Player Discussion Quinn Hughes, Pt. VII


Very Nice, Very Evil!
Dec 13, 2006
Anyone catch Dom Luszczyszyn on Drances radio show yesterday? Jamie Dodd brought up Hughes and the Norris, which is a touchy subject with Dom because he's the guy who graded Quinn as a 3B defensemen at the start of the season.
He was such a smug jerk and acted so superior to anyone that pushed back on that, and now that the season is over, on the radio he essentially said "Sometimes I dig my heals in on something I really believe even if it goes against popular opinion but in the case of Hughes there were a lot of people I trust who was saying he was not as great as MY data showed and I was swayed by them"

A total cop out. That excuse is a crock of sh*t and self serving. I don't believe him for a second and even if what he's saying is true then his posts should be ignored because who knows if he actually believes what he's writing or not.
I disagree with the way you see the world.


Registered User
Jul 11, 2014
The NHL is a game of adjustments.....teams will take note on how the Oilers have totally neutralized Hughes in this series, and expect to see more of the same when the regular seasons resumes next Fall.

Hughes isn't a big man, and the punishment he's taking isn't sustainable in a long series. But that's just the way it is in the playoffs. By the time you get to this stage of the playoffs, every team is deep and fast. The ice closes down--and Hughes simply isn't getting the time and space to make plays.

And I still wonder if he's trying to play through some kind of injury.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2012
Hughes has been hobbled since game 1 Nashville. He was great in that one, and half speed ever since. He loses every race.


Registered User
Jul 11, 2014
I think the Oilers know that Hughes is on the limp. He gets plastered every time he handles the puck....and it seems to me he's trying shy away from every heavy contact.

But that's just the way it is in the playoffs. I see Brad Marchand in Boston finally admitted what everyone already knows--hitting your opponent to hurt him is just part of the playoff strategy.


Registered User
Jun 26, 2018
Disappointing start, very 1st shift of the game he got slashed and dropped his stick, looked at the ref wanting a call, then almost got scored on because he was too casual. Needs to want it way more and needs to show it. He set the precedent for the team in a negative way, didn’t play balls to the wall all out hockey with his heart on the line, leader has to lead by example. Got embarrassingly walked around by some plug a couple shifts later.


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Oct 26, 2012
Calgary, AB


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