Slovakia: The (uncertain) future of Slovak hockey


Registered User
Jul 7, 2008
Just to clarify this is not yet another negative thread pondering the sad future of Slovak hockey. Kind of the contrary.

2015 could turn out to be a bit of a historic year for Slovak hockey. We have already had our juniors winning a medal at the WJC as unlikely as that possibility might have seemed to many of us, we will have the WC played in neighboring Czech republic, where it will not only be decided wheher Slovakia gets a direct spot at the 2018 Olympics, but where it also will be officially confirmed that Slovakia will host its 2nd World Championship in 2019 as Slovakia is currently the only candidate as the Swiss withdrew their bid (and decided to go for 2020 instead).

But perhaps the most interesting event to follow will take place during the off season, when the elections to the Slovak ice-hockey federation (SZĽH) will take place. Back in February former Slovak national team D-man finished his professional career (he played the season for Dukla Trenčín in Slovak league) and has announced that he wants to change Slovak hockey and he has kinda been having a media campaign since then and has been slowly uncovering some more information bit by bit. He has revealed that the plan has been in the making for a few years now and that he has been working on it together with Miroslav Å atan and Peter Bondra. He has not really said much, but the key points would be 1) Changing the Slovak Extraliga into a strong league, 2) also improving youth hockey in a way that would produce more Slovaks drafted into the NHL and 3) he doesn't really repeat the whole 'government needs to give us more money' mantra, instead says that the money that is in Slovak hockey should be used effectively. You can read more in the interview from Slovak weekly .tyzden, where he has probably talked most extensively about the whole thing so far.

Lintner himself has not actually announced that he will run for SZLH president, only that a candidate that will come out of the iniciative wil and who will have the support of the whol golden generation of Slovak players.

Meanwhile incumbent president Igor Nemeček (whom many consider little else but the lap dog of former SZLH president and Slovan Bratislava owner Juraj Å iroký) has announced that he will run for the job once again. Nemeček and Å iroký are likely the most hated people in Slovak hockey (and even beyond hockey when it comes to shady businessman Å iroký:,, but it's not the fans or players who get the votes. It's the various Slovak hockey clubs and people from inside the federation. So it's going to be a tough and most likely dirty battle.

You can vote in the poll on who should be the president. As only Nemeček has officially announced his candidature, I went with the three options Nemeček, Lintner's group (whether it's Lintner himself or some other candidate that comes out of the iniciative) and other (if there's a different candidate unconnected to either of the first two).

The interview with Lintner I mentioned above:

For a few years now, we have been writing that a change in our hockey is only possible trhough new people. And that the only people, who are qualified for this are people of your generation. For a long time a lot of you were saying that the time wasn't ripe for that yet. Now it seems that you have decided. Did you?
Yes. Every four years hockey gets a kind of mirror of what works and what doesn't. Seeing the state of hockey and the general interest I started developing profound discussion. And in it I am finding a lot of capable people whoe are interested in joining this process. In the past four years it were the consequences not the causes which were handled in Slovak hockey. It's really necessary to stop ourselves and to set the processes better.

We were waiting who would raise the flag. Whether it would be Miro Šatan, Mišo Handzuš or you. Why did you take the plunge?

In Slovak hockey we all know each other. For years we have been debating about how the things are and howwe could imagine them better. In the frame of this discussion I have realised that huge interest for making significant steps, even outside of hockey exists. And I also learned that in the position, into which I got over the last few years, it will be the right thing if I am the one who launches he initiative, even publically. I am declaring the intention we have, because we have no reason to hide something.

In hockey as well as in this kind of initiatives it's important not to be alone. Does some kind of wider agreement exist?
Of course, it was no individual thing from the beginning. This process has been going on for a longer time, now it's time to offer fisrst information to the public as well. Right now we're trying to finish the final concept, which we will offer to the expert public as well as the federation.

Who specifically?

Peter Bondra, Miro Å atan and me were the ones who brought the ideas together in the end.

How long did it take?
Years. First bigger meeting took place before the World Championships in Helsinki. That was in year 2012, 10th anniversary of the title in Gthenburg. At that time the debate began in the kind of direction that it was just a question of time where it would bring real steps.

Does that mean that you three with Bondra and Å atan would go into it together also at the congress?
Now, we're not talking about the congress or the numbers.

Will you have their public support?
The candidate who will arise from this process will have universal support of our generation at the congress. I can say as much even now.

Of the whole generation?
If we're talking about the most siginificant ones, then for sure.

You as a generation used to professional conditions and a functionong system are returning to Slovakia. But here you will see how nothing works. You see ugly rinks, neglected methods, old structures. Where do you take the confidence that it's possible to change it?
That is one of the reasons why it's me talking to you. I know our situation. I was in the US, in Sweden, in Finland, in Switzerland, I played in the KHL and 8x I started the season in Slovakia. That's why I know what kind of challenges Slovak players, coaches or managers face. That's why people to whom I am presenting my vision believe in it.

I understand that. But I am asking whether it is possible to change the current situation really fast.
Of course it is possible. I am convinced that setting the system in a way that it's more effective can be done very quickly.

The argument of the ones who are in hockey right now is that it's not possible. The players don't have good incomes, the clubs don't have money for youth or for nice environment for fans. For years it's being said that with the given amount of money it's impossible to do it in any other way.
(Smiles.) In the first place we should not be looking at the question with the "us and them" optics. Only we exist. We, hockey players.

So do you, golden generation, say that there's enough money?
First of all we need to ask ourselves whether we are fullfilling the potential of the favourite game in Slovakia. The answer is clear: No. Then however, there is the question whether we can create a system, which would highten the chance to fullfill this potential. And I am answering that we do. Its evident.

Even financially?

We can't look at the situation only through the prism of money. First we need to offera product, which will be attractive for the consumer. Only then you can attract the money. The classical solution that if you give me money, I will create America here, is an illusion. That's not the way things work. The concept we are working on right now, should be set in a way to effectively use its given space in Slovak conditions. And even now there's enough money in hockey to start this process. It's pure fact.

What should be the first steps in order to fullfill the potential of our hockey? What for example needs to happen so that people will start going to Slovak league games?

The fact is that in each of ou cities, there is more hockey fans than can fit into the hockey rink. Nobody doubts that. From this POV the rinks are actually undersized. We have potential customers, we just can't convince them and offer them an attractive product. If we're going to measure our success in growing numbers of peopel at Extraliga, let's think about how to make it more attractive.

Well how?
Ask anyone who you meet what they think about first in connection with Slovak Extraliga. I guarantee you that 95% of the associations will be negative. The Extraligue has real bad identity. It's what we need to change first. And that can only be done if we bring clear and readble rules that will not be nroken. If we bring people, who have public trust, a lot of practical things will change really quick.

This is a realistic solution that can be done very quickly. Bad image of the Extraliga is however also caued by the image seen on TV - ugly ice rink, nets, boards. Why is it like this?
I can show you in each Slovak club at least one person, who tries to change things. But as their playing on their own it doesn't fit the trend of the whole Extraliga.Even though an intention exists, the whole league isn't working together in one direction and thus a lot of energy is burned for nothing.

It's possible to change the image. But at the start of the season the selection of the players will still be done based on real budget. And if the player gets an offe to play for Sparta, why should he stay in Trencin?

Even in this, it's not completely about money only. If it were, I would not have played 8 times for Trencin pretty much for free. Miso Handzus would not play in Bystrica, Jozko Stumpel in Nitra. Hockey is about prestige. If the league starts to have confidence and will be 'cool' it will attract players just based on this image. I know that's how it works, I've been in this business my whole life. This is a tool with which you can work pretty well in Slovak conditions. Slovak league still has big tradition. If we managed to develop things, which don't cost almost any money, we would make the first step, and then the next one and next one could come. Not much time would pass and you'd see that our concurent leagues would have to work hard to match us. If we take the right direction, I believe that it won't takelong and in many factors we can surpass for example the Czech league.

Even in the quality of hockey?
I will surprise you: This will be the first thing in which we will surpass them. Even though economically we will be weaker for a long time still.

You think that better players would stay here just for a better working league?
Yes. The players, naturally, want to be a part of something, which is good. If it were just abou economic power, why would the Swedish league for example come out so much stronger in comparison to the Czech league, when it's not such a big difference financially?

In summary you think that your system can generate better hockey for today's amount of money?

Yes, exactly. Additionally, even the first steps will generate more money.

In Slovakia we have big companies which sponsor all kinds of things from charity to education, but with the exception of Slovnaft they very rarely support hockey. Personally, I believe that it's becasue they don't trust that if they give money into hockey, this money will really be used in hockey.
You see! You claim this because that is how you feel it from your experience. So it is possible that some companies which would like to support hockey really have some kind of barrier due o this. Our task will be to break this barrier and to create a product, which will be worth sponsoring.

So that people don't get the feeling that we're talking about exponentially high amounts of money, how much money would be needed for a normalleague. A million, ten, thirty?
If we had an Extraliga for which we could spend 10 millions a year, we woulc be completely alright But our plan is not about asking for money. Just based on first discussions I had a few phone call from very strong companies who are interested in joining the renewed league.

Are the rinks a solvabe problem?
Rinks are and aren't a hockey problem. They belong to the cities. Today it's hard to imagine how the clubs could generate money for a new or reconstructed stadium. It's not possible today. In this direction the support of the states and cities is key.

When the footbal players* have managed it, why not the hockey players?
In hockey there are part reconstructions from the money of the cities...

...the reconstructions of footbal stadiums are however financed also from the government budget. If you say that hockey is the most popular sport in Slovakia, it's strange that the hockey ones aren't.
You see, that's how it works here. I have noticed it as well. I think that even at government level some kind of room must exist, which could help hockey.

What kind of role does Slovan Bratislava's position play in your plans?
When I disregard the fact that Slovan joining one of the regional concurent leagues would equal to hockey high treason and when I completely abandon the morality of it, let's look at it. It's evident that more than for a show people go to hockey games due to emotion. More than 4000 people came to final of 1.liga between Spisska Nova Ves and Detva.The fact that emotion is key is undeniable. When you ask a 100 people whether there will be bigger emotion for a Slovan fan a game with Kosice or a game with Graz 99 all of them will have the same answer.

What conclusion should be taken from that?

That if we look at it from the prism of attendance as the key factor, then the Slovak league is a much better provider of emotion than EBEL. There is a lot of money,but it just won't produce as many emotions. It's not capable.

In Slovan there's the problem that they have a big financial debt towards players. And quite logically it will pay it there, where's more money.
So let's name the problem. They probably don't intend to pay the debt in the space of two months. But when we look at the long time concept, there's more money there, where more people go to the games. Then the club is more attractive for sponsors, sells more tickets, season tickets. I think that with a good scenario the Slovak extraliga will be able to offer a comparable offer.

From the point of view of your project Slovan's presence in Slovakia's top league is very important?
When the biggest symbol of Slovak hockey leave to the concurrence it's at the expense of our hockey. Even the biggest Slovan fan must see that. I am however convinced that Slovak hockey matters to Slovan. And that the decision it will make will be the correct one.

As a fan of Slovan I went both to Slovak league and to the KHL games. Before zour initiative came I had the feeling that I might not be going to the KHL anymore, but I would much prefer going to the functioning Czech league than a non functioning Slovak one. But this is a new situation.
And that's why I'm talking about it. So that the fans would understand that this kind of direction is realistic.

The hockey congress should be in June. Isn't there danger that should success come at the Worlds, the demand for change will disappear?
We will all be very happy about potential success, because it would mean making our sport more attactive. But whether hockey is developing well or not isn't based on one tourney.

But that's how we often are.
I really don't think that the next developments will stand on success or lack thereof. It's essential to make new steps, so that we can improve the potential for success.

There are less and less Slovaks in the NHL. This trend is an exact image of the waz things work here. Despite that there still are players like Tatar, Jurco or Reway growing up here. How is this even possible?
Even though I am no psychologist, this is how I see it - a good sysem createspotential to develop a lot of good players. But if the system doesn't work, there's potential that the individuals who manage to break trough the bad system will be stronger and more successfull. They are mentally better. But we don't want one-two good players. We want new generations.

During the golden era 10 years ago we knew all Slovak NHL players by name, we knew their stats, we watched their actions daily. Is it possible to renew something like this?

It's true that back in our times it was easier to get into the NHL than today. My concurrence at the draft were Americans, Canadians, Russians a few Swedes or Finns. I don't know if there even was a Swiss or a Dane drafted before me. The concurrence is much bigger today. But despite that some countries managed to get ahead of us. Let's compare ourselves with countries with which we can compete, bu with which we keep on lososing. This has to be the first step. Not to compare with the past, but with similar countries.

Why are we behind these countries?
Up to age of about 15 our teams are competitive. But then the momen comes, when the boys get into an age when it's really time to take it serriously - and then our opponents start running away from us.

That's clear proof that it's a problem of the whole system

Exactly. If we correct the system, we will be much more competitive than today.

With what kind of order are you going into the whole thing?

The key platform is our top league. Everything starts from there. The interest of youth, public, and later national team as well. But we believe that the application of our concept on youth will in the end result in higher numbers of players drafted to the NHL from Slovakia. We're going into it with that right from the beginning.

How many years will it take?
If we base it on the fact that up to 15 years we are competitive, even 13 year olds of today should feel the change. So in four years we should have potential of more drafted players. I'm not afraid to declare this.

In the end the delegates will be the ones to decide everything and those are mainly the delegates of th club...
...yes, those are clubs, but it's not that simple. A key exists there, which isn't very fair in my opinion. For example every Extraliga team has 3 votes, every 1.liga team has 2 and all other clubs have just one. I see this as a kind of a paralel of parliament. However in hockey even government has its votes. So the president, secretary, economic director, the executive committee, a delegate of each special committee. That's about another twenty votes. So if we want to change the system of ou hockey, we need to start with this kind of way of voting.

For long years it was said that it's hard to win in th battle for chief of the hockey federation because most of the votes belong to the clubs who are dependent on the few Euro they get from the federation. That's why hey can't afford to go against the candidate, which the federation wants and that's why they vote for a candidate with whom they don't agree. Why should this change?
That's not the way I look at it. The clubs will be able to pick between someone who represents the current state and someone who will represnt new steps. I don't think that the clubs would want to repeat their voting from 4 years ago. Where their projections fullfilled? If I thought so, it would mean that everything works and our activity is unnecessary. But I really don't think that. What we will offer to the congress will be attractive. To put it simply - our system won't offer less monez=y to the clubs, but more.

You mentioned Bondra and Å atan. On the other side there are much weaker names. That should mean that you will win. Will you win?
I will continuously repeat that we don't want to divide between us and the others. Today I know that our team will come with something. Maybe it will be the only one, maybe there will be ten of the others. I will only be happy if we bring our heads together and come up with something.

In three months time it will be after the Congress. Will we have a new chief?
Our efforts will bring results.

*Currently several football stadiums all over the country are being built and mostly rebuilt with the support of government money.


Nov 21, 2008
Bratislava, Slovakia
I keep my fingers crossed for Richard Lintner, however do not have too high expectations. Win of Lintner would mean that Trencin would manage the whole federation, and if we do want to have something like separation of power, then it's not the best thing to have almost whole federation just from the one city.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2008
I keep my fingers crossed for Richard Lintner, however do not have too high expectations. Win of Lintner would mean that Trencin would manage the whole federation, and if we do want to have something like separation of power, then it's not the best thing to have almost whole federation just from the one city.

Do you think that it's a likely scenario? So far I haven't got the impression that he has the attitude like Pálffy (which at the moment seems like as long as it doesn't concern Skalica, he doesn't give a ****). Also Å atan and Bondra are not exactly from Trenčín (ok, Å atan has a bit of a past there, but he's from Topolcany and more involved with Slovan than Trencin). Though of course there is the fact that they leave overseas, not many people have fond memories of Bondra as NT GM and IMO there were at least some childly antics from Satan in the feud with Chara, which I would not have expected from him.

Perhaps you have more information than I do, but so far I did not get the impression that this was a Trenčín thing. Though of course it would be great if Lintner could get people from other parts of the country on the thing, I suppose HandzuÅ¡ and Stumpel could be good candidates as they both have played in Slovakia this year.

Whatever might happen, I think the one thing we can all agree on is that we would not like to see another 4 years of Nemeček.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2008
So while we didn't exactly learn anything about their plans, Lintner unveiled his team today, which consists of:

Richard Lintner
Peter Bondra
Miroslav Å atan
Rastislav Pavlikovský
Oto HaÅ¡čák
Andrej Miklánek
Ján Gajdošík
Peter Žifčák
Rastislav Železník
Ján Filc

So while there's a lot of Trencin connections there, Kosice for example are represented as well.

Also like that it's not just hckey players on the team.

I wonder whether Filc will be the candidate for president? Not quite sure how I'd feel about that, I remember back when he was working with the federation he kept repeating himself about how they can't really do anything unless the government gives them more money...

But the biggest worry is that only 3 Extraliga clubs showed up to today's meeting with them, which doesn't really bode well for their chances to get voted in.


Registered User
Dec 18, 2008
I wonder whether Filc will be the candidate for president? Not quite sure how I'd feel about that, I remember back when he was working with the federation he kept repeating himself about how they can't really do anything unless the government gives them more money...

But the biggest worry is that only 3 Extraliga clubs showed up to today's meeting with them, which doesn't really bode well for their chances to get voted in.

With some of the lowest taxes in Europe, and one of the lowest tax revenues as percentage of GDP, I am guessing the Slovak government does not have any money to hand to anyone. This won't change regardless whether the president is Lintner, Filc, or whomever.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2008
With some of the lowest taxes in Europe, and one of the lowest tax revenues as percentage of GDP, I am guessing the Slovak government does not have any money to hand to anyone. This won't change regardless whether the president is Lintner, Filc, or whomever.

Even with the lower taxes, they might have more money to spend if they were not as corrupt as the Slovak governments tend to be, but in that case there are plenty of areas they should put the money to use other than hockey (health infractructure, education, building new roads etc.), but this not really the place to discuss politics and it's not really the point I was trying to make.

Lintner has outright said:
We can't look at the situation only through the prism of money. First we need to offer a product, which will be attractive for the consumer. Only then you can attract the money. The classical solution that if you give me money, I will create America here, is an illusion. That's not the way things work. The concept we are working on right now, should be set in a way to effectively use its given space in Slovak conditions. And even now there's enough money in hockey to start this process. It's pure fact.

and I was just pointing out that for years Filc has been saying the complete opposite of this that we can't really do much unless given the money even though what Lintner is saying about needing to do the best what you can with the money you have in order to attract the private sector (which has the money to spend) sounds like a logical and sound plan.

Futhermore Lintner has been talking about wanting to ""clean up" at the federation saying that the younger generation should get in, and with all due respect to Filc's coachin achievments, he has once kind of been a huge part of the incumbent power ups back under Široký's presidency.

But it's a minor point compared to the worries about their chacnes to get voted in at all. I mean this quote from the chief of MHC Martin after yesterday says a lot:

It seems to me that they are offering exactly what the current leadership is missing. We don't know for whom we'll vote yet.


So basically they think that what Lintner and co. offer is better than what Nemecek and co. do, yet they don't know whom they're going to support. That makes a whole load of sense.:sarcasm:


Registered User
Oct 20, 2004
Who exactly has voting power? Club owners?

IMO there will be big pressure from the "Siroky" group to the owners and their sponsors. And as we know, how it is in our country, that could be the difference point.

And second point. Many people dont want here something "new". With something "new" there is always a lot work. And they dont want it. They want to have nice, easy life, without any complications. Anyway, Slovak won bronze on last junior WCH. So , everything is ok. No need to change. :sarcasm:


Registered User
Jul 7, 2008
Who exactly has voting power? Club owners?

IMO there will be big pressure from the "Siroky" group to the owners and their sponsors. And as we know, how it is in our country, that could be the difference point.

And second point. Many people dont want here something "new". With something "new" there is always a lot work. And they dont want it. They want to have nice, easy life, without any complications. Anyway, Slovak won bronze on last junior WCH. So , everything is ok. No need to change. :sarcasm:

There goes the Slovak pessimism again. Makes it kinda hard to believe that someone so optimistic with so much enthusiasm as Lintner shares the same nationality as we, the nation of eternal pessimists :D

You know, it's kinda like when we sometimes say about our players that they lost the game in their heads even before the puck dropped.

It will hardly be easy, but a bit early to give up.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2008
So Nemeček introduced his program today:

Since we now have both programs

Lintner and co.

Youth hockey - accessibility, upbringing, education

  • making hockey accessible for all kids by borrowing basic equipment to all children at the youngest level
  • connecting hockey, education and upbringing - creating a "statute of a hockey player" as a set of societal and ethic rules, by which players should conduct themselves
  • hockey lyceums: creating a high school hockey program for the most talented players in cooperation with the ministry of education and the cities
  • a string united methodical centre

National team - A producer not a consument

  • Connecting Slovak hockey with modern hockey: we will bring a hockey expert from a different hockey culture to the staff of the NT in the position of coach, manager or advisor
  • Monitoring for NT players: we will connect current or former NT players into individual coaching of talented NT players as supervision over their hockey development
  • Connecting the NT categorieson the principle: main coach of one category is also external assistant coach a level higher: we want to connect the NT categories in order to opitmise the cooperation and methodics at different youth levels
  • u16, u17 and u18 team - 3 year cycle for coaches: the possibility for coaches for long term work with one class of played

League competitions - Rivalry and tradition
  • making a play out with at least 2 teams from both competitions between the leagues as sports motivation with big economical attractivity
  • closer cooperation between the leagues with loaning out players on the principal of farm teams, using the I. liga as room to step into senior hockey for u20 and u18 players
  • introducing a salary cap and minimum wage to help economical stabilisation
  • appealing to creating agreement between a player and the club, which would guarantee fair conditions, which would be fullfilled
  • modernising the player calendar: changing the playing days and times in order to improve attendance
  • improving the position with marketing partners and sponsors in order to achieve a higher attendance

SZLH - trust authority, role model- transparency - publishing of salaries, contracts and expenditures of the federation
  • making the federation an attractive, modern and trustworthy partner in order to improve its position towards the state, the clubs and partners
  • changing the way of awarding coaching licences
  • a strong marketing centre for attractive cooperation with fans, clubs and marketing partners - creating a single merketing line for Slovak hockey as a whole
  • active communication and informing the public - publishing reports about the way and the quality of work of the leading authorities at the federation and informing the public about the work of NTs, clubs and in youth hockey also through communication with media
  • professional organisation of international hockey evens in Slovakia and using strong international contacts and experience on the highest interational level to profit Slovak hockey

vs. Nemeček

Enlarging the number of registered players - accelarating recruitment campaigns, making sure that each child's who shows interest in hockey talent be judged by a professional, enlarging the number of youth coaches paid by the federation, including hockey legends in recruitment campaigns

Support of the correct projects - support of projects especially in kids hockey - it outright names Zdeno Ciger's academy Stars for Stars and Palffy as the honorary president of youth clubs in Skalica, as well as the u20 and u18 teams and woman's NT

Finances and technological development -getting more money into youth and women's hockey, continuing the modernisation of rinks, modernising and optimising of IT systems

Building a quality basis of functionaries - all former elite players who want to should have an opportunity to become members of the federation with positions in the executive comittee, comittees, NT staff and Slovak Olympic committe members, making the process of former NT players gaining coaching licences easier

Media and marketing - getting more media room not only for men's leagues, but also for womens and youth, media presentation of results of all leagues in Slovak media, cooperation not only with nation wide but also regional media, improving cooperation with sponsors through improved media cooperation and getting more money into hockey

Closer cooperation between SZLH and Extraliga - uniting marketing for NT and Extraliga, using IHWC 2019 and its marketing rights also for profit of Extraliga and attracting new partners, achieving a state in which it's clear that we're selling a single product, which is HOCKEY

SZLH is today a strong member of the IIHF - continuing to organise IIHF comission in Slovakia, organising as many IIHF congresses as possible in Slovakia, further support of Slovak functionaries entering the IIHF

The sports law is key - continuing to work in the working group on this law, together with other federations creating pressure to accelerate its passing, enforcing that the law unblocks frozen possibilities of sponsoring

IHWC 2019, a possibility to build upon successfull 2011 IHWC and the proof of the international hockey prestige of the country - Slovakia already showed it's capable of organising the IHWC, 2019 is an opportunity to establish Slovakia as one of the countries who organise IHWC regularly, gaining and improving all benefist that Slovak hockey got from the 2011 IHWC, gaining at least 2 million Euo for support of youth hockey like in 2011

IHWC 2019 gives us an opportunity already now - using the fact that Slovakia is a hockey country and that the IHWC in the country will mobilise all the public, using it to attract new partners to hockey, using the WC for promotion of hockey not only between the public, but also between kids, organising even better and commeicaly more attractive WC than in 2011

Also some nice words addressed to the Slovak fans by Mr. Nemeček today:

"Compared to the last term we have moved forward somewhat with the results, I mean between 2008 and 2011, we finished at places with two digits. The fans are demanding on us and they don't want to hear it. So they are unobjective and they don't see hockey realistically. They don't see in what kind of conditions we work. In the past we had more than 30 players in the NHL, now we have 13. Fans are surprised why we don't have a team at the World Cup, but a team there should be made up mainly of NHLers and we can't arrange that. But the fans will say that we're responsible for this. The fans have their opinion and I won't take it away from them. It's the hockey clubs, who know our work and what we have done and what we want to do who vote in the elections. They have to decided if they want this or that."

Now imagine the president of Hockey Canada saying something along these lines about Canadian hockey fans...


Registered User
May 6, 2014
Funny, Nemecek denies his responsibility for the results of our NT and a week later he uses the exact same results as a part of his campaign.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2008
When will they realize, that the number of NHL players has only a little influence to our national team success on WCH?

Is this sarcasm? Because clearly it doesn't have small influence? NHLers have played an important part in all of successes of Slovakia at the WHC, even if they were there in small numbers like in 2000 or 2012.

I'd like to know who he thinks is to blame for the falling numbers of Slovak NHLers? I mean, I'd cut him some slack if he only entered the federation back in 2011, because that's not enough time to see the influence of his work on the numbers of NHLers. But he's been named the general secretary of the federation for the first time when? in 1998? Sure, you can't blame everything on one person or even the federation, but if someone who has held such high positions in Slovak hockey as he has doesn't share the blame for that, then who does? I suppose it's the bad bad fans :laugh:


Registered User
Oct 20, 2004
Is this sarcasm? Because clearly it doesn't have small influence? NHLers have played an important part in all of successes of Slovakia at the WHC, even if they were there in small numbers like in 2000 or 2012.

Sure, NHL players are important. But lets see, how many of them were on the roster in 2000 and 2012. In first case only 6 and in 2012 only 4.

Years 2002 and 2003 are something different. There were many NHL players. 11+...

In 1999/2000, we had 19 players, that had at least 1 NHL game. 15 with more than 20 games.
In 2011/2012 we saw 12 Slovak players in NHL, also counting Milan Kytnar with 1 "emergency-call" game.

Also, it is possible to take a medal with roster, where only few players are from NHL. NHL is good, but they should focus to Europe and make a ripe core from this players.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2008
Sure, NHL players are important. But lets see, how many of them were on the roster in 2000 and 2012. In first case only 6 and in 2012 only 4.

Years 2002 and 2003 are something different. There were many NHL players. 11+...

In 1999/2000, we had 19 players, that had at least 1 NHL game. 15 with more than 20 games.
In 2011/2012 we saw 12 Slovak players in NHL, also counting Milan Kytnar with 1 "emergency-call" game.

Also, it is possible to take a medal with roster, where only few players are from NHL. NHL is good, but they should focus to Europe and make a ripe core from this players.

I think that's mixing up two things a bit.

The number of NHLers is important in regards to the NT no matter from what angle you look at it. It is a difference whether you have 10 or 20 or 30 players in the NHL. Because the higher the number and the quality of them, the higher the chance that you will have several of them on the roster and that you can form a team such as the Slovak ones from the time between 2002-2005 and that your success at the tourney won't be just a surprise like it was in 2000 and 2012, but it will be expected based on your roster strength.

Sure it is possible to medal at the WHC with having just a few NHLers like Slovakia and Switzerland in 2012 and 2013, but that's a one tournament wonder.

Also we were quite lucky in regards to which NHLers were available in 2012 and in what kind of form they were (I'd dare to say that without one of Chara or Sekera we likely wouldn't have won that silver). Also in 2000 we had only a few NHLers at the Worlds (though if you count guys like Visnovsky who went to NHL after the tourney it might turn out to be more).

So in conclusion, yes, you can manage some kind of success at the Olympics even with a few NHLers, but those NHLers have to be of a certain level, not 4th liners whom you're somehow trying to rebuild into productive players.

But the other thing is that it doesn't mean the NT staff should solely rely on which NHLers will be available at the WC (that's something only Canada can afford to do, and what US and perhaps Sweden would were their NHL players more willing to go to the tourney) and should not focus building a solid core Euro team, which would be competitive even with small NHL additions.


Registered User
May 6, 2014
Nemecek wins.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2008
Rotterdam, NL
I can't say I am surprised, considering the number of voters whose job was on the line, if Nemecek didn't win. Nevertheless, it is mind-boggling how a person with zero support of hockey fans, players and public wins against someone who is supported by virtually everyone.

I read many people saying they will boycott the extraliga and other SZLH events, but I don't think that matters one bit. These people don't give a ****, attendance is dropping for a long time now, so nothing new there. They will fill their pockets once more on the iihf World Championships in 2019 and move on to leech on something else.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2008
I don't think that Slovak hockey will die just yet, so unlike the others I'm not gonna say RIP. However I would like to express my deepest condolences to Slovak hockey for having to battle cancer at leadt for another four years.


Registered User
May 6, 2014
I don't think that Slovak hockey will die just yet, so unlike the others I'm not gonna say RIP. However I would like to express my deepest condolences to Slovak hockey for having to battle cancer at leadt for another four years.

Honestly, I would like to see our players boycott. It's not gonna happen, but I would want us to be forced to send an extraliga roster to the WC. Maybe then will Nemecek see in what condition Slovak hockey truly is.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2008
Honestly, I would like to see our players boycott. It's not gonna happen, but I would want us to be forced to send an extraliga roster to the WC. Maybe then will Nemecek see in what condition Slovak hockey truly is.

The Extraliga players should be the first ones to boycott, they are among the first people who will be influenced by today's result it's not the NHLers' future that depends on it.

But I don't think that a player boycott or a fan boycott would do anything much.

I mean they are not even trying to hide the fact that the 2019 WC is the ulterior motive here.

Media and sponsors come to mind as the only possibilities, where the boycott would make sense. But, it's not happening.

Also, I can imagine the following scenario: As an alleged good will gesture towards the fans, Lintner will be offered the leadrship of Pro-Hokej, which will push him into a corner. Accepting it will be signing the deal with the devil, declining it will result in Nemeček going all "but we offered him to change things and he didn't want to, so now he has no right to comment". But perhaps that's falling too deep into conspiracy territory.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2008
That translation gives me a headache.

Concurence? Concurent???

Competition and competitive are the words you're looking for.

Disclaimer - I have no idea whose translation that is.


Sagan for President
Jan 22, 2013
The Extraliga players should be the first ones to boycott, they are among the first people who will be influenced by today's result it's not the NHLers' future that depends on it.

But I don't think that a player boycott or a fan boycott would do anything much.

I mean they are not even trying to hide the fact that the 2019 WC is the ulterior motive here.

Media and sponsors come to mind as the only possibilities, where the boycott would make sense. But, it's not happening.

Also, I can imagine the following scenario: As an alleged good will gesture towards the fans, Lintner will be offered the leadrship of Pro-Hokej, which will push him into a corner. Accepting it will be signing the deal with the devil, declining it will result in Nemeček going all "but we offered him to change things and he didn't want to, so now he has no right to comment". But perhaps that's falling too deep into conspiracy territory.

Why would Lintner accept such an offer? And besides, Pro-Hokej is probably entering its final season anyway.


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