not post Large portions of ANY article. The reader must have incentive to visit the source.
Excerpts from any publication must include editorial commentary to comply with the copyright exception under fair use doctrine,

Technically even embedded content (twitter, youtube, instagram etc) must include commentary.

Press releases and direct quotes can be republished


cybersabre his prophet
Oct 20, 2009
I’ve noticed a lot of snark and whining about other posters lately. It’s not that serious here, even if you find someone’s opinions or behavior annoying. Ignore and enjoy your day.
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Feb 27, 2002
Niagara Falls
Old threads will not be open to further replies If the last post date is older than 365 days. This is creating too much confusion and aggravation about signings, It isn't difficult to start a new thread.
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