Roll Call 2018-19 Stanley Cup Finals Roll Call


Registered User
Feb 24, 2012
Hi there everybody! I’m Novacain, and I’ve been posting here off and on for... Jesus, only 7 years? That feels super short to me. Been a lifelong Blues fan from my parents, who both saw he Monday Night Miracle In person. Still living in St. Louis, and my deepest hfboard shame was in the trade forums when I offered Jaden Schwartz to Arizona for Brandon Gormley.


Registered User
Feb 24, 2012
Grew up in St Louis and now live in Collinsville Illinois. Was born in 1986 and remember a little bit about the Arena days but really got into the Blues when Hull built the Kiel. More lurker than poster because I don’t have the mental capacity most of you peeps do. Plus I’m an introvert and borderline anti-social so I’m probably a serial killer in the making so...ummm...Let’s Go Blues?!?!

If the last year has taught me anything it’s that we should sign you to be our backup goaler.


2018-19 Cup Champs!
Mar 22, 2012
Don’t have as interesting of a tale as most of you, but I want to play along. I’m 542365(LGB365, a stupid name I came up with when I had to panic-change it and my posting habits a few months ago).

Grew up in St. Louis and still live here. Always loved the Blues but started following closely around 2006. Posting here pretty regularly for 7 years and lurked for a bit before that. I’ve converted my wife and friends into pretty big Blues fans and I can’t wait for this series. Hopefully this isn’t a once in a lifetime occurrence, but I’m going to enjoy the hell out of it as if it is. Go Blues!


Registered User
Mar 30, 2018
Started following the Blues in 1968-69 when my father was stationed at Scott AFB in Belleville. Lived mostly in the east, retired in New York now.

Dropped out of the Blues world during the 1980s but I've pretty much been following the team for most of these 49 years since the last Cup appearance.

What a dream come true this would be, particularly for us old-timers with memories of the Red Baron, Barc the Spark, Plante & Hall and all the rest of the Original Blues.

Bobby Orrtuzzo

Ya know
Jul 8, 2015
St. Louis
Bobby Orrtuzzo checking in.

Another STL local, been a fan my entire life thanks to my dad and other family members. Up until last week I worked evenings, so I had to listen to the radio for 95% of the season, so I wasn’t as active in GDT’s this year. But I’ll be watching every game with my dad, and I hope we both can celebrate this together and remember it for the rest of our lives


Registered User
Jun 27, 2015
Denver, CO
MortiestofMortys, checking in from an undisclosed location in Jayhawk country. Started this account when I moved from St Louis to Denver several years ago (must have been during/after the first season of Rick and Morty!) to stay connected to my boys in Blue. I used to post a lot on Reddit, and a long time before that was on the asylum for a little bit before leaving for the sake of my own mental well-being. This place has always been the best out of all of the options, and I’ve stuck around here the longest because you guys know what you’re talking about. Sometimes you’re ridiculous, sometimes you’re just plain wrong, but the conversation and depth of reasoning behind your positions is unparalleled. I’m probably best known for my weekly prospect tracking notes a few years ago, and for getting into fights with people over Hitch/Army not being that bad, the last WCF team being for real legit, or Jarmo/Davidson being the absolute worst. I don’t post as much anymore because I just started a new job that is more demanding and challenging than anything I’ve done before, but I still lurk around from time to time when I’m curious to know what you guys are saying about stuff.

I’ll be in the nosebleeds with my old man for game 3. He’s been a Blues fan his entire life and gave that gift/curse to me as well, so it honestly makes me a bit misty to be able to share this moment with him now. Just making it this far would be enough for me, to say that we were here. But I don’t think that’s where we’ll stop. I think we stop when the Cup takes it’s lap down Market Street. To quote Bozak: I want the Cup so damn bad. Print it.

Stupendous Yappi

Idiot Control Now!
Aug 23, 2018
Erwin, TN
Greetings. Stupendous Yappi, formerly known as 2 Minute Minor. I’ve been on this and predecessor sites for many years.

I became a Blues fan the year they qualified to draft EJ, while living in St Louis for a 3 year training program for my profession. I’ve followed the team closely since then.

Currently in the process of moving from Central Texas to Corpus Christi. This year, I attended 4 games. I went to a game in Dallas during the streak. I also followed the team on the road with my son. We went to an OT loss in San Jose, a pretty disappointing loss in Ottawa where I got to sit on the glass for the first time (next to the most obnoxious Canadian alive), and a dominant win in Pittsburgh where I got to sit on the glass for the 2nd time.

This was a gift to my son for his Senior year Spring Break. Now that the Blues made the Finals, I think those memories are only going to be more poignant for both of us. I hope it’s something he’ll treasure in his memory for his whole life.


Cutter's Way
Apr 29, 2004
Began posting at the asylum in 99. HF boards was 2003. PocketNines.

Grew up in STL. First Blues game fall 1975 when my family moved back to STL after Vietnam enlistment & law school had pulled us east. The Blues are woven into the fabric of my life in a way that no other thing is, long after I left the city for the glorious and bruising adventures.

I stood alone, months before it happened, using data available to all people, and predicted the Ryan Miller outcome & why to a T. This forum was not good with it. Left in 2014. Still not good with the site allowing a poster here to use my pic as his avatar unpunished, so this is a short stay.

I co-founded FiveThirtyEight with a bad person. I failed to protect myself; I suffered the consequences. I pulled a little "pain, or damage, don't end the world" on myself (thanks Al Swearengen!) and earlier this year my little cannabis startup up here in Mendocino County CA took in a 9 figure series B. We just hired the inventor of the apple macintosh as vp engineering. Easton, you'll have a suite if I ever buy the team & you can pick your favorite posters to go. Be good to Easton, everybody.

My favorite thing about this team is that it is resilient and relentless, and it will not be denied.


Crotch Academy ftw
Apr 28, 2014
Began posting at the asylum in 99. HF boards was 2003. PocketNines.

Grew up in STL. First Blues game fall 1975 when my family moved back to STL after Vietnam enlistment & law school had pulled us east. The Blues are woven into the fabric of my life in a way that no other thing is, long after I left the city for the glorious and bruising adventures.

I stood alone, months before it happened, using data available to all people, and predicted the Ryan Miller outcome & why to a T. This forum was not good with it. Left in 2014. Still not good with the site allowing a poster here to use my pic as his avatar unpunished, so this is a short stay.

I co-founded FiveThirtyEight with a bad person. I failed to protect myself; I suffered the consequences. I pulled a little "pain, or damage, don't end the world" on myself (thanks Al Swearengen!) and earlier this year my little cannabis startup up here in Mendocino County CA took in a 9 figure series B. We just hired the inventor of the apple macintosh as vp engineering. Easton, you'll have a suite if I ever buy the team & you can pick your favorite posters to go. Be good to Easton, everybody.

My favorite thing about this team is that it is resilient and relentless, and it will not be denied.
Sorry to hear everything went south in here HFboard, glad to hear you are doing fine IRL.


Cutter's Way
Apr 29, 2004
Sorry to hear everything went south in here HFboard, glad to hear you are doing fine IRL.
Thank you. It is for the best. I'm just saying what happened from my perspective & not trying to re-litigate, because I am not a good fit for the board and I acknowledge it. I have Arya Stark List energy. It's who I am. It comes in handy on occasion, oh boy it does, and it will again. Why else would you be an Arya? But it is counterproductive here and I concede it fully. Arya's not a hang out in groups person.

Celtic Note

Living the dream
Dec 22, 2006
Began posting at the asylum in 99. HF boards was 2003. PocketNines.

Grew up in STL. First Blues game fall 1975 when my family moved back to STL after Vietnam enlistment & law school had pulled us east. The Blues are woven into the fabric of my life in a way that no other thing is, long after I left the city for the glorious and bruising adventures.

I stood alone, months before it happened, using data available to all people, and predicted the Ryan Miller outcome & why to a T. This forum was not good with it. Left in 2014. Still not good with the site allowing a poster here to use my pic as his avatar unpunished, so this is a short stay.

I co-founded FiveThirtyEight with a bad person. I failed to protect myself; I suffered the consequences. I pulled a little "pain, or damage, don't end the world" on myself (thanks Al Swearengen!) and earlier this year my little cannabis startup up here in Mendocino County CA took in a 9 figure series B. We just hired the inventor of the apple macintosh as vp engineering. Easton, you'll have a suite if I ever buy the team & you can pick your favorite posters to go. Be good to Easton, everybody.

My favorite thing about this team is that it is resilient and relentless, and it will not be denied.
Glad you are doing well.

I don’t remember the avatar bit, but if it happened on my watch as a moderator, I apologize for not getting it rectified. That’s not cool.


Prince of Dorne
Mar 27, 2011
Checking in from Calgary! Even though I grew up in a city dominated by the Sea of Red, it was early memories of watching Pronger and Demitra that made me an avid Blues fan.

I have yet to visit St. Louis to catch a Blues game, but it's been on my bucket list for a while. I had planned to come down earlier this year but some big changes at my place of work didn't allow me the luxury to take the time off. Watching the Blues win the Cup would be a pretty good consolation.


Cutter's Way
Apr 29, 2004
Glad you are doing well.

I don’t remember the avatar bit, but if it happened on my watch as a moderator, I apologize for not getting it rectified. That’s not cool.
I appreciate the sentiment. It was a top-level board decision not a Blues mod decision. I think the standards are far different now. Regardless, I was a handful to moderate because I like to fight my own battles too much, sometimes especially when I am right, so it was kind of a critical mass situation and all for the best me deciding to remove myself. I have sympathy for anyone trying to play ref.


Registered User
May 25, 2019
I'm from Sweden. 43 years old. Been following the Blues since the early 90s and been a daily visitor to this forum ever since the asylum truly became an asylum :) I loved the era with Pavol Demitra. What a player! (Christer Olsson in exchange - insane!). What a tragic end with the plain crash.... anyway, the time difference has always been a problem. Most games start at 2 a.m, but my poor wife is used to it now. And work, well, I have the luxury to be able to decide my working hours. But there's been many times when I've promised myself to stop the madness. It's 5 am and Blues disappoints once again :D but this year? This team is special. Can it be? I'm just waiting for the typical Bluesy thing, like the end to game 3 against the Sharks. But not even that broke us this year. I almost dare to believe now. But only almost:) take care!

The Note

HFBoards Sponsor
Mar 13, 2011
Made this account my senior year of high school when I got tired of reading the Asylum(even at 18 I thought the conversation was rough.) Born and raised “on The Hill” but I’ve lived in Somerville, MA for the past couple years so it seems serendipitous that the Blues have finally broken through and will play the Bruins. I hope everyone is enjoying this run as much as I am.
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Stealth JD

Don't condescend me, man.
Jan 16, 2006
Bonita Springs, FL
I left for Florida after living in STL from 1984-2014. Became a fan after my uncle took me to the old barn for a game against the ‘Hawks in ‘86. Been watching religiously since the early ‘90’s. This has been a long time coming and hopefully the start of a long era of Finals appearances for this core.

Let’s go Blues!


Cautiously optimistic realist when caffeinated.
Aug 20, 2017
Northern Canada
Checking in for Northern Canada.

Currently a Whitehorse, Yukon Territory resident. Though I'm in the middle of an 8 week training course in Calgary, AB.

My fandom started in Kelowna, BC during a 1 year stint living there. It then moved around several times including a few stops in Saskatchewan.

I was steered towards HFBoards in 2017 by my older brother who saw an outlet for my frustration of not having any fellow Blues fans to talk shop with, living in western Canada away from major cities.

Edit: Should add in said fandom began watching the Blues lose in 6 to Chicago in the 1st round in 2013-14 playoffs. I particularly remember how physical the Blues played, which positively contrasted with other teams I watched like the "local" Vancouver Canucks who were pretty soft. I grew up without cable, and didn't watch hockey until I started working after graduating high school, when playoff talk was everywhere - especially with Vancouver's 2010-11 finals run a few years after my grad year.
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Registered User
Apr 19, 2015
Alberta, Canada
I'm a long time reader. Recently a first time poster. I'm from Medicine Hat, Alberta. 6 or 7 years ago my friend took me to a Flames game which happened to been Blues the Flames were playing against that night. I left there as a Blues fan and Alex Pietrangelo became one of my favorite Blues player.

I've never been to St. Louis. I'd love to go there and catch a game it's been on my bucket list for a while now.


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