The Official Nutrition Thread - Tips, Recommendations, Current Diets


Registered User
Oct 30, 2013
But... why? I neither want or have a need to cut out dairy. I don't feel bad with it in my diet.
Many ppl feel fine with eating dairy and dont realize you can feel even better.

(For what its worth I used to f***ing love dairy. Tried cutting it out and found I don't need or want it, granted that took a few months)


Registered User
Feb 5, 2009
Anybody else take Cinnulin PF (cinnamon extract) supplement? I recently started taking it and it is amazing. Anybody who has high blood glucose, easily gains weight etc. I recommend to try this.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2013
Anybody else take Cinnulin PF (cinnamon extract) supplement? I recently started taking it and it is amazing. Anybody who has high blood glucose, easily gains weight etc. I recommend to try this.
You might like R+Ala if you like those type of products
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Dec 10, 2011
Citizen of the world

Many ppl feel fine with eating dairy and dont realize you can feel even better.

(For what its worth I used to ****ing love dairy. Tried cutting it out and found I don't need or want it, granted that took a few months)

Do you have any info on this? Aside from purely anecdotal theories. Im interested.


Registered User
Oct 30, 2013
Do you have any info on this? Aside from purely anecdotal theories. Im interested.
Aside from the blatantly obvious yet ignored due to marketing fact that you're drinking a liquid designed and made for calves.
Most ppl would never even consider drinking human breast milk thats at LEAST designed for humans, let alone monkey giraffe or dogs milk...

Milk is made for babies, not adults and the vast majority of the population stops producing the lactase enzyme that makes milk digestion in infants possible. So in many respects adults are to some degree lactose intolerant.

Lactase persistence - Wikipedia

6 in 10 Adults Can't Digest Milk

On top of that there is many studies lately that indicate milk causes weaker bones especially in women amd can lead to prostate cancer in men.
There's also the mass amounts of hormones and antibiotics that go into dairy cows that I think anyone who finds out about them simply wouldnt want to ingest. Especially not daily.

Why Is Milk Consumption Associated with More Bone Fractures? |

Does Milk Lead to Prostate Cancer? | The Truth About Cancer

On a personal level I noticed less bloating and torso "fullness" after stopping dairy and just generally lighter in the gym. I know several ppl men and women who had nuisance skin conditions clear up rapidly as well.

Dont get me wrong dairy is delicious and I used to love it, also being an easy tasty protein source but quality of protein has been simply more effective than quantity.
That said I hate ranting and I'm not a fanatic, I eat pizza and lasagna and butter but definitely cut out 90% of the dairy amd feel about 90% better.

Try it out..
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Dec 10, 2011
Citizen of the world
Aside from the blatantly obvious yet ignored due to marketing fact that you're drinking a liquid designed and made for calves.
Most ppl would never even consider drinking human breast milk thats at LEAST designed for humans, let alone monkey giraffe or dogs milk...

Milk is made for babies, not adults and the vast majority of the population stops producing the lactase enzyme that makes milk digestion in infants possible. So in many respects adults are to some degree lactose intolerant.

Lactase persistence - Wikipedia

6 in 10 Adults Can't Digest Milk

On top of that there is many studies lately that indicate milk causes weaker bones especially in women amd can lead to prostate cancer in men.
There's also the mass amounts of hormones and antibiotics that go into dairy cows that I think anyone who finds out about them simply wouldnt want to ingest. Especially not daily.

Why Is Milk Consumption Associated with More Bone Fractures? |

Does Milk Lead to Prostate Cancer? | The Truth About Cancer

On a personal level I noticed less bloating and torso "fullness" after stopping dairy and just generally lighter in the gym. I know several ppl men and women who had nuisance skin conditions clear up rapidly as well.

Dont get me wrong dairy is delicious and I used to love it, also being an easy tasty protein source but quality of protein has been simply more effective than quantity.
That said I hate ranting and I'm not a fanatic, I eat pizza and lasagna and butter but definitely cut out 90% of the dairy amd feel about 90% better.

Try it out..

So, i dont drink milk. But what about actual dairy produces? Theres a world of difference between full sugar milk and full fat skyr.


Registered User
Oct 30, 2013
While thats technically true all dairy products are derived from milk, and thus contain lactose, butter cheese yogurt etc.
Unless you're specifically buying lactose free products you're ingesting the same things to varying degrees. And my point is that the less of those things you ingest the better you will feel.

Besides the fact that its full of steroids, hormones and antibiotics ..... Unfortunately its not 1910 anymore products are made for profits not health.

Simple, if one found out through processing plant hidden camera that their yogurt or skyr was in fact being made with gorilla milk would they continue to purchase it? At the same rate as before?

Captain Bowie

Registered User
Jan 18, 2012
Besides the fact that its full of steroids, hormones and antibiotics ..... Unfortunately its not 1910 anymore products are made for profits not health.
That certainly isn't limited to dairy products.

Though there are a lot of limitations to your analogy. There are tons of things people used and consumed 100 years ago that they just had no idea was detrimental to their health that would be unthinkable now.
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Registered User
Oct 30, 2013
I meant things were more natural then, less refined, less processed. There were no steroids or synthetic hormones in existence to give to the cows.

Captain Bowie

Registered User
Jan 18, 2012
I meant things were more natural then, less refined, less processed. There were no steroids or synthetic hormones in existence to give to the cows.
Again, that is not exclusive to Dairy products. That applies to all food items. No one is going to deny that food is healthy les processed and with less additives. That isn't the debate here.
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Registered User
Oct 30, 2013
I aint debating anything, just sharing some information. People are free to do whatever they want to.
I urge ppl to try it and see for themselves that you can feel better, fitter and just healthier with (somewhat) minor changes. I also understand the difficulty having been the first person to refuse to give up dairy or meat ever, or even consider it..

Captain Bowie

Registered User
Jan 18, 2012
That's fine, and may work for some people. I feel pretty damn good with where I'm at, and would have a hard time to continue doing what I'm doing by cutting dairy. It's possible, I suppose, but I have no need to try at this time.

Though not that I think of it, Feta cheese is something I eat a lot of, but that is usually made from sheep's/goats milk. Greek Yogurt does a lot of good things for me though, and I love cheese in general and eat a far bit of it. I mostly cook with butter, though that wouldn't be hard to replace, but it is cheap and flavorful.

And I do use Almond milk in place of regular milk already in many instances. I like how it tastes in coffee, use it in cooking and most other situations you would use cow's milk. I just don't use it that often and it lasts in the fridge must longer.


~ ~ (ړײ) ~ ~
Feb 26, 2004
Family history of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and pancreatic cancer had woken me up after my brother passed. Did a lot research and consulted docs and nutritionist. I wasn't diabetic but probably headed that way. Turned the food pyramid upside down.

Started eating a lower carb diet (25-50g a day), throw in the occasional stricter carb restriction and usually in ketosis. Enjoy a cheat meal (usually just a dessert- only time I eat sugar) once or twice a month. Take chromium, Fish oil and other supplements to help metabolize glucose keep stuff balanced. Apple cider vinegar/lemon water 2-3 times a day before meals keeping gut alkaline, stops cramps and kydney stones. Enjoy whole foods, lots of meat, cheese, fish, lower starch veggies, good fats, avocados, olives, nuts, Bacon, eggs. Lost 50 pounds over 2 years slowly. All my levels are normal. I'm older so I don't do much exercise that puts stress on joints like running, but lots of walking and just heavy weights 2-3 times a week for 10 minutes. Feel great. Probably the best since my early twenties.

Don't eat bread unless it's gluten free and even then once a week in a wrap (usually high fibre tortilla) I'll make almond four stuff every once in a while.
Don't eat potatoes, rice or pasta.
Finally cut diet sodas out, realizing they were spiking insulin. No fake sugars, only Stevia once in a while.
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Registered User
Jul 9, 2012
Pittsburgh, USA
Anyone tried a 100% Soylent diet?

No, but if you want/need to go the shake route, it is much more cost-effective to make your own. Here's one I rely heavily on:

1. Soy protein isolate ($.26/serving of 35 grams)
2. Milled flax seed ($.14/serving for 14 grams)
3. 1 cup of dry oats ($.18/serving)
4. 1/8 cup of Trader Joe's flake coconut ($0.15/serving)
5. 2 TBSP Jif Peanut Butter ($.12/serving)
6. 1 banana ($.19/banana at Trader Joe's)
7. ~14 ounces of water ($0.00 at faucet)

Totals = $0.94/serving, 965 calories, 61 grams protein (25%), 40.5 grams fat (38%), 91 grams carbohydrates (38%). This is the max calorie version. You can reduce the oats to 1/2 cup and/or eliminate the peanut butter for less calories. The Soylent formula was 750% more expensive on a per-calorie basis the last time I ran through their numbers.
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Reluctant Optimist. Permanently Déclassé.
May 29, 2008
No, but if you want/need to go the shake route, it is much more cost-effective to make your own. Here's one I rely heavily on:

1. Soy protein isolate ($.26/serving of 35 grams)
2. Milled flax seed ($.14/serving for 14 grams)
3. 1 cup of dry oats ($.18/serving)
4. 1/8 cup of Trader Joe's flake coconut ($0.15/serving)
5. 2 TBSP Jif Peanut Butter ($.12/serving)
6. 1 banana ($.19/banana at Trader Joe's)
7. ~14 ounces of water ($0.00 at faucet)

Totals = $0.94/serving, 965 calories, 61 grams protein (25%), 40.5 grams fat (38%), 91 grams carbohydrates (38%). This is the max calorie version. You can reduce the oats to 1/2 cup and/or eliminate the peanut butter for less calories. The Soylent formula was 750% more expensive on a per-calorie basis the last time I ran through their numbers.

Hoo boy. Yeah Soylent--especially the prepared bottles--are spendy. They ARE convenient though, no need to refrigerate and can toss the bottle into recycling when you're done. Evidently people have lived off them for months at a time just to see what happens but i'm skeptical they have 100% of what a body needs. The above recipe--how long does it stay drinkable once you've mixed it? like if i could batch it how long would it last in the refrigerator?


Registered User
Jul 9, 2012
Pittsburgh, USA
Hoo boy. Yeah Soylent--especially the prepared bottles--are spendy. They ARE convenient though, no need to refrigerate and can toss the bottle into recycling when you're done. Evidently people have lived off them for months at a time just to see what happens but i'm skeptical they have 100% of what a body needs. The above recipe--how long does it stay drinkable once you've mixed it? like if i could batch it how long would it last in the refrigerator?

I'll make it at 7am and drink it at 10:30-11:00 with no refrigeration. It could last all day with refrigeration. Doubt you'd want to go any longer than that on accord of the banana and flax.
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Registered User
Mar 25, 2012
Is there a way to do a partial keto diet? As in I'm not very good at figuring out the percentages of everything I eat. I'm cutting out the carbs and sugars which should help and eating more fats. I just don't know if I can keep each group in their proper percentile, 70% fats, 25% protein and 5% carbs. If I go over in the other two and under in fats is it going to hurt that bad? Should I just do a low carb and sugar one instead?


Registered User
Jan 20, 2010
Having tried a lot of the more popular diets I've found that low carb diets make me feel the best quite significantly. Less tired, less "swings" between meals, easier calory control. Pain in the ass if you're eating out a lot though.

With low carb I don't mean Keto (though that probably would have had the same effect on me). Just cutting out the normal portion of carbs on the plate (pasta, rice and such) and replacing it with more vegetables, fat and some protein worked wonders.


Reluctant Optimist. Permanently Déclassé.
May 29, 2008
What is your goal? What are you trying to accomplish?
generally just to have convenient nutrition on hand when the schedule is chaotic. I can go most of the day without ingesting anything but water and coffee but sometimes hit a wall hard where i need some calories or i'll get hungry later at night and just shovel in whatever garbage i can find laying around.

Soylent is boring af but it's pretty easy to remember to schedule and you know exactly what you're getting.

I ended up basically forcing myself to drink one a couple times a day. Added a shot of espresso to a Coffiest in the morning then had another in the afternoon before i became hungry again and it totally cut out the munchies. Never went 100% soylent but it ended up being a decent crutch for times i knew decent food wasn't available because of time or location. Have to drink a lot of water with it though or it'll mess up digestion.


He who laughs last thinks slowest
Jun 7, 2010
generally just to have convenient nutrition on hand when the schedule is chaotic. I can go most of the day without ingesting anything but water and coffee but sometimes hit a wall hard where i need some calories or i'll get hungry later at night and just shovel in whatever garbage i can find laying around.

Soylent is boring af but it's pretty easy to remember to schedule and you know exactly what you're getting.

I ended up basically forcing myself to drink one a couple times a day. Added a shot of espresso to a Coffiest in the morning then had another in the afternoon before i became hungry again and it totally cut out the munchies. Never went 100% soylent but it ended up being a decent crutch for times i knew decent food wasn't available because of time or location. Have to drink a lot of water with it though or it'll mess up digestion.

Interesting. I tried Huel before and wasn't impressed.

Right now to satiate any hunger pangs, I'm rolling with some veggies (carrots, celery, bell peppers, etc) and a small tub of French Onion dip that I bought at Costco. Instead of using mayo or sour cream of it's base, it's Sunflower oil and cashew and almond paste. It's quite good and pretty healthy. As far as dips go.

Link to dip: French Onion Cashew & Almond Dip | Hope Foods
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Reluctant Optimist. Permanently Déclassé.
May 29, 2008
Interesting. I tried Huel before and wasn't impressed.

Right now to satiate any hunger pangs, I'm rolling with some veggies (carrots, celery, bell peppers, etc) and a small tub of French Onion dip that I bought at Costco. Instead of using mayo or sour cream of it's base, it's Sunflower oil and cashew and almond paste. It's quite good and pretty healthy. As far as dips go.

Link to dip: French Onion Cashew & Almond Dip | Hope Foods

i'm a big fan of the stuff i've tried that are subbing in nut butters for creamy ingredients. Trader Joes spicy cashew butter dressing is what i use for dipping my veggies into. not as thick as a proper dip but still very good. make a good slaw out of it too with some pecans, dried cherries and diced shallot with matchsticked broccoli and carrot.

i'd prefer to eat better but i'm not grabbing a box of cheez-its or eating nutty bars out of a vending machine anymore. small victories


̶W̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶t̶e̶a̶m̶
Apr 16, 2006
New York, NY
In September 2019, I started training 4 days/week and eating just below maintenance cals with the goal of losing fat/increasing muscle/strength - just getting leaner. I pretty quickly began losing weight and went from 173 -> 158 pounds over 19 weeks with an assist from a stomach flu towards the end.

Fast forward to two months ago. I gained pretty much all that weight back during COVID. I'm right around 170. I headed back to the gym, starting with a version of GSLP 3 days/week and yoga twice/week.

I am also supplementing creatine this time around. For some reason, I'm not dropping any weight even though my macros are the same as when I was losing weight in 2019. I'm just kind of stagnant from where I started at 170. Stupidly, I didn't take any photos or measurements when I started.

Any explanation for what's going on here? Is it the creatine? Lack of volume with my training? Or am I just burning fat but picking up some muscle mass?


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