OT: Guys, talk me off the metaphorical ledge here...


There is nothing to do in Mockingbird Heights
Oct 3, 2015
I use this as an entertainment outlet, and enjoy the humor, so don't get into much back and forth. Personally don't have time for that type of conversation and don't follow close enough to have that type of conversation for the most part, and thus usually miss the firing back and forth and the heated arguments.


Low n' Slow (Me & the Food)
Sep 11, 2006
High River
Every where you look on these boards, its littered with trolls, people who laugh at misfortune of others, wish ill on family and friends, post/comment completely absurd things just to spite and create vitrol, and just seek to hate anonymously without consequence.

Doesn't anyone else get exhausted of this? Maybe I'm just soft for the internet. But I feel like 99% of the shit that some people say here for the obvious above reasons wouldn't be said to a stranger/person at work or at a public place. Isn't it getting worse than ever?

Why should I continue posting on HF? Why try and actually discuss hockey with anyone who doesn't agree with you these days cause apparently having a ratinoal discussion with two dissenting opinions is more of a unicorn here than a horse?

Just feeling really lost and hopeless on here atm

*this is in no way a shot at mods either cause I don't know how you can police/read half the shit that's said here and know you actually don't have grounds to remove it for whatever reason.
It's funny, I generally feel the same way, and then last weekend started reading the thread on the Mains on Atlanta possibly getting another franchise.

Due to a few outstanding posters, a great read and super informative on a topic I had no idea about. Thoroughly enjoyable.

I know that sometimes on here I can get information on certain things I really can't get anywhere else, and that sometimes makes up for the low points.

Also, as mentioned, I also have several on ignore that cleans up threads quite nicely. It's really a small percentage of incessant posters that in my mind, have some type of issue they work out through shit posting.

If you haven't, try that out. It really does make a huge difference.

Also, I'm now convinced an NHL franchise will thrive in Atlanta...which is a 180 from when I started reading that thread!


Low n' Slow (Me & the Food)
Sep 11, 2006
High River
I remain here only because I anxiously await a @Bobieque Picaña thread with chimichurri.
Haha. Yeah, maybe as it gets closer to playoffs we'll start a "Game-day/Off-season BBQ thread that get inspired to go make some dishes.

As a preview, last week I did Tacos Al Pastor in the smoker for the first time,

Al Pastor.jpg


go oil go
Jun 19, 2010
no harm in quitting something if it doesn’t bring you enjoyment anymore.

There’s always gonna be trolls on the internet. No place is safe

The mains especially are a terrible place, especially with anything oilers related. There are posters who have a clear agenda. Everyone knows who they are though, so they’re rarely ever taken seriously.

Maybe try Reddit oilers? In my limited interactions over there, i feel like that place is more “positive” than here. But i also feel like it can be an echo chamber.

Mr Kot

Registered User
Jan 15, 2022
I know how I'm perceived here, so I know there's a certain amount of irony for me to say this, but it's just my observations. I haven't been here as long, only around early 2010's. Yeah, I noticed a lot of change too and it's been for the worse. I am not sure why obvious trolls haven't just been given the boot; they just are allowed to fester for some reason. It's pretty rare for me to put people on ignore, but I have had to use it a few times now when I never felt the need to before. I occasionally check to see if anything was done and there hasn't. I think they get away with it because they very vaguely keep the topic to hockey, but in reality it's to just harass and derail threads.

I might get in trouble for saying this as well, but I think it needs to be said. Mods have shown a bit too much partiality to some posters, especially on the mains. Right now, there is a thread there by a troll who posted news that has almost nothing to do with hockey, but it's allowed to stay open (an anti-oiler troll who has started threads to shit on them before with similar, very loosely related "news" like todays with Katz). Before, a thread full of trolls shitting on Oilers with basically no actual discussion was allowed to fester, but when they started winning, it quickly got locked under the guise of it not being relevant anymore. So basically, for weeks, trolls were allowed to shit up the thread, but Oiler fans could never retaliate in any meaningful way because it was locked before they could. Those are just a few examples, but it's consistent. Pretty much why I don't post there anymore other than a few here or there.

And as for the idea that people are just getting meaner, I see it too. People in today's culture have an attitude of "can never do wrong" and it seems to be spilling into even such a small place like this. But yeah, I don't blame you, genuine discussion seems to be dying here. Just do what we do here and stick to our team board. It's almost the only real place you can get good insight on the team, both good and bad opinion.


pickle juice connoisseur
May 17, 2010
I make use of the ignore list.
I clear my list every season but there are a constant few that make it back onto the list quickly.
At least this isn’t like going to a bar and there is a guy that won’t stfu and you’re worried he’ll whip out his dirty old wiener and pee on you if tell him to change the topic!


pickle juice connoisseur
May 17, 2010
Don’t leave us! I promise if I become a mod I won’t trollstomp! I’ll let you know it was me!


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
DCup hunting
This is hockey related. She's a former hockey goalie. So I'm just following her currrent very successful career path, which for reasons unknown to me is highly represented on my youtube algorithm.

Don't blame me for the bounce. Youtube is pushing this in my face. ;)

ps The PWHL would get better ratings with this goalie. just saying

Oh, and Connor Brown wouldn't stand a chance..


Registered User
Feb 8, 2008
This is hockey related. She's a former hockey goalie. So I'm just following her currrent very successful career path, which for reasons unknown to me is highly represented on my youtube algorithm.

Don't blame me for the bounce. Youtube is pushing this in my face. ;)

ps The PWHL would get better ratings with this goalie. just saying

Oh, and Connor Brown wouldn't stand a chance..

Nice post, thankyou. Tongue in cheek as always. As this chat is mostly male dominated (likely), most people aren't offended by the odd pic etc of a beautiful girl. I do remember one poster on here that always complained to the mods when something random like this came on, and complained and had it removed, but he's now since left the site, so for now, this type of content is safe and freedom of speech preserved.:D

As for the site going to the dogs, I think I must be getting desensitized, because I really don't find it all that horrible. There are certain threads I enjoy (off topic, music, food, Bakersfield, etc) and certain posters that are my faves, and a host of other posters I have no problem with and enjoy their opinions, even if I don't agree with them sometimes. And the few who like to whine all the time, or look to confront, well, they can just piss off. I definitely try to keep off the in game threads, as we've seen many many times how the game can change and incompetents can become heros and vice versa. I could have given an opinion many times on those, and am sure glad I didn't. And try to wait for the post game thread to either cool down, or the over the top euphoria to chill a bit before wading in. Sometimes, next day is best.


Seen some dark places, but always pop back out!
May 9, 2010
Haha. Yeah, maybe as it gets closer to playoffs we'll start a "Game-day/Off-season BBQ thread that get inspired to go make some dishes.

As a preview, last week I did Tacos Al Pastor in the smoker for the first time,

View attachment 817135
Now tell me how the enzymes in the pineapple didn’t disintegrate the meat. I did a smoked pineapple stuffed with pork and bacon wrapped it and besides the bacon turning into candy nest it was a massive failure.


Registered User
Nov 22, 2004
I have an issue with blocking people, it doesn’t sit well with me. I much prefer not getting bent out of shape when people are venting.


Registered User
Aug 25, 2007
I have five posters on my ignore list, I try to use it for only extreme cases. As I do like all view points as long as their respectful. I have no problems debating with anyone as long as things are sensible and respectful. Even some of the Debbie Downers that only show up after a bad game or like to pick on the current pick a victim player, I'll refrain from ignoring them if they at least have a decent point to it rather than just hate for the player.


Registered User
Jul 6, 2011
I finally put a couple posters on ignore this summer after having never used that function since I joined hfboards. I pretty much stick to hfoil and have replaced the main boards with r/hockey for catching up with things around the league.
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Registered User
Jul 4, 2006
Every where you look on these boards, its littered with trolls, people who laugh at misfortune of others, wish ill on family and friends, post/comment completely absurd things just to spite and create vitrol, and just seek to hate anonymously without consequence.

Doesn't anyone else get exhausted of this? Maybe I'm just soft for the internet. But I feel like 99% of the shit that some people say here for the obvious above reasons wouldn't be said to a stranger/person at work or at a public place. Isn't it getting worse than ever?

Why should I continue posting on HF? Why try and actually discuss hockey with anyone who doesn't agree with you these days cause apparently having a ratinoal discussion with two dissenting opinions is more of a unicorn here than a horse?

Just feeling really lost and hopeless on here atm

*this is in no way a shot at mods either cause I don't know how you can police/read half the shit that's said here and know you actually don't have grounds to remove it for whatever reason.
my ignore is long. I see a troll, or someone wishing ill on someone I add them to the list. There are actually posters on this board who wished cancer on someone, when I called them out about not doing that and mentioned my dad passing from cancer the poster doubled down. I added him to the list, but man, I personally hate this poster now. I wish him no harm or ill will, but there is nothing that poster can do to fix that. I even took a break from the site and I post way less frequently now.

It's best for the mental health in these situations to just add them to ignore list and move on. The boards are less active though, but there are higher quality posts now.


Generational Backhand Pass
Nov 27, 2016
I used to have Kettcar or whatever his name is/was on my ignore list, but once I realized it's Brandon Manning I felt bad for him and unblocked him.

In all seriousness though. I think my real jobs (social fields) helped me a ton to develop a thick thread of patience. On top of that I'm mostly online when the majority on this site is not (EU time) and because of that I don't engage as much in discussions.


Low n' Slow (Me & the Food)
Sep 11, 2006
High River
Now tell me how the enzymes in the pineapple didn’t disintegrate the meat. I did a smoked pineapple stuffed with pork and bacon wrapped it and besides the bacon turning into candy nest it was a massive failure.
Oh, I just had the Pineapple on top to provide a bit of juice while cooking. I've tried "stuffed" recipes before (most memorably: A disastrous stuffed cabbage).

I basically did exactly this video:



1% is the new 11.5%
Oct 27, 2010
I personally have no one on my blocked list. It's okay to step away from HF and enjoy life away from the internet
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Expat in Germany.
Mar 24, 2008
Every where you look on these boards, its littered with trolls, people who laugh at misfortune of others, wish ill on family and friends, post/comment completely absurd things just to spite and create vitrol, and just seek to hate anonymously without consequence.

Doesn't anyone else get exhausted of this? Maybe I'm just soft for the internet. But I feel like 99% of the shit that some people say here for the obvious above reasons wouldn't be said to a stranger/person at work or at a public place. Isn't it getting worse than ever?

Why should I continue posting on HF? Why try and actually discuss hockey with anyone who doesn't agree with you these days cause apparently having a ratinoal discussion with two dissenting opinions is more of a unicorn here than a horse?

Just feeling really lost and hopeless on here atm

*this is in no way a shot at mods either cause I don't know how you can police/read half the shit that's said here and know you actually don't have grounds to remove it for whatever reason.

HFOilers should just divorce and move on mass over to another. It's not well run or moderated on the mains.

They would instantly lose 30% of the membership. I've posted here since 2002, with two accounts (same name), and it is more toxic now.
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94 Oil Drops

McHy is the new McDrai.
Sep 19, 2019
I have 26 people on ignore as of right now. Just 4 of them are Oilers fans. If you happen to not be one of them, I respect you even if we may not always agree with each other on certain topics.

The other 22 are window licking trolls on the mains that think they're on some "noble crusade" to bash the Oilers and McDavid, ect. With those idiots out of the picture, this board is generally a good time even though the mains can still get really cringe.

The bulk of my posts are usually in the GDTs. Not sure why exactly. I suppose it's just because of how active they are and seeing live reactions while watching the game or listening to it on the radio is fun. It's also nice to lament with people when we lose too. What's the old saying? "Misery loves company." 😜

I get the people that are tired of what's been going on here lately though. It's a real shame the old official OMB board went belly up in 2019, back when I became a member of HF. It was a family friendly board without all the pollution that comes from toxic fans of other NHL teams. Some of the old mods there started a new site to replace it. I joined it but it's never really taken off and I don't go there much at all. There's just no activity over there.
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