OT - NO POLITICS Subs, taxes and frozen pipes edition

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TD Charlie

Registered User
Sep 10, 2007
The lady says last night was "a core memory type night" for her seeing Hamilton. I glanced over at her several times throughout the night and she was just beaming. So while musicals and plays and the like may not be my thing, and sitting in the same tight seat for 3 hours is DEFINITELY not my thing, I must admit that it was worth it. As far as a night at the opera house is concerned, even I should admit that it was quite enjoyable. This put other plays/musicals to shame.


End of an Era
Jun 4, 2016
I love this so much.
Radio stations in Seattle I listen to would do this on Fridays.
Pay it Forward Fridays
You pay for your meal and the person behind you in line or the drive-through.
Then the next person is told about their meal being paid for.
People often would then join in and pay for the person behind them.
It would continue in some places for hours.
The longest pay-it-forward chain was 70 to 80 cars if I remember correctly.


Aug 5, 2017
Radio stations in Seattle I listen to would do this on Fridays.
Pay it Forward Fridays
You pay for your meal and the person behind you in line or the drive-through.
Then the next person is told about their meal being paid for.
People often would then join in and pay for the person behind them.
It would continue in some places for hours.
The longest pay-it-forward chain was 70 to 80 cars if I remember correctly.

It's nice but a bit convoluted. What if I'm just going for myself and picking up a diet coke but the car behind me is a family of 5 getting a lot of stuff? How socially obligated am I to pay for all of it? I don't want to feel like a freeloader nor do I want to feel imposed upon to pay for someone else so I'd probably rather just not participate altogether in order to avoid the social awkwardness.
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