NESN NESN and the Red Sox hit rock bottom


Mar 7, 2009
Everett, MA

The So desperately need someone to say, "I don't care what your intentions are, it's going to come across poorly." As this thread demonstrates, people will always apply malice to them even when it's just incompetence. They shoot themselves in the foot way too often, and for things they should have easily avoided.
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Registered User
Jun 3, 2006
I imagine it wasn't spite so much as Sox management wanting to spare O'Brien (and themselves) the embarrassment of having Orsillo being greeted with such enthusiasm by the fans that he would almost upstage the tribute itself. (That isn't a defense of what Sox management did.) Maybe O"Brien's dread of an Orsillo upstaging helped put him "under the weather." Also, we still to this day don't know why Orsillo was fired. Maybe they had justifiable reasons, maybe not.
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Dec 11, 2017
Las Vegas

The So desperately need someone to say, "I don't care what your intentions are, it's going to come across poorly." As this thread demonstrates, people will always apply malice to them even when it's just incompetence. They shoot themselves in the foot way too often, and for things they should have easily avoided.

If this self serving piece of BS/throwing under the bus doesn't sum up why this ownership sucks so hard, nothing does.

Of course they're acting like Orsillo didnt have a job to do last night in San Diego.

The cherry on top is the "video message might not fight"...BULLS**T. They really expect people to believe that tripe, that you cant go "and please direct your attention to the video board for a message from Don Orsillo"

edit: post above mine nailed it. they didn't want Fenway to erupt for Orsillo


Registered User
Oct 31, 2007
And Orsillo tweeting that out the night of the ceremony doesn't? Nobody looks good here.
I agree. Although Don O was Remy's friend. My guess is he was angry at Red Sox and/or NESN jerking him around on a night that he thought was an opportunity to share his love for his friend. I can relate to that emotion (if I'm right) causing him to react in a way that, maybe, if he'd taken some time he would not.

I guess for me it's a trend thing. I've always like Orsillo and have never seen anything that makes me thing less of him. NESN and Red Sox? That's a different thing.

Still, bottom line is your bottom line. Nobody looks good here and something that should have been about Remy is clouded. My friend in the UK would say "they couldn't find a shag in a barrel of fannies".
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Registered User
Jan 31, 2019
I imagine it wasn't spite so much as Sox management wanting to spare O'Brien (and themselves) the embarrassment of having Orsillo being greeted with such enthusiasm by the fans that he would almost upstage the tribute itself. (That isn't a defense of what Sox management did.) Maybe O"Brien's dread of an Orsillo upstaging helped put him "under the weather." Also, we still to this day don't know why Orsillo was fired. Maybe they had justifiable reasons, maybe not.
Somewhere I read that NESN had instructed Don that he was required to take an in-season unpaid leave. He didn't want to and protested it. He didn't want the time off, and wanted to keep working. He apparently took it to the top and they were not happy.
It seemed like some cost cutting measure by NESN. Similar to Jack and Brick not traveling with the B's.
It has been 2-3 years since I read it, and don't remember the source.


HF Bookie and Bruins Historian
Sep 26, 2007
Cambridge, MA
Somewhere I read that NESN had instructed Don that he was required to take an in-season unpaid leave. He didn't want to and protested it. He didn't want the time off, and wanted to keep working. He apparently took it to the top and they were not happy.
It seemed like some cost cutting measure by NESN. Similar to Jack and Brick not traveling with the B's.
It has been 2-3 years since I read it, and don't remember the source.


Aug 5, 2017
Here's something I just have the most difficult time reconciling:

I grew up watching the Harrington/Duquette teams that were always a few pieces short and massively dysfunctional while opposing fans chanted 1918 everywhere we went and the Yankees beat us in humiliating fashion in and out.

When they got sold in 2002, if you told me that the new ownership would turn the Red Sox into a perpetual contender with 4 championships over 14 years after none in the previous 86, I'd think I'd worship the ground these guys walk on.

But Henry and Werner are complete rats, some of the most unlikable people in the business. They're absolutely repugnant in how they use their media connections to do hatchet jobs on everyone that leaves the team, how they've let homegrown franchise legends like Lester and Mookie go by lowballing them and then poisoning the pot against them in the Globe. What they did to Terry Francona and Don Orsillo were some of the worst things possible.

But 4 World Series after the curse because of the investments they made and culture instituted by the ownership group, how can you ask for more? But they're assholes and I hate them. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel.


Registered User
Dec 11, 2017
Las Vegas
The biggest mistake the Red Sox made was not even mentioning Don by name last night. Just have TC say something like 'Watching back in San Diego tonight is Don Orsillo' and it's covered.

I think it is safe to assume Orsillo got a lot of tweets about his absence and he finally responded.

Hell, the game hadnt started yet in San Diego, they couldn't show him on Skype or Teams for 30 seconds?


Registered User
Aug 11, 2005
Russ worked for TV38 and his wife is a VP of the Sox not NESN

View attachment 533625

This is 2022 when video can be sent instantly by e-mail.

Orsillo obviously pissed off somebody at the top in 2015 ( my guess is Werner ) but Henry liked O'Brien from their Marlins days.

My Gawd just run the video and everybody smiles but nobody in power could understand that.
Just a terrible move to not take the high ground in whatever the dispute was and include or show the video. I think the fans would have been moved by the content and its sincerity, and it would have helped Orsillo and fans in the grieving process through honoring his long time friend. Missed opportunity to do the right thing. Awful.


Registered User
Jun 3, 2006
Chad Finn points out that NESN included Orsillo in a special on Remy, and makes the case that Orsillo's tape not getting played was more a miscommunication than a snub, since in the end nobody's tapes got played during the ceremony. Fijnn argues the Sox should have done somethig at the ceremony to acknowledge the Orsillo-Remy connection, but I now think it was cluelessness more than anything petty or vndictive.



HF Bookie and Bruins Historian
Sep 26, 2007
Cambridge, MA
Shaughnessy is pretty dead-on

▪ It’s been a third-rail issue since the hypersensitive Red Sox ham-handedly fired Don Orsillo in 2015, so here goes …

1. Orsillo should have taken the day off and come to Boston when the Red Sox invited him to be part of honoring Jerry Remy Wednesday night at Fenway.

2. In Orsillo’s absence, the Sox should have broken their “rules” and presented Orsillo’s video tribute as part of the ceremony.

3. Orsillo, whom we love, was out of bounds tweeting about the snub on the night of Remy’s tribute. It made the story about Orsillo instead of the late Remy.


Mar 7, 2009
Everett, MA
Shaughnessy is pretty dead-on

▪ It’s been a third-rail issue since the hypersensitive Red Sox ham-handedly fired Don Orsillo in 2015, so here goes …

1. Orsillo should have taken the day off and come to Boston when the Red Sox invited him to be part of honoring Jerry Remy Wednesday night at Fenway.

2. In Orsillo’s absence, the Sox should have broken their “rules” and presented Orsillo’s video tribute as part of the ceremony.

3. Orsillo, whom we love, was out of bounds tweeting about the snub on the night of Remy’s tribute. It made the story about Orsillo instead of the late Remy.


The Perfect Fan ™
Sep 28, 2017
New England
Here's something I just have the most difficult time reconciling:

I grew up watching the Harrington/Duquette teams that were always a few pieces short and massively dysfunctional while opposing fans chanted 1918 everywhere we went and the Yankees beat us in humiliating fashion in and out.

When they got sold in 2002, if you told me that the new ownership would turn the Red Sox into a perpetual contender with 4 championships over 14 years after none in the previous 86, I'd think I'd worship the ground these guys walk on.

But Henry and Werner are complete rats, some of the most unlikable people in the business. They're absolutely repugnant in how they use their media connections to do hatchet jobs on everyone that leaves the team, how they've let homegrown franchise legends like Lester and Mookie go by lowballing them and then poisoning the pot against them in the Globe. What they did to Terry Francona and Don Orsillo were some of the worst things possible.

But 4 World Series after the curse because of the investments they made and culture instituted by the ownership group, how can you ask for more? But they're assholes and I hate them. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel.

Love the team on the field. Expect stupidity from the top whenever there’s a situation. Lambast them whenever you get a chance because they are repugnant (well said).


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