Player Discussion: Victor Hedman - Part 2: Norris God and Norse God

J T Money

Biggest Bozo
Jan 21, 2016
Whats the final word on his injury? Hip impingement sounds like a permanent thing. Do they plan surgery?

Seems like he’s going to try rehabbing it over the summer. If that doesn't work, maybe he gets surgery just before the season starts like a Kucherov did.


Registered User
Apr 28, 2014
Clearwater, FL
HEDMAN INJURY: It all comes down to how bad it is, and what type of impingement it is. I'd be shocked if he doesn't get surgery.

Taken from American Academic of Orthopedic Surgeons

Femoroacetabular Impingement

Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a condition in which extra bone grows along one or both of the bones that form the hip joint — giving the bones an irregular shape. Because they do not fit together perfectly, the bones rub against each other during movement. Over time this friction can damage the joint, causing pain and limiting activity.


The hip is a ball-and-socket joint. The socket is formed by the acetabulum, which is part of the large pelvis bone. The ball is the femoral head, which is the upper end of the femur (thighbone).
A slippery tissue called articular cartilage covers the surface of the ball and the socket. It creates a smooth, low friction surface that helps the bones glide easily across each other during movement.
The acetabulum is ringed by strong fibrocartilage called the labrum. The labrum forms a gasket around the socket, creating a tight seal and helping to provide stability to the joint.


In FAI, bone overgrowth — called bone spurs — develop around the femoral head and/or along the acetabulum. This extra bone causes abnormal contact between the hip bones, and prevents them from moving smoothly during activity. Over time, this can result in tears of the labrum and the breakdown of articular cartilage (osteoarthritis).

Types of FAI

There are three types of FAI: pincer, cam, and combined impingement.
  • Pincer. This type of impingement occurs because extra bone extends out over the normal rim of the acetabulum. The labrum can be crushed under the prominent rim of the acetabulum.
  • Cam. In cam impingement the femoral head is not round and cannot rotate smoothly inside the acetabulum. A bump forms on the edge of the femoral head that grinds the cartilage inside the acetabulum.
  • Combined. Combined impingement means that both the pincer and cam types are present.


FAI occurs because the hip bones do not form normally during the childhood growing years. It is the deformity of a cam bone spur, pincer bone spur, or both, that leads to joint damage and pain. When the hip bones are shaped abnormally, there is little that can be done to prevent FAI.
It is not known how many people have FAI. Some people may live long, active lives with FAI and never have problems. When symptoms develop, however, it usually indicates that there is damage to the cartilage or labrum and the disease is likely to progress.
Because athletic people may work the hip joint more vigorously, they may begin to experience pain earlier than those who are less active. However, exercise does not cause FAI.


The most common symptoms of FAI include:
  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Limping
Pain often occurs in the groin area, although it may occur toward the outside of the hip. Turning, twisting, and squatting may cause a sharp, stabbing pain. Sometimes, the pain is just a dull ache.

Home Remedies​

When symptoms first occur, it is helpful to try and identify an activity or something you may have done that could have caused the pain. Sometimes, you can modify your activities, let your hip rest, and see if the pain will settle down. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicines, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, may help.
If your symptoms persist, you will need to see a doctor to determine the exact cause of your pain and provide treatment options. The longer painful symptoms go untreated, the more damage FAI can cause in the hip.

Doctor Examination​

During your first appointment, your doctor will discuss your general health and your hip symptoms. He or she will also examine your hip.

Impingement Test

As part of the physical examination, your doctor will likely conduct the impingement test. For this test, your doctor will bring your knee up towards your chest and then rotate it inward towards your opposite shoulder. If this recreates your hip pain, the test result is positive for impingement.

Imaging Tests

Your doctor may order imaging tests to help determine whether you have FAI.
  • X-rays. These provide good images of bone, and will demonstrate whether your hip has the abnormally shaped bones present with FAI. X-rays can also show signs of arthritis.
  • Computerized tomography (CT) scans. More detailed than a plain x-ray, CT scans help your doctor see the exact abnormal shape of your hip.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. These studies can create better images of soft tissue. They will help your doctor identify damage to the labrum and articular cartilage. Injecting dye into the joint during the MRI may make the damage show up more clearly.
  • Local anesthetic. Your doctor may also inject a numbing medicine into the hip joint as a diagnostic test. If the numbing medicine provides temporary pain relief, it confirms that FAI is the problem.


Nonsurgical Treatment

Activity changes. Your doctor may first recommend simply changing your daily routine and avoiding activities that cause symptoms.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications. Drugs like ibuprofen can be provided in a prescription-strength form to help reduce pain and inflammation.
Physical therapy. Specific exercises can improve the range of motion in your hip and strengthen the muscles that support the joint. This can relieve some stress on the injured labrum or cartilage.

Surgical Treatment

If tests show joint damage caused by FAI and your pain is not relieved by nonsurgical treatment, your doctor may recommend surgery.



Many FAI problems can be treated with arthroscopic surgery. Arthroscopic procedures are done with small incisions and thin instruments. The surgeon uses a small camera, called an arthroscope, to view inside the hip.

During arthroscopy, your doctor can repair or clean out any damage to the labrum and articular cartilage. He or she can correct the FAI by trimming the bony rim of the acetabulum and also shaving down the bump on the femoral head.

Some severe cases may require an open operation with a larger incision to accomplish this.

Long-Term Outcomes​

Surgery can successfully reduce symptoms caused by impingement. Correcting the impingement can prevent future damage to the hip joint. However, not all of the damage can be completely fixed by surgery, especially if treatment has been put off and the damage is severe. It is possible that more problems may develop in the future.
While there is a small chance that surgery might not help, it is currently the best way to treat painful FAI.

Future Developments​

As the results of surgery improve, doctors will probably recommend earlier surgery for FAI. Surgical techniques continue to advance and in the future, computers may be used to help guide the surgeon in correcting and reshaping the hip.


Registered User
Dec 5, 2019
For sale!!

...probably he is building something bigger...

But if you want be the new owner of Hedmans summer house it's only ~800 000 USD. Maybe your kids can drink the water of Örnsköldsvik and become NHLers as well? ;)

Last edited:


Nov 23, 2007
Ooof.. that doesn't sound good.
For sale!!

...probably he is building something bigger...

But if you want be the new owner of Hedmans summer house it's only ~800 000 USD. Maybe your kids can drink the water of Örnsköldsvik and become NHLers as well? ;)

I can only imagine the pain level I have bone spurs in both rotator cuff in the shoulder and it is incredibly painful to raise arms over head . Being in the hip and carrying the body weight has to just quadruple the pain. Rehab is really a joke they put me thru 3 rounds of PT over about 18 months with no improvement. I can’t see how he will avoid surgery my limitations are lifting no more than 10 pounds and I bet his even more dire. Now I’m sure the quality of doctors he has is far superior to what the VA supplies but the side effects of surgery are uncertain then again the constant inflammation and if there is none on bone grinding even worse.

The good news they can now do this orthoscopically but the recovery time is still a year. At his age could this be career ending? Just don’t know how determined he is to make it back on the ice. Also unless the joint is replaced the spurs can return and the chance of arthritis is pretty much a given.

TheDaysOf 04

[ 2 6 ] [ 4 ]
Jun 23, 2007

Hedman also now in the Top 50 for most goals by a dman in NHL history

40. Jeff Brown154 goals
41. Dave Ellett153 goals
42. Sergei Zubov152 goals
42. Al Iafrate152 goals
44. Mike Green150 goals
44. Borje Salming150 goals
46. James Patrick149 goals
47. Randy Carlyle148 goals
48. Fredrik Olausson147 goals
49. Victor Hedman145 goals
49. Drew Doughty145 goals
49. Bryan McCabe145 goals


Registered User
Mar 8, 2018
I can only imagine the pain level I have bone spurs in both rotator cuff in the shoulder and it is incredibly painful to raise arms over head . Being in the hip and carrying the body weight has to just quadruple the pain. Rehab is really a joke they put me thru 3 rounds of PT over about 18 months with no improvement. I can’t see how he will avoid surgery my limitations are lifting no more than 10 pounds and I bet his even more dire. Now I’m sure the quality of doctors he has is far superior to what the VA supplies but the side effects of surgery are uncertain then again the constant inflammation and if there is none on bone grinding even worse.

The good news they can now do this orthoscopically but the recovery time is still a year. At his age could this be career ending? Just don’t know how determined he is to make it back on the ice. Also unless the joint is replaced the spurs can return and the chance of arthritis is pretty much a given.
Aged like milk
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Champa Bay Lightning
Nov 24, 2009
Big Vic is quietly having a pretty good start to the season:
3-14-17 through 16 games and, given the circumstances (he’s logging big minutes, team gives up 3.7 GA/GP - 4th worst in the league) a pretty solid +/-0.


Hella Ennui
Jan 2, 2007
Big Vic is quietly having a pretty good start to the season:
3-14-17 through 16 games and, given the circumstances (he’s logging big minutes, team gives up 3.7 GA/GP - 4th worst in the league) a pretty solid +/-0.
he's really not. he's been exceptionally lucky that the puck hasn't ended up in the net for the most part. just last game i counted a MINIMUM of two defensive gaffes that caused odd man rushes wherein the other team couldn't finish; 1) hit the post and perbix was able to fish it out from behind JJ and clear, and the 2) was a brilliant save by JJ.

beyond the eye test, much maligned serge actually has better defensive numbers than vic, but obviously much worse offensive stats. its pretty clear that hedman is focusing on his offense this year:


note that box score stats show that serge is actually blocking more shots, making less giveaways, and creating more takeaways, all with about the same amount of ice time. hedman is -6 in penalty +/- but that could just be the refs discretion. serge also hits the opposition more, with getting hit being absolutely even.


when it comes to zone percentages hedman is getting the most defensive zone starts and on the fly defensive starts. so he's been looked to for the defensive role, and hasnt really produced well at all.

well, well, well


look at the on ice save percentage for when hedman is on (92.52%) vs when serge is on (87.73%).

"but russianguyovich" you say, "that just means that the opposing shots are better when serge is on the ice because he is a window-licking idiot on defense!" but if you peep at that xGA hedman is at 3.82 and serge is at 2.61.

meanwhile the xGF is 2.35 for serge and 2.99 for hedman.

the season is early, and the samples are small, but both are doing poorly but luck is on hedmans side and serge is starring in the new nathan fielder show "The Curse"

damn it sucks to always be right on this board, but i will just continue to be cool as shit.


Champa Bay Lightning
Nov 24, 2009
No question, Serg is better than Vic. How them kids say: Obviously! It’s just compared to last season Hedman is off to a good start!


Registered User
Aug 5, 2021
Hedman's not been as good defensively as he was in his prime, but he's having a great bounce back offensive season. Serge has been making more terrible plays than he usually does, but with less offense this year.
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Death and no taxes
Sep 16, 2007
He's been better offensively but lets be honest, pretty much everyone who mans the point on a PP with Kuch is going to get points.


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