TV: Survivor 46

shakes the clown

Registered User
Jan 11, 2010
I am returning to you great people to say "pre merge New Era is consistently unwatchable" change the f***ing format Jeff
love your passion for hating the show you watch religiously. And no, I'm not saying that sarcastically. Hate watching shows is a passion of mine too and the only way we can justify watching the shows when we look in the mirror at night is to express our hatred as much and as passionately as possible.

Keep up the good work, this show deserves a ton of hate for what they've done to in the past few years.

Cause they cast 90% pathetic people that have never been camping/think the only way to prepare for this game is to watch every season possible.

I swear the majority of "super fans" really underestimate what its like to live out there. Every year people used to come prepared with ways to try and start a fire without a flint, but since season 40 that seems to have gone extinct.

Fire in general has definitely lost its importance though as they no longer need to boil water before drinking it, and they dont get given rice anymore. But I'm sure it really sucks in the mornings/at night not having one going.

Agreed. I want to go back to the old days when a player got busted smuggling matches up his butt hole. Or the guy who got caught smuggling in power bars during season 2. Nowadays the cast is more concerned with typing out their Survivor resumes and making sure they have all their pronouns lined up properly as opposed to worrying about surviving.

And bring back 40 day shows. These 28 days shows are lame. 40 days and make them suffer.
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Entertainment boards w/ some Hockey mixed in.
Feb 6, 2014
Cause they cast 90% pathetic people that have never been camping/think the only way to prepare for this game is to watch every season possible.

I swear the majority of "super fans" really underestimate what its like to live out there. Every year people used to come prepared with ways to try and start a fire without a flint, but since season 40 that seems to have gone extinct.

Fire in general has definitely lost its importance though as they no longer need to boil water before drinking it, and they dont get given rice anymore. But I'm sure it really sucks in the mornings/at night not having one going.
As someone who has lofty aspirations to go on the show (not sure it's very realistic now that they pretty much only cast 1 straight white guy every season), it really makes me angry how unprepared people are. Even with flint and machete there are people who get to the late game and still don't know how to make fire.... I mean, you can buy a flint and machete kit online for like $20.

Watching people crying because they get to firemaking competition and don't know how to use the flint infuriates me.
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These Are The Days

Oh no! We suck again!!
May 17, 2014
Tampa Bay
love your passion for hating the show you watch religiously. And no, I'm not saying that sarcastically. Hate watching shows is a passion of mine too and the only way we can justify watching the shows when we look in the mirror at night is to express our hatred as much and as passionately as possible.

Keep up the good work, this show deserves a ton of hate for what they've done to in the past few years.

Agreed. I want to go back to the old days when a player got busted smuggling matches up his butt hole. Or the guy who got caught smuggling in power bars during season 2. Nowadays the cast is more concerned with typing out their Survivor resumes and making sure they have all their pronouns lined up properly as opposed to worrying about surviving.

And bring back 40 day shows. These 28 days shows are lame. 40 days and make them suffer.
I actually quit the show cold turkey at Cook Islands and picked it up again (for the first time) some time in December. The whole "Let's show diversity" flex pissed me off because I wanted the inclusion we see in 2024 way back then and it was a self righteous pat on the back.

Save for a select few players, the casting might be the one good thing about New Era. Like seasons 42 and 44 were GRAND f***ing slams in casting. Especially 44. Jesus Christ give me more Carson and Yam Yam. And last year was not too bad either. The problem is we have the same format EVERY season. And while that isn't normally a problem, the format they have chosen is taking everything wrong in Season 14 (in Fiji nevertheless snd it is consistently regarded as one of the worst seasons ever) and turned it back into the "haves vs have nots" concept that sunk Season 14. They are starving these poor people to death even when they DO have anything with 1 tribe getting its ass beat over and over. Like congrats. Yanu literally turned into zombies. Is that seriously what you wanted? And the twists and number layout has minimized everything to where a contestant could reasonably survive every tribal so long as they have 2 people they get along with. I am dead ass about the "6 or less" thing.

Like just go back to 39 days, give us 2 tribes of 10 (and you can split em into 3 if you like later) give em rice and give us tribes we can remember that aren't 4 letters long and sound exactly the same. And stop taking people's f***ing votes for the sake of it. The whole "You can't vote until your team goes to Tribal" is like saying you can't bake until you put the food in the oven. No shit. Where we gonna vote at tree mail or something? It's pointless.

And right now they are just being cheapskates passing it off as more difficult competition. Get Boston Rob's fat ass out there for the 900th time and they'd go to Fiji in sunny season, have a goddamn craftsman toolkit, 5 machetes, a box of matches (or just getting flint at Tribal) 60 days of rice, a $3 million prize and bring the Titanic out of the Atlantic, send his ass via helicopter to it on a overnight luxury cruise as a reward instead of the stupid sanctuary. You could never get away with the crap they're doing now to anyone but super fans.

But even that is fine. Just make those changes I suggested. You will literally make the show THE BEST it has ever been in history because they don't cast shit bags like the Hantz family and Lisi and Rocky -see season 14
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shakes the clown

Registered User
Jan 11, 2010
I actually quit the show cold turkey at Cook Islands and picked it up again (for the first time) some time in December. The whole "Let's show diversity" flex pissed me off because I wanted the inclusion we see in 2024 way back then and it was a self righteous pat on the back.

Save for a select few players, the casting might be the one good thing about New Era. Like seasons 42 and 44 were GRAND f***ing slams in casting. Especially 44. Jesus Christ give me more Carson and Yam Yam. And last year was not too bad either. The problem is we have the same format EVERY season. And while that isn't normally a problem, the format they have chosen is taking everything wrong in Season 14 (in Fiji nevertheless snd it is consistently regarded as one of the worst seasons ever) and turned it back into the "haves vs have nots" concept that sunk Season 14. They are starving these poor people to death even when they DO have anything with 1 tribe getting its ass beat over and over. Like congrats. Yanu literally turned into zombies. Is that seriously what you wanted? And the twists and number layout has minimized everything to where a contestant could reasonably survive every tribal so long as they have 2 people they get along with. I am dead ass about the "6 or less" thing.

Like just go back to 39 days, give us 2 tribes of 10 (and you can split em into 3 if you like later) give em rice and give us tribes we can remember that aren't 4 letters long and sound exactly the same. And stop taking people's f***ing votes for the sake of it. The whole "You can't vote until your team goes to Tribal" is like saying you can't bake until you put the food in the oven. No shit. Where we gonna vote at tree mail or something? It's pointless.

And right now they are just being cheapskates passing it off as more difficult competition. Get Boston Rob's fat ass out there for the 900th time and they'd go to Fiji in sunny season, have a goddamn craftsman toolkit, 5 machetes, a box of matches (or just getting flint at Tribal) 60 days of rice, a $3 million prize and bring the Titanic out of the Atlantic, send his ass via helicopter to it on a overnight luxury cruise as a reward instead of the stupid sanctuary. You could never get away with the crap they're doing now to anyone but super fans.

But even that is fine. Just make those changes I suggested. You will literally make the show THE BEST it has ever been in history because they don't cast shit bags like the Hantz family and Lisi and Rocky -see season 14

I also quit the show for a while, but don't remember what season. It was early on when the show was becoming stale with the 2 tribe format and very few advantages/hidden idols. Show started becoming all about who had more numbers at the merge and then the weaker tribe getting Pagonged (throwing that in there to see how many of you are truly old school) until they were all gone. Lots of episides in a row with boring predictable boots.

came back when they started mixing it up with idols and tribe swaps.

I'd like them to get rid of a lot of the advantages etc and go back to frequent tribe swaps. That was always the best way to break down old alliances and get new ones forged.

shakes the clown

Registered User
Jan 11, 2010
As someone who has lofty aspirations to go on the show (not sure it's very realistic now that they pretty much only cast 1 straight white guy every season), it really makes me angry how unprepared people are.

If you have any general questions about the casting process or what it takes to get on one of these shows feel free to hit me up. Believe it or not, I'm an OG reality tv star lol from about 1000 years ago. Was on a show called Love Cruise: The Maiden Voyage that was on FOX back in 2001.

You say you never heard of it? Not surprised. Tough to get a lot of publicity when your big premiere date is 9/11/2001. They ended up holding it back a few weeks and then pushing it out without much notice or hype.

Had like a dating show/survivor type format. 16 single people on a private sail boat cruise ship in the Carribean. Each week you would pair up, compete in a competition and then the girls would vote off a guy and the guys would vote off a girl. Rinse and repeat till the final.

These Are The Days

Oh no! We suck again!!
May 17, 2014
Tampa Bay
I also quit the show for a while, but don't remember what season. It was early on when the show was becoming stale with the 2 tribe format and very few advantages/hidden idols. Show started becoming all about who had more numbers at the merge and then the weaker tribe getting Pagonged (throwing that in there to see how many of you are truly old school) until they were all gone. Lots of episides in a row with boring predictable boots.

came back when they started mixing it up with idols and tribe swaps.

I'd like them to get rid of a lot of the advantages etc and go back to frequent tribe swaps. That was always the best way to break down old alliances and get new ones forged.
Trust me. I'm an OG. I was so obsessed I made a pretend season called "Survivor Galapagos" and it was so detailed I had 16 players with biographies, every challenge laid out and described in detail who won and every Tribal Council vote in detail. competed on a message board much like this one during season 11 or 12 and came in 3rd. Lost to my closest ally Sarah Jones who took Ami Cusak over me playing as Coby Archa. I made Russell Hantz look like a choir boy and got the Rob Father seal of approval. I was a downright sociopath lol. Not proud of it looking back. I agree the advantages have gotten overboard but the new era isn't too bad. I hope it'll never be as bad as "Game Changers" again.

Survivor needs to make a "twist" where on a certain night no advantages or idols can be played. Exactly like in the first 10 seasons. It would be an absolute frenzy.

But yeah they need to kill a bunch of these advantages. Extra votes and steal a votes are not necessary. Legacy advantage is just a ridiculous plot device. I laugh how people bitch and moan like Super Idols*** are these invincible, broken advantages and yet "knowledge is power" exists. Thank God it was never successfully used. It's unbelievable such a thing exists. Koah Rong had it perfectly done. 1 idol per camp and you can combine it with an idol from another camp into a super idol and use it after the vote. It's *chefs kiss* and it needs to come back.

*** - you can kill a super idol 3 ways. It is literally the weakest incarnation of an idol Survivor has and contestants have been too stupid to realize you can treat it like any other idol in existence. But you can do this

1. Force a tie. If the holder doesn't play the idol to negate it you send their ass home on the re-vote. I do not believe you can play it after that re-vote. That would be nonsense. They literally go home with it in their pocket.

2. They're smart enough to play the idol on the tie. Coordinate who goes home exactly like a regular idol. Successful flush. Again. Exactly like a regular idol

3. In a Kaoh Rong situation, put your votes on the other idol holder and they will not combine their idol for the person going home

If it ever comes back CBS can just make it so that an idol nullifier can negate a super idol too and in defense CBS can implement the original immunity incarnation as done in Guatemala (before the vote takes place)
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These Are The Days

Oh no! We suck again!!
May 17, 2014
Tampa Bay
If you have any general questions about the casting process or what it takes to get on one of these shows feel free to hit me up. Believe it or not, I'm an OG reality tv star lol from about 1000 years ago. Was on a show called Love Cruise: The Maiden Voyage that was on FOX back in 2001.

You say you never heard of it? Not surprised. Tough to get a lot of publicity when your big premiere date is 9/11/2001. They ended up holding it back a few weeks and then pushing it out without much notice or hype.

Had like a dating show/survivor type format. 16 single people on a private sail boat cruise ship in the Carribean. Each week you would pair up, compete in a competition and then the girls would vote off a guy and the guys would vote off a girl. Rinse and repeat till the final.
I'm probably gonna take you up on that. I intend to apply despite having my abundant issues with the show and its format
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Entertainment boards w/ some Hockey mixed in.
Feb 6, 2014
If you have any general questions about the casting process or what it takes to get on one of these shows feel free to hit me up. Believe it or not, I'm an OG reality tv star lol from about 1000 years ago. Was on a show called Love Cruise: The Maiden Voyage that was on FOX back in 2001.

You say you never heard of it? Not surprised. Tough to get a lot of publicity when your big premiere date is 9/11/2001. They ended up holding it back a few weeks and then pushing it out without much notice or hype.

Had like a dating show/survivor type format. 16 single people on a private sail boat cruise ship in the Carribean. Each week you would pair up, compete in a competition and then the girls would vote off a guy and the guys would vote off a girl. Rinse and repeat till the final.
Thanks man. I’ll keep that in mind. Shame about the failure to launch with the show.

I’m going to a watch party on Wednesday with a handful of survivor players, I hope to be able to pick their brains a bit as well.


Registered User
Nov 7, 2009
I think the New Era issues in some cases are more than the tribe set-up. Like the Brain's tribe in Cagayan got massacred, but that is arguably the best season in the history of the show. Koah Rong also has the 3 tribe set-up and is generally held in pretty high regard. I do think they should utilize the swap at 14 into two tribes of 7 again though, which both those season's used.

I believe the potted water situation is due to the fact they almost killed Caleb in Koah Rong with lack of water due to re-designing a comp and not testing it. Combined with the massive MRSA outbreak that led to multiple surgeries and two other medivacs.

shakes the clown

Registered User
Jan 11, 2010
Thanks man. I’ll keep that in mind. Shame about the failure to launch with the show.

yea it sucked not being as famous as I hoped I would be lol. But back then its not like now when you go on one show and then another opportunity opens up to do a different show and so on and so on. So no great loss. In the end, my 15 minutes lasted a couple years, got to do a lot of fun stuff and best part of all, I actually had groupies. Would go out on weekends and get laid every night. Even my buddies would get action just from my run off lol. Good times, I barely remember them now.

These Are The Days

Oh no! We suck again!!
May 17, 2014
Tampa Bay
I think the New Era issues in some cases are more than the tribe set-up. Like the Brain's tribe in Cagayan got massacred, but that is arguably the best season in the history of the show. Koah Rong also has the 3 tribe set-up and is generally held in pretty high regard. I do think they should utilize the swap at 14 into two tribes of 7 again though, which both those season's used.

I believe the potted water situation is due to the fact they almost killed Caleb in Koah Rong with lack of water due to re-designing a comp and not testing it. Combined with the massive MRSA outbreak that led to multiple surgeries and two other medivacs.
The brains were doomed from the start. Garrett and David would not stop fighting until 1 prevailed and Garrett (who thought he was Boston Rob) won. Then he went and pissed off Tasha and got himself voted out next. Meanwhile J'Tia might be the worst challenge competitor in history. What we're seeing in the New Era are 2 and 3 J'Tias on a tribe and then not giving it any food or fire. Ua, Lulu, Yanu have been so hard to watch. In the case of Tika, the other 2 tribes were just that much better -see: Matsing in Survivor Phillipines. New Era desperately needs to learn from Cagayan and Kaoh Rong and make 2 teams at 14. This "5 people at tribal on episode 2" crap has gotten so old so quickly. It has (at times) made New Era pre merge unwatchable. I'll never forget Shan having the audacity to say "Ricard and I are in control of this game" on a tribe of 3. 3!!!! That was my lowest point as a Survivor fan ever and I thought rock bottom was watching Redemption Island. And if they're not gonna stop this "no food and no flint" thing then the only solution is for future contestants to just take it upon themselves to learn how to make fire without it.

I'm tired of tribes of zombies. It's already burning me out and I have only started watching again a few months ago. The casting might be the best it has EVER been. But we are not getting our best seasons ever because they're so goddamn worried about making the game as hard and fast as possible on them that they're burning the crops before they can even be ripened and picked to enjoy
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Satans Hockey

Registered User
Nov 17, 2010
I just want new locations. Seeing it be the same location season after season makes all the seasons blend together so much more to me.
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These Are The Days

Oh no! We suck again!!
May 17, 2014
Tampa Bay
:confused: Opinions on that vary greatly. I think the casting in the new era is hot garbage.
We have a common ground in that actually. The ones who have been bad in New Era are amongst the worst in the shows history. For every Jess, Banhu and the 3 "Lulu losers" who instantly checked out you get a Danny, Karla, Jonathan, Drea, Hai, Mama J, Carson and Omar. Yeah they're a little milquetoast, but they were genuinely good players

Don't underestimate how much starvation is playing into these new seasons. These people aren't even getting chickens. They can't think

These Are The Days

Oh no! We suck again!!
May 17, 2014
Tampa Bay
Per the contestants Survivor just needs to cut down on "this and that personal struggle and or tragedy" because its not that we don't care. It's that we have 18 people to remember and if you do each person we can't remember what event belongs to who. I'll never forget Vytas overcoming drug addiction or Adam playing for his mom who was dying of cancer. Humanizing the players is the right thing to do but it can get carried away and I think the show just needs to find a middle ground because biographies will get mixed from one year to the next

shakes the clown

Registered User
Jan 11, 2010
Per the contestants Survivor just needs to cut down on "this and that personal struggle and or tragedy" because its not that we don't care. It's that we have 18 people to remember and if you do each person we can't remember what event belongs to who. I'll never forget Vytas overcoming drug addiction or Adam playing for his mom who was dying of cancer. Humanizing the players is the right thing to do but it can get carried away and I think the show just needs to find a middle ground because biographies will get mixed from one year to the next
agreed. Only do bios for people who make it far in the game. No one cares if Sally voted off second overcame something to make it that far.


Registered User
May 25, 2012
Star Shoppin
I just want new locations. Seeing it be the same location season after season makes all the seasons blend together so much more to me.
At this point I don't even care if they leave Fiji (cause they probably wont), just give us new beaches within Fiji!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its so stale seeing the EXACT same beaches, paths, background scenery every season.
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These Are The Days

Oh no! We suck again!!
May 17, 2014
Tampa Bay
At this point I don't even care if they leave Fiji (cause they probably wont), just give us new beaches within Fiji!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its so stale seeing the EXACT same beaches, paths, background scenery every season.
No. You will get the same challenge beach, the same 3 beaches and the tribe names will all sound like Luku, Yaya, Mati, Fuba, Daku and Gala and you won't complain and be happy goddamn it!

shakes the clown

Registered User
Jan 11, 2010
Anyone up for a general survivor discussion thread as opposed to bogging down the "46" thread with so much side bar conversation?

only if there was some sort of glossary in the first post where I could click on a name of a Survivor and see a photo of who they are . You guys drop these contestant names left and right and I have no clue who you are talking about 90% of the time lol.

I made a conscious decision years ago. I could either have all my memories of all the seasons of Survivor OR I could smoke a shit ton of weed. Guess which path I took?
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Entertainment boards w/ some Hockey mixed in.
Feb 6, 2014
I just finished Island of the Idols last night and I am very disappointed. What a trash season with a trash finale.

Shoutout to Noura for being f***ing insane.

Anyone up for a general survivor discussion thread as opposed to bogging down the "46" thread with so much side bar conversation?
We do have a general discussion thread, but it seems to alway die after a couple comments.

Viggo Mortensen

Gandalf the Grey
Dec 14, 2008
It always baffles me when you hear your name is heavily thrown out, that there's a debate between you and someone else and you don't shut the f*** up, make yourself nice and useful so you're not the name written down.


Entertainment boards w/ some Hockey mixed in.
Feb 6, 2014
Met Venus tonight at a viewing party in Pittsburgh! I thought for sure she was getting voted out out, at one point she was looking really upset, shaking her head and all that when they were discussing who to vote.

She was pretty friendly, but getting pretty drunk by the time we met them.

Also met Wendell and Yam Yam. Both super nice. Wendell took a pic with me and texted it to Johnny FairPlay . I was wearing one of FairPlay’s merch shirts lol.
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