ATD 2024 Bio Thread


Feb 8, 2012
Mulberry Street

Ryan Getzlaf

Awards and Achievements:

Stanley Cup 2007
NHL Second All Star Team 2014
Hart Trophy Finalist 2014

All-Star voting - 2nd(2014), 4th(2009), 3rd(2015), 6th(2013), 7th(2008), 7th(2011)

Offensive Accomplishments:
Points - 2nd(2014), 6th(2009), 10th(2013)
Assists- 3rd(2009), 3rd(2017), 4th(2011), 5th(2014), 7th(2008), 7th(2016), 8th(2013)

Playoff Points - 5th(2007), 5th(2017), 6th(2009), 6th(2015), 10th(2014)

5-Year Peak: 2010-2015
9th in Points, 90% of 1st place Claude Giroux
5th in Assists, 88% of 1st place Henrik Sedin

10-Year Peak: 2007-2017
8th in Points, 85% of 1st place Alex Ovechkin
4th in Assists, 93% of 1st place Joe Thornton​
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"You're a boring old man"
Jun 18, 2013
Oblivion Express
Bernie Morris, RW/C


(AS info/stats courtesy of 2020 bio by @Dreakmur )

Awards and Achievements:
Stanley Cup Champion (1917)

5 x PCHA First Team All-Star (1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1922)
2 x PCHA Second Team All-Star (1921, 1923)

C/RW - 1916
C - 1917, 1919
RW - 1922
LW - 1921
Spare - 1918

Newspaper MVP vote - 3rd(1917)

Offensive Accomplishments:
PCHA Points - 1st(1917), 2nd(1916), 2nd(1918), 2nd(1919), 4th(1922), 6th(1921), 6th(1923)
PCHA Goals - 1st(1916), 2nd(1917), 2nd(1918), 2nd(1919), 4th(1923), 5th(1922), 9th(1921)
PCHA Assists - 1st(1918), 2nd(1917), 2nd(1921), 2nd(1922), 3rd(1919), 5th(1916)

WCHL Points - 7th(1924)
WCHL Goals - 6th(1924)
WCHL Assists - 9th(1924)

Consolidated Scoring:
Points - 2nd(1919), 3rd(1916), 3rd(1917), 3rd(1918), 10th(1922), 12th(1921), 16th(1923)
Goals - 1st(1916), 2nd(1919), 4th(1917), 4th(1918)
Assists - 1st(1918), 3rd(1921), 4th(1919), 5th(1922), 8th(1916), 8th(1917)

Play-off Points - 1st(1917), 2nd(1924)

Scoring Percentages:
Consolidated Points - 109(1919), 96(1918), 91(1916), 90(1917), 76(1922), 74(1921), 65

Best 6 Seasons: 536
Seventies' VsX equivalents for current forwards:

Morris peaked in the mid 90's and joined Babe Dye as the only players to hold a 7 year average of >80. But unlike Dye, Morris had a much more rounded game as you will see in the sources below.

Scouting reports, quotes, praise for Morris's all-around game (in progress, much more to be added)

29 Nov, 1915 - Seattle Daily Times

-Scouting report noted the newcomer Morris as "fast, clever stickhandler, that keeps opposing defenses guessing"


05 Dec, 1915 - Seattle Daily Times

-Very rarely do you find a detailed description of face off ability from this era. Morris is noted "as a past master in this branch of the game."


13 Feb, 1916 - Seattle Daily Times

-Morris toughness noted.


19 Feb, 1916 - Vancouver Sun

-toughness noted as well as being star of game.


28 Feb, 1916 - The Victoria Daily Times

-Morris called "speedy right wing"
-Morris is "the real sensation of the league" and already "popular choice among sports writers for a position on the coast all start team"


15 Dec, 1916 - Seattle Daily times

-Morris noted as "Seatle's aggressive center ice forward"
-The great scoring Morris is crowding Cyclone Taylor in scoring race.


13 Jan, 1917 - Vancouver Sun

-Morris had a God mode and this vs a great Vancouver team.


07 Feb, 1917 - The Province

-toughness again displayed in star showing with bum leg.


22 Feb, 1917 - The Edmonton Bulletin

-Morris, along with Lester Patrick and Gordon Roberts are the only 3 unanimous choices for Writers Picks for PCHA postseason AS team.

Morris got 2 votes at center, 1 vote and rover and 1 at right wing.


21 Mar. 1917 - The Province

-SCF vs Montreal, toughness highlighted in a series Morris absolutely dominated. 4 game series win for Seattle. 14 goals and 2 assists.


24 Mar, 1917 - The Province

-SCF Seattle clinches the title with Morris yet again dominate.

-"Morris scored six of his team's goals and he skated and checked and shot the puck as few hockey players in the game ever have been able to do."


24 Mar, 1917 - The Gazette (Montreal paper)

SCF game, "Foyston, Morris, Wilson and Walker checked back hard and often, all using the hook check to the great consternation of the Canadiens."


27 Mar, 1917 - Saskatoon Daily Star

-Morris star of the Cup clinching win for Seattle, noted as "not only scored six goals but he showed all around ability tonight. He jockeyed the Canadiens defense out of line on numerous occasions."


7 Apr, 1917 - San Francisco Examiner

-Apparently "Bernie Morris, the fastest hockey star ever on blades, and practically won the a world's championship when he beat Les Canadeins single-handed at Seattle two weeks ago, has been purchased by Les Canadiens for $5000."

-Not sure what happened as Morris never played a game for Montreal but thought this was an interesting find.


31 Jan, 1918 - The Victoria Daily Times

-Morris carried off lion's share of honors as game's star.
-Noted "was there at the checking game as well, and his work aided the home team materially."


Feb 21, 1918 - Seattle Daily Times

-Morris and Roberts played fine defensive hockey.
Noted to play a very strong fore-checking game that saw Portland have trouble getting out of their own zone.


3 Mar, 1918 - Seattle Daily Times

-Morris versatility noted.


02 Jan, 1919 - Seattle Daily Times

-Jack Walker's hook check catching on with teammates. Morris and Foyston getting in good licks.


05 Jan, 1919 - Seattle Daily Times

-More talk about Walker's hook checking catching on with the rest of the team.


16 Jan, 1919 - Seattle Daily Times

-Post game notes how much attention is being paid to Morris by opposing teams, including up to "half their team". The Mets consistent speed is highlighted as well.


26 Jan. 1919 - The Vancouver Sun

-Scouting report talks about his shooting style.


23 Mar. 1919 - Seattle Daily Times

-Morris not playing due to being arrested on draft evasion charges. His absence is a huge loss for Seattle in the SCF.

-"Bernie Morris was missed last night at center more than ever. Jack Walker held down the position very creditably and his hook check was as bothersome as usual but he ewas outclassed by Lalone where Bernie would have filled the bill."


22 Mar, 1920 - Ottawa Citizen

-Out of town paper, major hockey city (Ottawa) calls Morris one of the greatest center ice players in game.
-Noted as "short, rugged looking athlete"
-Noted as "wonderful shot and sensational backchecker"
Was idol of Seattle fans and regarded as "one of most dangerous forwards hockey has ever produced"


16 Dec, 1920 - The Province

-Stars to watch in Vancouver vs Mets. Mackay vs Morris.


19 Dec, 1920 - Seattle Daily Times

-Morris, along with Foyston noted as being one of the two scoring stars for the Mets.
-Morris ranks high for cleverness and higher still as a goal scorer.
-Both hound the puck as only men with hockey instinct will


23 Deb, 1920 - The Victoria Daily Times

-Neat overview of a coaching change tactically. Morris moved to C for the faceoff but resumes playing at RW once the puck is dropped, with Foyston sliding to C. Seemed to work well for Seattle.


20 Jan, 1921 - Seattle Daily Times

-Post game notes Morris "back checked with a vim, his poke checking and hook checking stopping numerous Victoria rushes while he kept his opponents out of the play much of the time."


02 Feb, 1921 - Seattle Daily Times

-More backchecking


24 Feb, 1921 - Seattle Union Record

-Against doctors orders due to illness, Morris plays anyway.


06 Dec, 1921 - Calgary Herald

-In post game (Mets lost 2-1 to Millionaires) write up Morris "played a hard game and back checked stiffly."

01 Feb, 1922 - The Victoria Daily Times

-"Bernie Morris has shown remarkable form in the past week, and if Bernie can continue at this pace he will make our forward line that much stronger. Morris is checking back harder than I've ever seen him"

03 Feb, 1922 - Seattle Daily Times

-Post game notes Morris' "play on right wing was probably the best exhibition of playing that position that a Seattle right wing man has ever put Wednesday's game he had Dunderdale so completely shut out that the Victoria player hardly figured in the game."


09 Feb, 1922 - Seattle Daily Times

- Post game notes Morris playing "wonderful all-around game. He was always in the right place, back checking and covering his man on the return, like a youngster with the ambition of a race horse."


13 Feb, 1922 - The Vancouver Sun

-Out of town paper notes Morris is THE particular player Vancouver will be focused on stopping.


16 Feb, 1922 - Seattle Daily Times

-Morris post game noted as "best right wing in hockey"
-"Doing everything that the most particular critic could ask of a man"
-"Backbone of Seattle attack"
-"Wonder on defense, perfecting a swinging check with a stiff grip on his stick that is a beauty."
-"Time after time he batted the puck away from the Victoria team"


16 Feb, 1922 - The Victoria Daily Times

-Morris running wild, star of the game


04 Dec, 1922 - Seattle Union Record


19 Oct, 1923 - Calgary Herald

-Morris noted as versatilte, bouncing between C and RW.
-Noted as "extremely hard backcheker"
-Most dangerous shot
-Even-tempered player who is "pretty skater but excels in stickhandling"



06 Dec, 1923 - Seattle Star

-Morris played a "beautiful game for the invaders, backchecking like a demon."


07 Deb, 1923 - The Victoria Daily Times

-Noted star RW in 1922.


26 Deb, 1923 - Saskatoon Daily Star

-Morris checked Newsy Lalonde down at center ice, leading to a subsequent goal.


17 Jan, 1924: Calgary Albertan

-Clever and heady game w/stiff body checking


19 Feb, 1924: The Calgary Albertan

-In post game report "Wilson, Morris, and Anderson all skated and backchecked in the approved Bengal (playing for Calgary at the time) manner."

08 Mar, 1924 - Calgary Herald

-SCF, Morris (along with Oliver) noted as "raising havoc with their incessant harrasing of the Cap forwards who couldn't shake the checks."

-Morris sharpshooting noted but bulk of his (and Oliver's) excellent style was "shown in backchecking and they did that to a nicety."



17 Mar, 1924 - Calgary Herald

-Morris and Cully Wilson noted to be "doing bulk of the checking."



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MVP of West Hollywd

Registered User
Oct 28, 2008
My 4th defenseman Vladimir Lutchenko

Lutchenko, alongside Valeri Vasiliev, was one of the strongest defensemen in Soviet hockey in the 1970s. Possessing good all-around ability, Lutchenko was equally adept in the offensive and defensive zones. He had a strong slapshot from the point, and played a physical, yet clean game in his own end.

During his career, Lutchenko was named a Soviet First Team All Star on seven occasions. However, he never received the honor of being on a World Championships All Star team or being named the Best Defenseman in the World Championships.

Vladimir Lutchenko trailed only Liapkin as the highest scoring defenseman on the team. While Liapkin is remembered more for giving up the puck to create the famous Paul Henderson goal, Lutchenko is remembered as an incredible defender in the series.

"Vladimir Lutchenko played very well defensively," said Russian sports writer Vladimir Dvortsov. "He showed that even against the Canadians a defenseman can use clean bodychecks effectively. He played the real style of Soviet hockey - smart, elegant and clean."

Lutchenko is one of those guys who’s famous locally and unknown everywhere else. And his award case tells the same story: seven USSR all-star teams, none internationally – typical for a primarily defensive player. The heir to Ragulin, Lutchenko was big, strong and defensively solid.

But unlike Ragulin, he was a very good skater. He used his speed mostly in the interest of preventing goals, with Soviet hockey historian Arthur Chidlovski calling him “one of the best defensive players in the history of Soviet hockey.” In the 1972 Summit Series, Lutchenko was the USSR’s most successful defenseman, cleanly checking Canadian forwards regularly.

I was choosing between him and Ragulin for this spot. It sounds like Ragulin is more dominant defensively while Lutchenko is better on offense than him while still good on D.
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Proud Member of the TTSAOA
Jul 1, 2012

Nels Stewart, C/LW
I set out to rebuild this bio to characterize Nels Stewart differently, and that perhaps his drop in "energy" level could be attributed to a poor coaching fit and motivation rather than just him having a somewhat lazy vibe after his first couple of seasons. Some background information.

Nels's first coach with the Maroons was the fiery Eddie Gerard, who successfully led them to the Stanley Cup in 1926 with Stewart starring in his rookie season. Sadly newspapers from this era (at least here in Canada aren't full of tabloid level rumor mongering about the feeling between a coach and his players.

Gerard started Nels at center before having him move onto D for the finals, the following season Nels stays at center as the Maroons failed to repeat. In 1927-28 Eddie Gerard moves Nels to the LW in late December of this season. (approximately). The team at this point is 7-6-2, so barely above .500, they end the season at 24-16-6 making it all the way to cup finals losing to Rangers. The move to LW clearly benefited the team.

Additionally looking at it statistically through the first chunk of the season Nels stat line (through 15 games):
11 Goals - 1 Assist

After the move over to LW he manages to add (Game 16-44)
16 Goals - 6 Assists

The change in his points per game is negligible between the two positions this season.

The next season Gerard's last as coach until 1932, Stewart remains at LW. Dunc Munro takes over as player coach over the next two seasons and unites the famed S-Line and Stewart has his Hart winning season as the centerpiece in 1929-30. Despite his Hart Trophy winning season the Maroons manage to finish first in the Canadian Division but it's not like they were particularly dominant. Due to the stupid playoff format of the era they are forced to play the the 38-5-1 Bruins and flame out of the playoffs.

1931-32 the team has a pretty poor start to the season before Munro is eventually fired and replaced by Georges Boucher. The team does not improve despite the change in coach.

Stewart moves onto the Bruins and they immediately improve from 4th in the division to first combining the Barry and Clapper up front with Nels.

Why does this all matter? The seasons Stewart's Maroons performed the best were with a tough fiery disciplinarian in Eddie Gerard behind the bench making it to two cup finals winning one. The switch to Dunc Munro and the creation of the S-Line managed to help boost Nels's counting stats but it doesn't seem like that in itself benefit the teams he was on all that much. Another tough coach in Art Ross got good performances out of him and the team had some success (before choking in the playoffs).

It turns out that I couldn't find much new information we didn't already have on this. But I think it's no unreasonable to say the best the Maroons as a team performed was when Nels wasn't playing center.

Awards and Achievements
2 x Hart Trophy Winner(1926, 1930)
1 x Stanley Cup Champion(1926)
1 x Retro Conn Smythe Winner(1926)
1 x Retro Art Ross Winner(1926)
2 x Retro Maurice Richard Trophy Winner(1926, 1937)

Ranking Finishes:
Goals: 1st(1926), 1st(1937), 2nd(1929), 3rd(1928), 3rd(1934), 4th(1930), 4th(1931),5th(1935), 7th(1932), 8th(1927), 8th(1938), 9th(1933), 9th(1939), 15th(1936),

Assists: 6th(1926), 8th(1928), 11th(1931), 12th(1934), 14th(1928), 14th(1933), 18th(1939), 19th(1930), 20th(1935), 22nd(1936), T-25th(1938),

Points: 1st(1926), 2nd(1929), 4th(1934), 5th(1928), 6th(1930), 7th(1931), 8th(1937), 9th(1933), 10th(1935), 10th(1938), 15th(1939(, 17th(1932), 17th(1936), 18th(1927)

Early career positional breakdown (Unless explicitly stated otherwise all information is from the Globe and Mail and dates refer to publication date and not the game)

1925-26 Season

DateNels' PositionRegular LinematesNotes
26-Jan-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
01-Feb-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
03-Feb-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
10-Feb-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
24-Feb-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
01-Mar-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
03-Mar-26CBroadbent (RW)
08-Mar-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
12-Mar-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
17-Mar-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
18-Mar-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
24-Mar-26DNoble (D)Playoff Game
29-Mar-26D/CNoble (D)NHL Finals
31-Mar-26DNoble (D)Cup Finals
02-Apr-26DNoble (D)Cup Finals
05-Apr-26DNoble (D)Cup Finals

Quotes from this season

Mar2 22 1926 Montreal Gazette: Stewart, shifted to D in 2nd period, cited for strong pokechecking. FIRST ROUND OF PLAYOFFS

The Montreal Gazette - Google News Archive Search
Holway's defense was not to strong in the opening period, so manager Eddie Gerard shifted Nelson Stewart to Dunc Monro's defensive post and he remained there until the end of the game. Stewart's poke checking stood out.

Mar 31 1926 Montreal Gazette: SCF Game 1, Stewart is a monster offensively, defensively, quoted as playing a fast game, etc

The Montreal Gazette - Google News Archive Search
"Stewart fairly towered over the pother players on the ice, and he was alone worth the victory which the local team scored in the game under eastern rules. The Victoria defensive was baffled by the rangy Maroon star. His crafty style of play was something new to them, and they failed to solve his tactics. This player, recently judged the most useful man to his club in the NHL accounted for two goals, the first and last of the game, and both tallies were out of the ordinary. The first, which came after two minutes of play in the initial period was a novel counter, the like of which is seldom witnessed in hockey. Stewart cleared a Victoria rush from close to Benedict's cage. He rushed through the Victoria players at mid ice with long swerving strokes and when he reached the defense, poked the puck through Loughlin. Stewart attempted to round the Victoria captain and defenseman but was spilled face down and full length on the ice....."

"Stewart's second goal came in from the third period less than four minutes from the end of the game. He cleared a rush by Frederickson and started for the Victoria end. He tore down the right wing and Babe Siebert flashed up on the left. At the defense Stewart gave Siebert the puck. The hero of Montreal's league title victory rushed in until almost even with the Victoria net. Stewart was following in fast on the cage and Siebert whipped him a pass. The Maroon star took it in full flight and did not give Holmes a chance to act against the flip from 2 feet out. It was a beautiful play."

"Seibert, Stewart and Broadbent rushed in turn. Then Stewart came down in a tricky rush through center. He evaded the Victoria outer guard, and then slipped the puck past Loughlin. He attempted to recover the disc, but fell. While sliding along the ice, face down, Stewart reached out with his stick, and pushed the puck behind Holmes, who had rushed out from his net to clear. The trick, a novel one, was done in two minutes."
"Frederickson made gallant efforts to get through the Maroon defense. He hit them from every angle and at every pace but Noble and Stewart kept him out. Benedict was having a soft time in the Maroon net."

"Stewart intercepted Fraser's pass to Hart and a dangerous rush by the westerners was wrecked. Stewart and Phillips took play to Holmes net, where they were joined by Dinsmore. All three started to snipe at the Victoria goalie but were thwarted by the brilliant play of Holmes."

"One of the smartest plays of the night brought a third goal Montreal about five minutes before the end of the game. Stewart cleared when Frederickson fell in rushing. The Maroon start tore down right wing. He gave Siebert a pass. The latter rushed in and whipped the puck back to Stewart at the goal mouth. Traveling like lightning Stewart gave Holmes no chance to save. The time was 16:10."

Apr 2 1926 Montreal Gazette: SCF Game 2, Stewart again dominates up and down the ice. But he is playing as a defensemen here.

The Montreal Gazette - Google News Archive Search
"The big Maroon start is still an enigma to the Cougars. He has tricked them with such a variety of stunts that they hardly know what to expect. In the first game he slipped the puck through the Vic defense and rounded them to score the first goal while prone on the ice. Last night he rushed to the defense, but instead of around, he crashed between them. Still half off balance from the impact, Stewart kept to his purpose and blazed the puck past Holmes for goal number one."

"Stewart, teaming with Noble, was strong defensively and the biggest threat up forward."

Apr 7 1926: Montreal Gazette: Stewart has another monster game clinching the Cup for the Maroons. Again, Stewart is paired with Reg Noble on D. Cited for stealing the puck from Frank Foyston which directly led to a goal.

1926-27 Season

DateNels' PositionRegular LinematesNotes
11-Nov-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
17-Nov-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
19-Nov-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
24-Nov-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
26-Nov-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
29-Nov-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
01-Dec-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
15-Dec-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
24-Dec-26CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
07-Jan-27CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
12-Jan-27CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
19-Jan-27CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
21-Jan-27CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
24-Jan-27CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
26-Jan-27CBroadbent (RW) + Oatman (LW?)
28-Jan-27CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
04-Feb-27CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
09-Feb-27CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
16-Feb-27CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
21-Feb-27CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
25-Feb-27CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
09-Mar-27CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)
01-Apr-27CSiebert (LW) + Broadbent (RW)Playoff Game
1927-28 Season

DateNels' PositionRegular LinematesNotes
16-Nov-27CSiebert (LW)Hooley isn’t listed
18-Nov-27CSiebert (LW)Hooley isn’t listed
21-Nov-27CSiebert (LW)Hooley isn’t listed
23-Nov-27LWSmith (c)Hooley appears
28-Nov-27C + W (?)Stewart (?)Hooley isn’t listed
30-Nov-27CSiebert (LW)Hooley isn’t listed
02-Dec-27Hooley noted as being out for a while
05-Dec-27Didn't play
12-Dec-27Didn't play
16-Dec-27CSmith (W) + Siebert (W)
19-Dec-27CSiebert (LW)Hooley as a sub
26-Dec-27CSmith (W) + Siebert (W)
29-Dec-27LWOatman (LW) + Smith (C)
30-Dec-27COatman (LW?) + Smith (RW)
02-Jan-28COatman (LW?) + Smith (RW)
06-Jan-28SubSmith (C)
16-Jan-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
18-Jan-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
23-Jan-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
27-Jan-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
01-Feb-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
06-Feb-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
08-Feb-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
20-Feb-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
22-Feb-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
05-Mar-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
09-Mar-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
12-Mar-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
14-Mar-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
19-Mar-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
26-Mar-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
28-Mar-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)NHL Playoffs
30-Mar-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)NHL Playoffs
02-Apr-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)NHL Playoffs
03-Apr-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)NHL Playoffs
06-Apr-28No lineupCup Finals
09-Apr-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)Cup Finals + Lester in net
11-Apr-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)Cup Finals
16-Apr-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)

1928-29 Season

16-Nov-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
19-Nov-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
23-Nov-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
26-Nov-28LWWard (W)Hooley absent
28-Nov-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
30-Nov-28RWSmith (C) + Ward (LW)RW weird
03-Dec-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
07-Dec-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
12-Dec-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
14-Dec-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
17-Dec-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
19-Dec-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (RW)
21-Dec-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
26-Dec-28LWSmith (C) + Ward (RW)
04-Jan-29LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
09-Jan-29LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
14-Jan-29LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
18-Jan-29LWSmith (C) + Ward (W)
21-Jan-29LWSmith (C) + Ward (RW)
25-Jan-29CSiebert (LW) + Ward (RW)Hooley on D
28-Jan-29CSiebert (LW) + Ward (RW)Hooley on D
01-Feb-29CSiebert (LW) + Ward (RW)Hooley on D
06-Feb-29CSiebert (LW) + Ward (RW)Hooley on D
11-Feb-29CSiebert (LW) + Ward (RW)Hooley on D
13-Feb-29CSiebert (LW) + Ward (RW)Hooley on D
15-Feb-29CSiebert (LW) + Ward (RW)Hooley on D
18-Feb-29CSiebert (LW) + Ward (RW)Hooley on D
20-Feb-29CSmith (C) + Ward (W)
25-Feb-29LWWard (W)Hooley absent
27-Feb-29LWWard (W)Hooley absent
01-Mar-29LWWard (W)
11-Mar-29LWSmith (C) + Ward (RW)
15-Mar-29LWSmith (C) + Ward (RW)

Quotes from this season

Feb 20 1929 Montreal Gazette: Stewart and Hooley Smith singled out for great poke checking efforts. Nels is still on the wing here.
The Montreal Gazette - Google News Archive Search

"Being out in front, the Maroons centered their efforts chiefly upon preserving their lead, which brought out some of the uncanniest poke checking ever seen here by Nels Stewart and Hooley Smith. The Americans drove down in three, four and finally five man attacks but nearly always great stick work by Smith and Stewart would sweep the puck away from them to pull their attempts to score up short. The crowd was almost delirious with excitement as the wonderful defensive tactics of the Montreal players baffled every effort t drive the disc into the net for the tying goal."

Nels Stewart, big Montreal Maroon left winger, has been a powerful factor in leading his club in (word cut out) rush from a lowly position to top most position in the National Hockey League race.- The Pittsburgh Press, Dec 7, 1928

Nels Stewart, Montreal Maroon Left Winger, is leading all scorers in either section of the National Hockey League...- The Border Cities Star, Dec 4, 1928

Stewart, high scoring left wing of the Montreal Maroons, is now the undisputed scoring leader of the Canadian section of the national hockey league- New York Times, Mar 12, 1929

Jan 23 1929 Montreal Gazette: Stewart singled out with 2 others for backing checking and poke checking brilliance. Stewart was on the LW in this game.

The Montreal Gazette - Google News Archive Search
"Stewart, Smith and Ward while working so dangerously on offensive also saw to it that there was no Couger retaliation. They back checked and poke checked so successfully that they had the Detroiters completely tied up. The Cougars couldn't move."

Stewart picked as the first team AS LW

A writer picks his all-star teams for the first half of the 1928-29 season picked Nels Stewart as the first AST LW. Here is what the writer said about him(credit to TDMM for the find):

"a big man, dangerously rough at times, a very hard man to check, and one of the most finished players around the goal. In one game at Montreal I saw Stewart back-check like a most enthusiastic rookie, but after his team had scored two goals, he assumed his careless manner, merely standing around until someone brought the puck up to him... must drive a manager frantic... but when bearing down, he is the best left wing in the game."

1929-30 Season

15-Nov-29CS LineThe S-Line!!!
18-Nov-29CS Line
20-Nov-29SubHooley on D
25-Nov-29CS Line
29-Nov-29SubS-Line are Subs
02-Dec-29CS Line
04-Dec-29SubS-Line are Subs
06-Dec-29CS LineS-Line are Subs
18-Dec-29CS Line
23-Dec-29CS Line
27-Dec-29CS Line
30-Dec-29CSiebertHooley Absent
02-Jan-30CSiebertHooley Absent
06-Jan-30CS Line
10-Jan-30CS Line
15-Jan-30CS Line
17-Jan-30CS Line
20-Jan-30SubS-Line are Subs
24-Jan-30CS Line
27-Jan-30CS Line
31-Jan-30CS Line
03-Feb-30SubS-Line are Subs
07-Feb-30CSmithSiebert on D
17-Feb-30SubS-Line are Subs
21-Feb-30SubS-Line are Subs
26-Mar-30CNorthcott + SmithPlayoffs
28-Mar-30CNorthcott + SmithPlayoffs
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