Injury Report: K.Miller - Out indefinitely

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Registered User
Oct 23, 2014
Co worker just informed me that the Bruins tweeted Kevan Miller is progressing and is on track to start skating Monday. woooo


Registered User
Mar 19, 2014
On the couch
Co worker just informed me that the Bruins tweeted Kevan Miller is progressing and is on track to start skating Monday. woooo

Yeah, Clode said he's "on track". Unfortunately, this particular track is pretty long. From what I've gathered, we're likely to see Z back before Miller - if the stuff about Z's PCL injury being isolated to that ligament is true (which it probably is).

Glad Miller's on the ice, but given that his injury is to the shoulder, I'm not that optimistic. Pardon my practice ignorance (I've never set foot on the ice myself, and I've never seen a live practice - I really want to go to Ristuccia one day), but could that mean that he's just doing stuff like skating drills to keep his cardio/balance/speed on track, and not even touching a stick? Seems to me that would be the first logical step in the progression. I'll feel better when I see him taking a few shots on the net - but it's probably a little early for that.

Then again, I guess you do "put your shoulder into it" even when you're just skating....


Yeah, I can't imagine that we see Miller before sometime in December, at the earliest. With his game, that shoulder needs to be 100% before he sees any in game action. A dislocation like that is hard to predict a time table for recovery on, but 2-3 months is the standard from everything that I have read. For athlete that is going to slam the shoulder into things, it has to be closer to 3. It is good news to hear that he is skating, but it could just be to keep his conditioning level high and have him keep a feel for holding a stick. Until I hear he is wearing a no contact jersey and participating in practice, I wouldn't think he is close. EMBRACE THE ERA OF BART!!!!!


Registered User
Jun 3, 2012
Its fine to get a look at the top of our AHL roster at the end of October and early November.

Shame Miller and Krug are out when Z went down and it was their opportunity for a bigger role.


Cup driven
Mar 1, 2002
Central MA
Miller wasn't playing very well when he went down, so I'm fine with him taking his time and really getting healthy rather than rushing back. I want to see what they have in Morrow at the very least.


The Bergeron of HF
Feb 27, 2002
Pierre McGuire (who I like, screw you all) when asked to access Joe Morrow said he has All World offense talent, natural, real thoroughbread, but on defense cited him as:

limiited decision-making and limited in positioning
compared him to Jake Gardiner of the Leafs- to sum up he can be breathtaking one moment and next out of positon or making a bad turnover

did not sound good

This is for Lonnie

Fraser- dont see him here next year

Smith- been very disappointing after a lot of promise

Morrow- see above

Loui- has more threads than goals

I am rarely wrong, and even when I am I usually a) deny, b) blame others, c) all of, so far I am looking bad on this Seguin thing. Seguin really, sadly had to go but what I thought was a great yield as of now is not looking that great- can still change but in retrospect we have a guy in Fraser I dont see it, a defenseman we are going to find out about but he was not even in Chia's 'WE GOT NINE NHL DEFENSEMAN. NINE' and Joe Morrow was not one of them. Smith is not been good, and Loui has not found the range yet and not sure if he will here
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