Agent company merger


Unfamiliar Moderator
Jan 30, 2009
South of Heaven
This seems more of a positioning merger than a client driven one to me.

Mr Thun has me more than a little worried leading up to the next stage of CBA talks. Apparently a wee bit squirrely for my liking but, (with a huge eye-roll) "Here we go again"!

In front of the 30 players in attendance in downtown Toronto, NHLPA special assistant to the executive director Mathieu Schneider and union lawyer Bruce Meyer condemned player agents Anton Thun, Ritch Winter and Kurt Overhardt, according to sources with knowledge of the meeting.

Thun, Winter and Overhardt were accused of misleading clients when they said the NHLPA has stonewalled requests for information about union finances. “It’s shameful that the NHLPA is spending more time targeting its members and agents than it is servicing its members,” Thun said in an interview Tuesday. Thun compared the current dispute to one a decade ago involving former NHLPA executive director Ted Saskin, who was fired by the union in 2007 for directing his staff to hack player email accounts.

“This is no different from what Saskin did,” Thun said. “He got so paranoid that he read people’s emails. Now these guys are spending all of their day discrediting players and their representatives who are acting on their behalf.”
This much is clear: The NHLPA, a union with a history of internecine fighting, is once again in upheaval, according to interviews with two veteran NHL players, six player agents, three NHLPA sources and internal NHLPA emails reviewed by TSN.

Allan Walsh weighs in (another see-my-brain eye-roll)

"Most of the noise right now is agent-driven, coming from three agents with a false sense of self-importance attempting to undermine NHLPA leadership. My experience has always been that players with any questions can contact the NHLPA directly and get whatever answers they are seeking. I see no transparency issues with the NHLPA. The few agents involved are creating discord at a time when the NHLPA's focus should be on preparing players for the next round of CBA negotiations."

Read the full article but this has the potential of another scrambling of the factions again. Just like 2007 and 2009 with Paul Kelly.

More recommended reading

2017 - Player agents respond to talk of discontent with NHLPA leadership -

5 months ago -

Good God, these guys really just can't get out of each other's way. If the NHLPA decided to PPV, stream, or On-Demand their meetings I'd be the first goddamn subscriber I swear


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